Conservative group files complaint against NFL over Rooney Rule


HB King
May 29, 2001
With nine minority head coaches lined up to lead NFL teams in 2024, the Rooney Rule is having one of its best years ever.
The question now is whether the hiring practice — and its progeny in corporate America — will stay in the game much longer amid a wave of legal challenges to workplace diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. On Tuesday, a conservative legal nonprofit filed a federal civil rights complaint against the NFL, alleging that the rule is illegal.

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“If the National Football League truly wants to end discrimination in the employment process, then the NFL should stop discriminating in the employment process, follow the meritocratic system it displays on the field, and eliminate the Rooney Rule,” said Ian Prior, a senior adviser with America First Legal, the nonprofit founded by former Donald Trump adviser Stephen Miller.

Through a spokesperson, the NFL said that it looks “forward to responding to this complaint and demonstrating that our policies and programs are fully consistent with the law and with fundamental notions of fairness.”
“We are proud of the work that we have done to promote equal employment opportunities for women and people of color and the resulting growth in diversity throughout the NFL,” the league added, noting that “diversity makes us better.”
Hundreds of companies have adopted some form of the Rooney Rule since 2003, when the league began compelling teams to interview minority candidates for any head coaching position. Many Fortune 500 companies go further, with some requiring that as many as three-quarters of job contenders come from underrepresented groups, or offering incentives to select them.

Now, some legal scholars and conservative activists say the hiring practice — referred to in the private sector as “diverse candidate slates” — could be legally vulnerable, especially since the Supreme Court upended race-conscious college admissions in June, sparking a wave of legal challenges against corporate diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives.
Kenji Yoshino, a New York University law professor and director of the Meltzer Center for Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging, consults with Fortune 500 companies on the legal risks facing DEI programs. The center rates programs “green,” “yellow” and “red” depending on their level of risk, with the last being the riskiest.
“The Rooney Rule is squarely in the yellow zone,” Yoshino said in an interview.

That’s because the practice typically allows hiring managers to consider race and gender when populating candidate pools, which could be perceived as a form of discrimination, Yoshino said. On the other hand, candidates are not ultimately chosen based on those characteristics, so there’s a “firewall” between sourcing and the final decisions, he said. The practice, he added, has been deemed legal in several lower-court cases in the 1990s.

Yet over the past year, signs have emerged that it may again be tested in court.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaint filed Tuesday contends the Rooney Rule violates Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and that the agency should investigate.

“It is abundantly clear that the NFL and its member teams do indeed limit, segregate, or classify their employees or applicants for employment in ways that deprive at least some individuals of interview and employment opportunities specifically because of race, color, or sex,” the letter says.
Similar allegations have been leveled against programs in corporate America.
In January, America First Legal accused pharmaceutical giant Sanofi of discrimination because its “diverse slate policy” requires at least one person of color and one woman be considered for an open position. In a pair of Jan. 2 letters addressed to the EEOC and the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, the nonprofit accused the company of violating federal law and said it should be investigated. EEOC complaints can be precursors to lawsuits.

“These programs have some real legal problems,” Prior said in an interview.
Sanofi said in a statement that its diversity efforts are “fully compliant with the law” and that the company “will continue to strive to reflect the diversity of the patients we serve.”
Even “nuanced” policies on diverse slates, Prior argued, can violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits employment discrimination. America First Legal also has targeted diverse candidate slate policies at Mars and Activision Blizzard, which was recently acquired by Microsoft.

“We’re in a new era,” Prior said, referring to the Supreme Court’s college admissions ruling. “And these are cases that are going to start working their way up the federal courts.”

In a Jan. 11 letter sent to 10 recruiting firms, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) took a similar position. He wrote that he had received “troubling reports that recruiting firms are conspiring with companies to exclude ‘non-diverse’ candidates from the hiring pool.”

“Race-based hiring policies are being challenged in court, and you can be assured that corporate DEI initiatives that discriminate based on race will soon suffer the same fate as affirmative action in academia,” Cotton wrote.
The legal scrutiny comes as diverse slate practices have exploded in corporate America. A survey of 489 companies by DEI consulting firm Diversity MBA Media showed that 85 percent of respondents had selected job candidates using some form of a diverse slate policy in 2022 — up from 64 percent in 2012. The survey respondents span 38 industries — including technology, retail and finance — and average $27 billion in annual revenue.

“In the last two decades, it really became more formalized,” Pam McElvane, the chief executive of Diversity MBA Media, said in an interview. “Now organizations are creating practices — required practices — around diverse slates.”

