Anyone have the official rule?
Not seeing any illegal infraction on Pemsl’s part.
Art. 6. After a successful goal or goaltending/basket interference violation as listed in Rule 7-3�1�c:
The team not credited with the score shall make the throw-in from the end of the court where the goal was made, and the thrower-in may move along the end line and make the throw-in from any point out of bounds on the end line� The thrower-in may also move along the end line when the following occurs:
1� A common foul is committed near the end line before the bonus is in effect;
2� A flagrant 1 or 2 personal by the defensive team is committed near the end line;
3� The ball is intentionally kicked by the defensive team along the end line during the throw-in, or
4� A timeout is granted�
b� In 7-4�6�a�1 through �4, any player of the throw-in team may make a direct throw-in or may pass the ball along the end line to a teammate(s) who is also out of bounds�
Art. 7. After a single technical foul, excluding a contact dead ball technical or a flagrant 2 technical, play shall resume with a throw-in from a designated spot using the procedures in Rule 7-3�2�
Art. 8. After a single contact dead ball technical or a flagrant 2 technical, the ball is awarded to the offended team for a throw-in at the division line on either side of the playing court�
Art. 9. After any double personal or technical fouls or any simultaneous personal or technical fouls committed when there is team control and neither foul is a flagrant foul, play shall resume with a throw-in from a designated spot using the procedures in Rule 7-3�2
Art. 10. After any double personal or technical fouls or any simultaneous personal or technical fouls when there is team control and only one of the fouls
is a flagrant foul, the ball is awarded to the team offended by the flagrant foul for a throw-in from a designated spot using the procedures in Rule 7-3�2�
Art. 11. After any double personal or technical fouls or any simultaneous personal or technical fouls committed when there is no team control and neither foul is a flagrant foul or contact dead ball technical foul, play shall resume with a throw-in from a designated spot using the procedures in Rule 7-3�2�
Art. 12. After any double or personal technical fouls or any simultaneous or personal or technical fouls when there is no team control while a try is in flight, and only one of the fouls is a flagrant foul, the ball is awarded to the team offended by the flagrant foul for a throw-in at a designated spot using the procedures in Rule 7-3�2 unless the flagrant foul is a flagrant 2 technical foul in which case the throw-in shall be at a designated spot at the division line on either side of the playing court�
Art. 13. After any double personal or technical fouls or any simultaneous personal or technical fouls when there is no team control (excluding when a try is in flight) and only one of the fouls is a flagrant foul, the ball is awarded to the team offended by the flagrant personal foul for a throw-in at a designated spot using the procedures in Rule 7-3�2 unless the flagrant foul is a contact dead ball technical foul or flagrant 2 technical foul, in which case the throw-in shall be at a designated spot at the division line at either side of the playing court�
Art. 14. After a flagrant 1 or 2 personal foul, play shall resume with a throw- in by the offended team from a designated spot using the procedures in Rule 7-3�2� (See Rule 7-4�6�a�2)
Art. 15. After the administration of the penalty for a personal foul or a technical foul, the penalty for a single flagrant 2 technical foul or a single contact dead ball technical foul shall be administered� The ball shall be put back into play by the team offended by the flagrant 2 or contact dead ball technical foul at a designated spot at the division line at either side of the playing court�
Art. 16. After the administration of a technical foul, the penalty for a subsequent technical foul shall be administered� Play shall be resumed with a throw-in at a designated spot using the procedures in Rule 7-3�2�
a� After a single flagrant 2 technical foul or contact dead ball technical foul, play shall resume by awarding the ball to the offended team at a designated spot at the division line on either side of the court�
b� When multiple technical fouls are committed during the same dead ball period, at least one of which is a single contact dead ball technical foul or a single flagrant 2 technical foul, play will resume as if the last committed single contact dead ball technical foul or single flagrant 2 technical foul was the only foul committed�
