CNN Refuses To Report On Illegal Alien Serial Killer Allegedly Murdering 12 Elderly Women In Texas

CNN has refused to write a report about an illegal alien who was charged last week in Dallas, Texas for allegedly murdering 12 elderly women.

On CNN's website, there are no reports about the case, and the network buried the story on its television coverage, giving it minimum coverage so it could not be accused of ignoring it completely.

Nobody watches CNN anymore.
Other than politics these days, CNN buries everything. Only the recent tornadoes have got them back to giving some news of the severe weather we have had across the country in recent weeks.
CNN has refused to write a report about an illegal alien who was charged last week in Dallas, Texas for allegedly murdering 12 elderly women.

On CNN's website, there are no reports about the case, and the network buried the story on its television coverage, giving it minimum coverage so it could not be accused of ignoring it completely.
So they refused to cover it but gave it minimum coverage? You realize that is contradictory, right?
How refreshing. Maybe we can get back to different news organizations running different news stories
I heard this guy may turn out to be the biggest serial murderer in history. The cops are looking at a ton of stuff on him. ICE better file their detainer.
The story of his first murder came out about a year ago, since then he has been tied to more murders that are now coming to light.

Not surprised the Fox News crowd criticizing CNN for not letting a news story die when they all have their VCR's set to record the Hannity special tonight where he reveals shocking new details on Benghazi.
The OP is just another dim bulb sharing news articles from less than reputable news sources. BAU.
I guess I don't understand why this is less than reputable but CNN is reputable? Really? It's almost like you have a bias or something.
Here's what I don't get. We talk about identity politics all the time, as if it is only endemic on the left.

Whenever there's a story of a police officer shooting an unarmed black person, people on the right scream the liberal media is making it a race issue. Okay, fair enough. So if we don't want to do identity politics, why should it matter what a murderer's race or legal status is? Both are creating a narrative for political reasons.

My point? Cons are not above identity politics, either. This is a perfect case in point.
Here's what I don't get. We talk about identity politics all the time, as if it is only endemic on the left.

Whenever there's a story of a police officer shooting an unarmed black person, people on the right scream the liberal media is making it a race issue. Okay, fair enough. So if we don't want to do identity politics, why should it matter what a murderer's race or legal status is? Both are creating a narrative for political reasons.

My point? Cons are not above identity politics, either. This is a perfect case in point.
yes I'm 100% proud to do identity politics conservative religious don't have a problem with it
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1. The OP's article was posted originally on 5/21
2. The first news of this person was in March
3. Fox News online search showed no article on 5/21
I'm in Texas and I haven't heard much of it and this is probably why..... I'm guessing if the authorities think we might have a serial killer running around Texas they don't want to Spook us out
yes I'm 100% proud to do identity politics conservative religious don't have a problem with it

Okay, fair enough. I applaud you for your integrity. Then if what's good for the goose is good for the gander, you can't complain when liberal media drive the police brutality of minorities narrative.
Okay, fair enough. I applaud you for your integrity. Then if what's good for the goose is good for the gander, you can't complain when liberal media drive the police brutality of minorities narrative.
fair enough but I think most of that brutality was invented for Liberal politics I think yes there is a few racist cops here and there but not enough to burn Ferguson down over I think they invented and blew up way out of proportion certain things so we can have Ferguson and kneeling at the NFL
fair enough but I think most of that brutality was invented for Liberal politics I think yes there is a few racist cops here and there but not enough to burn Ferguson down over I think they invented and blew up way out of proportion certain things so we can have Ferguson and kneeling at the NFL

I might need to check myself into the nut hut because I agree with you.

However, I will say I don't necessarily believe it's always racism that's the reason for some of these shootings. I think more times than not fear is the primary factor. I'm guessing most of these police officers have good intentions, but whenever fear is in play they default to their assumptions.

Conversely, there are some cops who are in fact racist who might have never unjustifiably shot a minority before but love to target them, or, as one of my cousins from Alabama put it, "love to put the handcuffs on extra tight for n-words."

I do agree the liberal media often drive a false narrative that is dangerous and counterproductive. At the same time, it has led to the implementation of body cams and greater transparency. Those are good things.

Someone in the military suggested it would be more respectful if they took a knee in protest instead of sitting. That's exactly what they did. I have no problem with NFL players exercising their 1st Amendment rights. I also have no problem with owners enforcing rules, if they're in place, for no political theater or statements in the workplace. I do, however, have a problem with President Pussygrabber trying to get involved in the matter for the sole purpose of pandering to his base of inbred degeneratives who have never enlisted in the military or given themselves to any cause whatsoever in service of our country.
Here's what I don't get. We talk about identity politics all the time, as if it is only endemic on the left.

