Compare How Bernie Handles an Unfriendly Press with Trump, Cruz....

Only study after study has refuted this nonsense, and still I hear simpletons parroting this demonstrably stupid policy because it "sounds" good in their Milton Friedman Utopia fantasy world.

Competition makes everyone better. Vouchers give parents the power to send their children to the school of their choice. This would allow us to eliminate testing to grade schools... enrollment will tell us which schools are performing well and which ones are not.

There's nothing Utopian about that. Some schools will fail. I argue that allowing bad schools to fail is far superior to propping up bad schools in a state perpetual mediocrity.
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True, but he doesn't have a path to the nomination so no reason to spend time imagining him.

War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing, say it again my brother!

Bernie is the only true candidate that thinks war should always be the last option. Most on the right think the opposite and would go to war.

Bomb bomb bomb Iran? Lets turn the Middle East to glass? The GOP spews this rhetoric without thinking of innocent lives lost.
I dont think Rand Paul has an itchy trigger finger. He seems the most sensible about wars and the Middle East from the GOP.
Which is why some of us lefties cut Rand a good measure of slack. We'd be even more supportive of him if he hadn't waffled on things like the TPP and climate change.
If that is what it takes to keep social unrest in-check then i think it would be a cheap payoff for the mega wealthy. Free universal HC and free college should be looked at as social uprising insurance for the mega wealthy.
Even I am not that cynical.

Not that you are wrong, but I would hope you might support those things because of the good they do.

I mean why even have a nation if it doesn't do good for its citizens?
Competition makes everyone better. Vouchers give parents the power to send their children to the school of their choice. This would allow us to eliminate testing to grade schools... enrollment will tell us which schools are performing well and which ones are not.

There's nothing Utopian about that. Some schools will fail. I argue that allowing bad schools to fail is far superior to propping up bad schools in a state perpetual mediocrity.

Only, as I have already said, this has been proven not to work. One study tracked the success of children in DC who won a private school voucher lottery and those who did not. There was zero correlation between the "high achieving" private school kids vs the "low achieving" public school kids when it came to college and career success. You know where there WAS a higher correlation? Between the public school kids whose parents enrolled in the voucher lottery vs those who didn't. These results have been replicated in state after state. The issue of "underperforming" schools is an issue of social responsibility, and a misunderstanding of the REAL issues above all else.
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Even I am not that cynical.

Not that you are wrong, but I would hope you might support those things because of the good they do.

I mean why even have a nation if it doesn't do good for its citizens?

Oh I believe in the good those things provide and am for them BUT with the current state of economic imbalance these things should be easy to sell to both the mega wealth and the increasing group of lower class.

Bernie a socialist populist and Trump a capitalist populist aren't gaining traction by accident, the American people have been pushed to this point.