Art. 17. After a free-throw violation by the shooting team as listed in Rule 8-5, any opponent of the shooting team shall make the throw-in from a designated spot using the procedures in Rule 7-3�2�
Art. 18. After an inadvertent whistle, play shall be resumed at a designated spot using the procedures in Rule 7-3�2�
Section 5. Throw-in—Point of Interruption
Art. 1. Play shall be resumed after any appropriate penalty is administered or for any of the reasons listed in 4-28�1�a through �e by one of the following methods:
a� A throw-in to the team that was in control at a designated spot using the procedures in Rule 7-3�2�
1� A ball that is not in contact with a player or the playing court retains the same status as when it was last in contact with a player or the playing court� This does not apply to a try in flight�
b� A throw-in to the offended team at the division line at either side of the playing court for a single contact dead ball technical or a single flagrant 2 technical�
c� A free throw or a throw-in using the procedures in Rule 7-3�2 when the stoppage occurred during this activity or when a team is entitled to such with no reset of the shot clock�
d� An alternating-possession throw-in at a designated spot using the procedures in Rule 7-3�2 with a reset of the shot clock when the point of interruption is such that neither team is in control and no goal, infraction, nor end of half/extra period is involved� When there is no team control due to a try in flight and the try is unsuccessful, the ball is awarded to the team entitled to the alternating-possession arrow at a designated spot usng the procedures in Rule 7-3�2� (Exception: Rule 2-11.7.i)
Section 6. Throw-in — Requirements
Art. 1. A throw-in is the method of putting the ball in play from out of bounds� Art. 2. A thrower-in is the player attempting the throw-in�
Art. 3. The throw-in shall start and the throw-in team shall have team control when the ball is at the disposal of a player entitled to the throw-in�
Art. 4. A throw-in and the throw-in count shall begin when the ball is at the disposal of the player entitled to the throw-in�
Art. 5. A throw-in shall end when a passed ball legally touches an inbounds player or when a player, who is located on the playing court, touches and causes the ball to be out of bounds or when the throw-in team commits a throw-in violation�
Art. 6. The thrower-in shall release the ball not more than five seconds after the throw-in count begins� The pass shall go directly into the playing court, except as provided in Rule 7-4�6�b�
Art. 7. The throw-in count shall end when the ball is released by the thrower-in so that the ball goes directly onto the playing court�
Art. 8. The following pertain to a designated spot:
a The designated spot is the location at which a thrower-in is presented
disposal of the ball out of bounds as in 4-11�1�a through �c�
b� The designated spot shall be 3-feet wide with no depth limitation�
c� The thrower-in must keep one foot on or over the designated spot until
the ball is released� Pivot foot restrictions and the traveling rule are not in effect for a throw-in�
d� The thrower-in shall not leave the designated spot until he has released the ball and the thrown-in ball has crossed the plane of the sideline or end line�
e� In arenas or gyms where there is insufficient space along the out-of-bounds line for a throw-in, an official shall require the defender guarding the thrower- in to move back a reasonable distance to give the thrower-in an opportunity to make a throw-in�
Art. 9. Until the throw-in ball crosses the plane of the sideline or end line:
a� The thrower-in may not touch the ball until it touches another player
b� No opponent of the thrower-in shall have any part of his person over the inside plane of the boundary line�
c� Teammates shall not line up next to each other within 6 feet of a boundary line and parallel to it when an opponent desires a spot between the positions�
d� Teammates may occupy adjacent positions near a boundary line when the teammates take adjacent positions that are perpendicular to the boundary line�
Art. 10. When the ball is located out of bounds, the thrower-in may pass the ball into the backcourt�
Art. 11. During any throw-in, the throw-in team may cause the ball to go into the backcourt, regardless of where the throw-in spot is located�
Art. 12. After the throw-in ends, an inbounds player in the frontcourt who is not in control of the ball may cause the ball to go into the backcourt�
Art. 13. When the ball is awarded to the wrong team, the error must be rectified before the throw-in ends