
Conan, Letterman, and Craig Ferguson were the last of the great late night guys. Kimmel, Meyers, Fallon, and Colbert all suck.
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He's a national treasure. People who don't like conan:

Go Away GIF

Conan o Brian is a goddamn national treasure. Anyone who disagrees can see me at fight studio!
Homer Simpson Yes GIF
Norm sees the coming Tonight Show mess before it happens

Norm Macdonald's "Sully Sullenberger: Airport Pilot" - 2/10/09

  • Haha
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Probably the only good thing Bill O’Reilly ever did

The Fallout from "Who Wants to Marry the Masturbating Bear" - 3/2/2000

Norm next to a lady guest was always good

Norm Macdonald Is Smitten With Keke Palmer | CONAN on TBS

Original "Tonight Show" Host Steve Allen Meets Chris Farley | Late Night with Conan O’Brien

Norm Macdonald on Conan - Sick cat story (June 1996) Full Appearance Hilarious Jokes

May 1996

Norm Macdonald on CONAN - Christmas dinner, a bum & Michael Jackson (Jan 1996)

Norm Macdonald Interview - 8/27/1996

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Norm Macdonald Met Larry Flynt At Correspondents' Dinner | Late Night with Conan O’Brien - May 15, 1997

Norm MacDonald on Conan (1997-02-21)

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From the comments...."She's a real life "The girl you wish you never started a conversation with at a party" character from SNL"

Most Awkward Conan Interview Of All Time

Norm Macdonald on CONAN - Bob Dole, Gay Porn & Uncle Basil (Nov 1996) Full Interview