Even with the wide adoption of diverse hiring slates, few people of color helm the largest U.S. companies. In 2023, eight Black CEOs led Fortune 500 companies, a record high.
But McElvane’s data, which she collects to track companies’ progress on DEI efforts, shows that diverse slates work best when coupled with what McElvane described as an “accountability measure” — which can be an incentive or penalty tied to a manager’s success in meeting the company’s diversity goals.

For example, 36 percent of the surveyed companies provided some kind of incentive — including bonuses — for meeting diversity goals. On the whole, those companies saw the highest rates of women and people of color promoted to senior leadership. Forty-nine percent of the companies surveyed made hiring decisions based on diverse slates, only sometimes using an incentive. While those companies still saw people of color moving into senior leadership, fewer women rose to those roles.

So, conservatives deciding to just be obviously racist again...
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Doesn't the rule simply say you must interview a person of color not hire them? Man, Republicans are racist AF.
Shouldn't it be as simple as:

- How many minority applicants are there.
- How many minority applicants didn't get hired.
- How many white applicants are there.
- How many white applicants didn't get hired.

Take those numbers and compare them to the demographics of the country and see if there is any discrepancies. For example. If AT&T had 50% minorities employed, but minorities only accounted for 23% of the population, wouldn't it be safe to say that something is off? Conversely, if AT&T only had 8% minorities working for it, that would equally be "off".

Am I to believe that if John Smith (white) and Darren Nelson (black) both applied to be a coach for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers that Darren Nelson, being more qualified than John Smith, wouldn't be hired simply because he's black?
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Shouldn't it be as simple as:

- How many minority applicants are there.
- How many minority applicants didn't get hired.
- How many white applicants are there.
- How many white applicants didn't get hired.

Take those numbers and compare them to the demographics of the country and see if there is any discrepancies. For example. If AT&T had 50% minorities employed, but minorities only accounted for 23% of the population, wouldn't it be safe to say that something is off? Conversely, if AT&T only had 8% minorities working for it, that would equally be "off".

Am I to believe that if John Smith (white) and Darren Nelson (black) both applied to be a coach for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers that Darren Nelson, being more qualified than John Smith, wouldn't be hired simply because he's black?
I don’t think you can use those numbers when 70 percent of the nfl is black
I don’t think you can use those numbers when 70 percent of the nfl is black
That's a fair point. ...popped into my head after I pressed post. So, are a lot of NFL players applying and subsequently being denied coaching positions? I don't know. I've never looked it up. Oddly enough the HCs of both my team and my son's are black; Todd Bowles & DeMeco Ryans.
Doesn't the rule simply say you must interview a person of color not hire them? Man, Republicans are racist AF.
I think there is also bonus draft picks if you have minority coaches. Or you lose minority coaches. Something like that.
Here is a current look at Major League Baseball:

40 % of MLB players are Hispanic or Latino
Out of 30 MLB managers there are 6 Hispanic or Latino

8% of MLB players are African-American
There are no African-American MLB managers
Who are they suing on behalf of? Neither of the new black HC did Rooney interviews. They were both hired internally.
Shouldn't it be as simple as:

- How many minority applicants are there.
- How many minority applicants didn't get hired.
- How many white applicants are there.
- How many white applicants didn't get hired.

Take those numbers and compare them to the demographics of the country and see if there is any discrepancies. For example. If AT&T had 50% minorities employed, but minorities only accounted for 23% of the population, wouldn't it be safe to say that something is off? Conversely, if AT&T only had 8% minorities working for it, that would equally be "off".

Am I to believe that if John Smith (white) and Darren Nelson (black) both applied to be a coach for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers that Darren Nelson, being more qualified than John Smith, wouldn't be hired simply because he's black?
Statistics do not prove discrimination.
I don’t think you can use those numbers when 70 percent of the nfl is black
And I agree that is a good point. Will there ever be a Rooney Rule that says since Blacks are about 15% of the US population that the NFL can only be similar in the number of Blacks on their rosters?
I hope not. Black athletes prove the point that merit and ability should be the deciding factor.
I think NFL Coaching staffs are rightly beginning to reflect that as well. But the RR gave that a good kickstart and will likely be less important very soon if not already.
They need to focus their efforts lower in the chain, getting black people into the coaching ranks at the bottom of the ladder.

A lot of NFL players are black but not that many of them go into coaching after their playing careers.
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They need to focus their efforts lower in the chain, getting black people into the coaching ranks at the bottom of the ladder.

A lot of NFL players are black but not that many of them go into coaching after their playing careers.
Not in the NFL right away but they are coming up through the ranks at high schools and colleges.