Whenever there's a story of a police officer shooting an unarmed black person, people on the right scream the liberal media is making it a race issue. Okay, fair enough. So if we don't want to do identity politics, why should it matter what a murderer's race or legal status is? Both are creating a narrative for political reasons.

My point? Cons are not above identity politics, either. This is a perfect case in point.
Sorry, but your premise is flawed.
Cons don't defend all cop killings of unarmed blacks, they defend those accused of murder on false premises (hands up dont shoot etc...) and they get tired of seeing all cops vilified as racists.
The difference in these illegal immigrant criminal cases is no one is condemning all Hispanics or even making a remote hint of doing so, this is about people who are in this country illegally committing murder. It's not identity politics to expect our country to enforce basic immigration laws and know who's coming in.
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The story of his first murder came out about a year ago, since then he has been tied to more murders that are now coming to light.

Not surprised the Fox News crowd criticizing CNN for not letting a news story die when they all have their VCR's set to record the Hannity special tonight where he reveals shocking new details on Benghazi.


It's 2019.
Sorry, but your premise is flawed.
Cons don't defend all cop killings of unarmed blacks, they defend those accused of murder on false premises (hands up dont shoot etc...) and they get tired of seeing all cops vilified as racists.
The difference in these illegal immigrant criminal cases is no one is condemning all Hispanics or even making a remote hint of doing so, this is about people who are in this country illegally committing murder. It's not identity politics to expect our country to enforce basic immigration laws and know who's coming in.

Racist! ;)
Sorry, but your premise is flawed.
Cons don't defend all cop killings of unarmed blacks, they defend those accused of murder on false premises (hands up dont shoot etc...) and they get tired of seeing all cops vilified as racists.
The difference in these illegal immigrant criminal cases is no one is condemning all Hispanics or even making a remote hint of doing so, this is about people who are in this country illegally committing murder. It's not identity politics to expect our country to enforce basic immigration laws and know who's coming in.

Believe it or not, I agree with most of what you said.

Where I differ is that if illegal immigration is a problem, and it's a black and white issue, then illegal behavior is irrelevant. Because there are plenty of illegal immigrants here who aren't murderers and who actually pay taxes and contribute to society.

The point is referencing someone's legal status who has committed a crime is done so to stoke fear and resentment. It is no different than liberal media outlets creating a narrative that police are targeting black people to shoot.

If illegal immigration is a problem, then the issue stands on its own merits. It doesn't need to be amplified by fear mongering.
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Believe it or not, I agree with most of what you said.

Where I differ is that if illegal immigration is a problem, and it's a black and white issue, then illegal behavior is irrelevant. Because there are plenty of illegal immigrants here who aren't murderers and who actually pay taxes and contribute to society.

The point is referencing someone's legal status who has committed a crime is done so to stoke fear and resentment. It is no different than liberal media outlets creating a narrative that police are targeting black people to shoot.

If illegal immigration is a problem, then the issue stands on its own merits. It doesn't need to be amplified by fear mongering.
Apparently it does news to be amplified by some examples of the worst offenses by illegal aliens bc nothing useful has been done about it for decades. I still don't see this as identity politics, it's about making a case for fixing a broken system.
Juat bc the end goal of getting something fixed/changed might be the same, doesn't mean the methods used are. Is wwjd using identity politics when he posts dire predictions for global catastrophe due to climate change? No but he's certainly trying to scare people into agreeing to certain action.
Apparently it does news to be amplified by some examples of the worst offenses by illegal aliens bc nothing useful has been done about it for decades. I still don't see this as identity politics, it's about making a case for fixing a broken system.
Juat bc the end goal of getting something fixed/changed might be the same, doesn't mean the methods used are. Is wwjd using identity politics when he posts dire predictions for global catastrophe due to climate change? No but he's certainly trying to scare people into agreeing to certain action.

I understand your points.

The bottomline is objectivity should rule the day. We all have inherent biases.
Believe it or not, I agree with most of what you said.

Where I differ is that if illegal immigration is a problem, and it's a black and white issue, then illegal behavior is irrelevant. Because there are plenty of illegal immigrants here who aren't murderers and who actually pay taxes and contribute to society.

The point is referencing someone's legal status who has committed a crime is done so to stoke fear and resentment. It is no different than liberal media outlets creating a narrative that police are targeting black people to shoot.

If illegal immigration is a problem, then the issue stands on its own merits. It doesn't need to be amplified by fear mongering.

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