Columbia University seems nice


HR Legend
Feb 4, 2004
Fort Lauderdale
This encampment needs to be cleared,.. Can't allow this to become a reenactment of Occupy Wall Street or the 2020 Summer of Love,... Does anyone else think that it's not a coincidence that this shit is happening again during an election year?...
Good people on both sides. Not a cult. The left is Taliban. Taliban is the left.
I don't understand why you are trying to equate these people to what people said about Trump. People said those things about Trump because Trump said those things and people just increased their support for them. While Biden hasn't exactly been hostile to these protesters he hasn't been embracing them with open arms and Israel is still getting our support so their protests aren't doing anything with policy. It is certainly a different tone than how Trump openly welcomed all the racists in Charlottesville.

If this is your attempt at "See how it feels to be called the same as the Taliban?", it doesn't make sense for the same reasons I just mentioned. The Democratic party is tolerating them but I can guarantee that none of them are supportive of the violence here. It would be nice if some of the leaders came out and emphasized the importance of protesting peacefully. Then again, a few isolated incidents isn't going to move the needle for that. If it becomes a trend though I would expect some of them to step up.
The fine people on both sides statement by trump is yet another leftist lie just FYI lol

As for Columbia I think it's great watching the lefties and their infighting. Saw ilhan Omar, best known for being a useless idiot and marrying her brother, had a kid who went to Columbia until she got arrested and expelled from the school for supporting hamas terrorists and generally being useless like her mother. Now she's crying about being homeless 😂 FAFO...
I have a feeling you will be seeing some changes coming to a lot of your private colleges, especially the Ivy leagues, but also the Public Ivys. They have already been dealing with blowback from increasing pressure from unfairness on admissions and super high tuition costs, far out stripping inflation, that when you delve deeper, has a component of making middle and upper class students pay the bulk of the full to near full tuition price so they can be more inclusive and give a lot of free to near free rides to lower income and more diverse students. In other words my public Ivy school I went to has a tuition and board cost 4 times than it was when I graduated in 1994 but is giving much more full rides and more diverse and has more lower income families. The cost of living has doubled so all in it should be 110-120k. That sounds all great until nolcloneJR got in this spring with no scholarship and we both decided the actual 250k it now costs just is not worth it when going to FSU will literally cost 5k a year all in due to prepay tuition, bright futures, and a 20k scholarship.

Basically another example of a pendulum swinging too far in the other direction. Many universities have already been aware their model has issues and are seeing issues as middle and upper class start sending their kids to better value in state schools and the lack of alum dollars pouring in from alumni over the last 15-20 years is dramatically going down from these policies. Beware of unintended consequences.

Definitely not a good situation and a black eye for a lot of these schools that will haunt them for years and years to come not tamping this down and letting third party rabble on campus to help enforce antisemitism on campus. Rather pathetic really, when all you have to do is arrest the trespassers and tell the students to leave or you are expelled.

Protests at Columbia and other schools escalate​

  • Pro-Hamas protests are in their seventh day at Columbia University, as tensions rise on campus and Jewish students, faculty and staff celebrate the Passover holiday.
  • Protests at various colleges and universities continued Tuesday and school officials are taking extraordinary steps to confront the growing crisis.
  • Additional protests on Monday took place at universities including Yale and New York University. NYU students and faculty members were arrested during protests on the school’s campus Monday night, police said.
  • Elected officials have weighed in as well, from the White House to the House of Representatives and beyond.

Edited for accuracy.
Columbia University is now entering the Find Out phase, as I suspect some of the other Ivy League type schools who let things get out of hand will also be entering. That is a lot of money to miss out on so they could permit non students to squat on campus and harass Jewish students with antisemitism hate speech. All the more salt to wounds after these people occupied and vandalized a building. There will be more of this cut off of donations by alum as well as a significant decline of them sending grandkids and kids elsewhere.

My grandfather graduated from Columbia in 1942 and then joined the Army. I’m curious what his take would be on all this. 🙂