Conservatives Whine People Aren't Nice To Them On Blue Sky

Let’s take a look at SkeetSky

Common pattern on message boards. Too many shit posters and regular sorts start taking off.

Elon didn't understand that pattern. Should have consulted me.
So the key here is behavior and conduct. Trolling and causing shit with divisive views is different than earnestly arguing divisive views.

Giant difference there they Elon is too stupid to understand.

On this message board I'd support the exchange of any idea so long as it was projected in a serious, honest way.

Even racist positions. Whatever position.

But delivering transgressive opinion via trolling tactics? That offers no value and convinces nobody of your position.

Elon isn't intelligent enough concerning the dynamics of human interaction to get this.

Trolling and unserious discussion ruins free speech.
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So the key here is behavior and conduct. Trolling and causing shit with divisive views is different than earnestly arguing divisive views.

Giant difference there they Elon is too stupid to understand.

On this message board I'd support the exchange of any idea so long as it was projected in a serious, honest way.

Even racist positions. Whatever position.

But delivering transgressive opinion via trolling tactics? That offers no value and convinces nobody of your position.

Elon isn't intelligent enough concerning the dynamics of human interaction to get this.

Trolling and unserious discussion ruins free speech.

You serious guy?
Maybe. Eloon has allowed a lot of extremist content, and has shown himself to be an opponent of free speech.
The market appears to be voting as advertising plummets and users migrate.
I have noticed zero changes in my X feed since Elon took over. I also don't follow any political peeps and don't click on that shit if any of my friends post/re-tweet any of it. It is funny to watch people cry about X simply because of who owns it. When all the MAGAs left Twitter to start join whatever that joke of an alternate was, you all called the cry babies. Now yall are doing the same.
I have noticed zero changes in my X feed since Elon took over. I also don't follow any political peeps and don't click on that shit if any of my friends post/re-tweet any of it. It is funny to watch people cry about X simply because of who owns it. When all the MAGAs left Twitter to start join whatever that joke of an alternate was, you all called the cry babies. Now yall are doing the same.
You serious? X has gotten way worse since Musk. It's new rule after new rule on whose stuff you can see, who can see your stuff, even comments aren't open as they used to be.
I have noticed zero changes in my X feed since Elon took over. I also don't follow any political peeps and don't click on that shit if any of my friends post/re-tweet any of it. It is funny to watch people cry about X simply because of who owns it. When all the MAGAs left Twitter to start join whatever that joke of an alternate was, you all called the cry babies. Now yall are doing the same.
That's interesting. I've only ever posted on X one time. I follow for sports info, a few comedians & a few family & friends(2 of which will post political opinions). It has become nearly unusable for me. Nonstop outrage clickbait or porn in my feed. I also gain followers every week that are obviously bots. Haven't gone to bluesky but if it's free from that stuff I probably will at some point
That's interesting. I've only ever posted on X one time. I follow for sports info, a few comedians & a few family & friends(2 of which will post political opinions). It has become nearly unusable for me. Nonstop outrage clickbait or porn in my feed. I also gain followers every week that are obviously bots. Haven't gone to bluesky but if it's free from that stuff I probably will at some point
Twitter was super user friendly. Want to see a tweet about something? Simply type in a search on the search bar. Boom. Endless applicable tweets. Click on one. Boom. Instant access to see the tweet. Read their other tweets, read the tweets of users replying to their tweets. Read anything you want. It was all free and clear.

But now none of this exists. It's one block after another another. I used to go on Twitter all the time. Now I hardly ever get on there because it's so hard to see content I'm looking for.
That's interesting. I've only ever posted on X one time. I follow for sports info, a few comedians & a few family & friends(2 of which will post political opinions). It has become nearly unusable for me. Nonstop outrage clickbait or porn in my feed. I also gain followers every week that are obviously bots. Haven't gone to bluesky but if it's free from that stuff I probably will at some point
Porn you say?
Twitter was super user friendly. Want to see a tweet about something? Simply type in a search on the search bar. Boom. Endless applicable tweets. Click on one. Boom. Instant access to see the tweet. Read their other tweets, read the tweets of users replying to their tweets. Read anything you want. It was all free and clear.

But now none of this exists. It's one block after another another. I used to go on Twitter all the time. Now I hardly ever get on there because it's so hard to see content I'm looking for.
I just opened it up. Top of my feed - USC-UCLA. That's fine, although it also says it starts at 3:30 am. Pretty sure that's incorrect. Top trending for me is "Fauci" "Trust Trump" & "Anna Jay". Like I said, I don't follow any politics or onlyfan types on X.
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I just opened it up. Top of my feed - USC-UCLA. That's fine, although it also says it starts at 3:30 am. Pretty sure that's incorrect. Top trending for me is "Fauci" "Trust Trump" & "Anna Jay". Like I said, I don't follow any politics or onlyfan types on X.
It'll only get worse from here on out. Musk will push as much pro Trump crap to the top of the algorithm list as he can now that's he's in the White House. And he'll do this even if users have never shown any interest in this kind of content. At least places like Reddit highlight subreddits that I like and interact with. X pushes what Musk personally wants on you no matter what. It's really messed up that his personal preferences determine what content you see on a daily basis.
No reason to be nice to fascist magats. They are the scum of the earth.
Hahaha these last couple weeks must have been so hard on you
The site censors conservatives because liberals can never tolerate opposing viewpoints.
You get insta banned if you say there are only two genders lol
Let’s take a look at SkeetSky

Classic leftist echo chamber. Also lol that there is a libs of blue sky account already
I love that nobody is complaining that leftists are leaving x and most comments are just making fun of them for their self virtue posts about departure. Only a liberal would interpret this language as people being angry about them leaving 😂
They've got Twitter all to themselves and still aren't happy. Living a life filled with anger and hate is the entire point of conservatism. It makes sense that they'd want to go on Bluesky and harass people.

I do see the value of seeing all sides, but if you include getting harassed one of those sides, eff that.
Abby is the bitch.
the most liberal person in the planet could simply follow only flaming liberals on twitter and the only thing they would see is those folks posts…if you have it set to the “following” setting.
Does that bother you?
Where do trans issues rank on your “issues facing the country” list?

You wouldn’t care if Elon didn’t. That’s the funny part.

The mindset
The disposition
The perspective
The ideology

that predicates the transgenderism cult and the nonconsensual nature in which its fervent proponents thrust this farce upon our fair culture and society sickens me.

It is not reasonable.
It is not scientific.
It is not based in biology.

We are told to dismiss your education. Dismiss what you can plainly see. Dismiss biology. JUST BELIEVE AS WE TELL YOU TO.

This. This i find

With, or without Elon Musk.

this dogmatic, religious, highly intolerant view of the world.

Either believe or you are a BIGOT, SCUM, LESS THAN.

I’m sick of it.

the most liberal person in the planet could simply follow only flaming liberals on twitter and the only thing they would see is those folks posts…if you have it set to the “following” setting.
How the **** would you know? Do you have an alt left handle you use? I’m pretty liberal and I’ve had a feed full of right wing propagandists whom I don’t follow. I’m done with Twitter/X.
Trumpists truly are the whiniest babies I have seen in my lifetime.
They’re overly entitled and self-centered, reminding me of some Gen Z individuals. They expect everything to be handed to them without effort, with no tolerance for challenges or struggles. They seem to complain constantly, but only from their own narrow perspective, rarely considering broader contexts or challenges beyond themselves.

They really are whiny little bitches.