men competing in sports, an open border, & being soft on crime are really hurt Democrats - in general I think being "Woke" really hurt the Democrats
I have been reading a lot of the post-mortem, and I think this is generally right, but it's even more nuanced.
It's not simply that the Democratic party is viewed to support these issues, it's how they TALK about these issues. With absolutely zero tolerance for any dissent. They treat people that are experiencing fallout from these issues like they are imagining it, and also that its good. And ANY dissent is racist. bigoted, fascist, etc.
I'm less convinced they have to radically change positions, as much as learn how to talk about them, and allow for differences of opinion.
It's kind of the Joe Rogan thing...Joe Rogan is not a conservative, he's got extremely liberal views on almost everything...a Bernie supporter, Obama supporter, pro choice, pro drugs, etc etc. But for being contrarian about vaccines, a determined sacrosanct platform of the left for some reason, the left wished to destroy him. Because he has open dialogue even with people he disagrees with or have crappy opinions, Democrats can't go on his show without blowback from their base.
Musk is a liberal too.
But slip a bit, and they'll cast you out.
Meanwhile the Republicans under Trump have widened the tent incredibly...ultra holier than thou Christians, total scumbag libertines, racists, conspiracy mongers, practical economy minded people, the Amish, factory workers, Latinos, etc.
You can agree or disagree if that's a good thing, but obviously Trump has made both the Amish and brothel owners feel like they can vote for him.