Congresswoman Tenney Moves to Make President Trump’s Birthday a Federal Holiday

Our preferred pronoun is “libtard”.

Mark me as another that will be dancing on Trump’s grave when his syphilis-infused brain finally quits on him.
Of course you will, comrade, at the hope of getting your green check restored!!!
You think that’s what this is? For me it isn’t.

My wife and I have great jobs, we are healthy, and we have awesome kids. I’m not afraid now or for the future because I have confidence is Christ Jesus.

Who know who will be crying? Families of Vets who can’t get the mental health care they need and they end up taking their own lives due to Trumps policies.

I hope it’s worth owning the libs on a message board and the extra 200 points in the DOW.
Speaking of mental health care...........
You think that’s what this is? For me it isn’t.

My wife and I have great jobs, we are healthy, and we have awesome kids. I’m not afraid now or for the future because I have confidence is Christ Jesus.

Who know who will be crying? Families of Vets who can’t get the mental health care they need and they end up taking their own lives due to Trumps policies.

I hope it’s worth owning the libs on a message board and the extra 200 points in the DOW.

Jesus has a reputation of not showing up. This country is falling apart thanks to your Republicans in congress enabling the Orange Turd and President Rasputin. It's past the point of MAGAs facing reality.

A multi-billionaire with unfettered access to the nation's financial systems with a team of techs can meander and plant any codes they want to use now or in the future should be enough to alarm. The Orange Turd is too dumb to understand. MAGAs are too dumb to understand. Republicans in congress are either too dumb or greedy to understand or care. I vote for both.

The United States can't function without a federal government. It evolved to the point we are for a reason. It pisses me off to hear/read our problems result from spend and not revenue. We have starved our coffers for 40 years and more. I read posters compare formulas with GDPs, which is bullshit. Of course, spending increases. When in history didn't if? When in history did aircraft carriers cost 15 billion (+). We spend money to care for our citizens and the worlds. Research. Caring. Compassion. We are a world leader.

A ridiculous concept is responsibility will be handed over to the states, the most amateurish, ineffective form of government. Many states are on their own budget slashing campaigns. Combine this federal agency elimination and citizens will be left with no support, but that's for another topic.

Federalization deemed necessary early in our nation's history was based on the concept of the interest of one state was in the interest of all states. When something went awry in one the other states came their aid. Mutual interest which afforded protection and aid. It bonded the states into an enterprising "nation". MAGAs should seriously consider this. Nah! Forget it.

If court actions don't keep President Rasputin from disassembling this great nation's government, we will be in territory no one ever thought possible. Speaker Johnson is so far down the totem pole in intelligence and character he can be considered a threat only by his proximity to the Orange Turd. The Republicans are on ultra-thin ice with Orange Turd's recklessness and increasing inflation. He is and has been a sick man, mentally and morally. The bravado and game show celebrity has been the schtick that has carried him but now he looks like a feeble wimp adjacent to President Rasputin. It will get worse, ala Biden.

Get ready Orange Turd groupies. Your Orange feeble dropping is an old man sinking into senility. It won't do any good making comparisons to Biden.

The Orange Dropping has always been stupid con-man

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