Cop accused of hurting woman’s arm: ‘Ready for the pop?’ (In surveilance footage of him talking to other police)(73 year old woman that didn't steal)


HB Legend
Nov 10, 2006

8:23 - "i'm a little worried that she's senile and stuff.."
48:23 Decent Woman Cop "can you stop it now" about watching the footage Arresting cop "ready for the pop?"
48:30: hear the pop?
49:10 woman cop "I hate [watching] it." Arresting cop "this is great! I love it!".
At 52:44 they are watching the bystander who stopped because he was concerned about how brutally Karen Garner was being treated. As the officers mock his concern and laugh, Hopp says "I'll get a picture of him

A Colorado police officer accused of dislocating the shoulder of a 73-year-old woman with dementia while arresting her seemed to be aware he had injured her. He told fellow officers “ready for the pop?”as he showed them his body camera footage,according to police station surveillance video with enhanced audio that was made public Monday by the woman’s lawyer.

Officer Austin Hopp made the comment while showing the other officers the part of the arrest that shows Karen Garner being held against the hood of a patrol car in Loveland, about 50 miles (80 kilometers) north of Denver last year, her handcuffed left arm bent up behind her head. The body camera footage, which can be heard but not seen on the surveillance video, was also previously released by Garner’s lawyer.
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The surveillance video captured in the Loveland police station shows two other officers, one male and female, watching the footage with Hopp as he makes the “pop” comment. The female officer, who helped during the arrest and says “I hate this.”

The video then shows her pull her hat over her eyes while another male officer says, “I love it.”
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Earlier in the surveillance video, before the officers watch the body camera footage, Hopp says Garner is “flexible” and says something else that’s inaudible. He then makes another reference to the popping sound, telling the female officer that “I was pushing, pushing, pushing. I hear — pop. I was like ‘oh no,’” he said. The female officer puts her head in her hands.

At the time, Garner was in a holding cell a few feet away, handcuffed to a bench. The federal lawsuit filed on her behalf earlier this month said she received no medical care for about six hours after she was taken to jail.

Later in the surveillance video, Hopp and the other male officer fist bump at the part of the body camera footage where Hopp dismisses the concerns of a man passing by the arrest scene who stops to object to how Hopp treated what the man thought was a child.
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The lawyer representing Garner and her family, Sarah Schielke, said the latest video footage needed to be released to force the department to change.

“If I didn’t release this, the Loveland Police’s toxic culture of arrogance and entitlement, along with their horrific abuse of the vulnerable and powerless, would carry on, business as usual. I won’t be a part of that,” she said.
Start charging these assholes the same as if they were the average joe if they just came upon a 74 yo woman on the street and roughed them up.

If i recall the cop pulled the “look what youre making me do” crap in the original video as he is roughing her up. Gaslighting abusers are gaslighting abusers whether its an abusive spouse or a powertripping cop

Start draining pensions to cover any money awarded in lawsuits.
The GOP is going to fight to the death to defend qualified immunity. All across the country GOP held legislatures are pushing through think tank inspired bills that profess they loves cops the most, and Libs are evil. But, this is what they are really fighting for.
The GOP is going to fight to the death to defend qualified immunity. All across the country GOP held legislatures are pushing through think tank inspired bills that profess they loves cops the most, and Libs are evil. But, this is what they are really fighting for.

I know that most the LEO I work with are good people, and the jailers would never laugh at a video like that. They would report it. That being said....I'm not obtuse to the fact that there are a ton of rednecks/idiots out there looking for a good paycheck with benefits out there.

This is not an issue conservatives want to make their standing point on. They will lose.
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The GOP is going to fight to the death to defend qualified immunity. All across the country GOP held legislatures are pushing through think tank inspired bills that profess they loves cops the most, and Libs are evil. But, this is what they are really fighting for.

Ask those GOP members if qualified immunity also applies to the women and men they send overseas to fight.
What is so abhorrent is here we are yet again with cops and police forces covering this stuff up instead of firing these people from the force and turning over the case for possible prosecution. They put them on a week administrative leave for that?! So as always it takes a lawsuit or investigative journalist to release the tapes and show the world what happened. More people than those two should be in trouble for not immediately addressing an awful case of police abuse and a clear sociopath on the force who both yelled at concerned citizens and laughed watching her arm pop on video (vs wanting to throw up like the other cop). That guy is a monster.
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Start charging these assholes the same as if they were the average joe if they just came upon a 74 yo woman on the street and roughed them up.

If i recall the cop pulled the “look what youre making me do” crap in the original video as he is roughing her up. Gaslighting abusers are gaslighting abusers whether its an abusive spouse or a powertripping cop

Start draining pensions to cover any money awarded in lawsuits.

Police officer who faked evidence in murder case to put an innocent man in jail for more than a decade gets ... 1 year in jail.

Original plea deal - rejected by the judge - would have had him serve no time.

What is so abhorrent is here we are yet again with cops and police forces covering this stuff up instead of firing these people from the force and turning over the case for possible prosecution. They put them on a week administrative leave for that?! So as always it takes a lawsuit or investigative journalist to release the tapes and show the world what happened. More people than those two should be in trouble for not immediately addressing an awful case of police abuse and a clear sociopath on the force who yelled at people showing concerned and laughed watching her arm pop on video (vs wanting to throw up like the other cop). That guy is a monster.
This is the biggest problem. The issue is not the 10% bad apples, those could be easily dealt with if that was all this was. The issue is a system and culture that excuses the bad apples. That is much harder to change.
How much are police unions responsible for keeping officers with incorrectly handled situations or worse on the job? I guess that question can be asked about all unions, but police officers is one that has a big impact on the community at large. Does a police union ever refuse to represent one of their officers or come out and say he or she should be fired? Can they even do that? If not, isn't that a problem?
How much are police unions responsible for keeping officers with incorrectly handled situations or worse on the job? I guess that question can be asked about all unions, but police officers is one that has a big impact on the community at large. Does a police union ever refuse to represent one of their officers or come out and say he or she should be fired? Can they even do that? If not, isn't that a problem?

If you say that word three times, you know who will appear and begin to rail against them....

Defending in their every case is certainly the MO. As much as it undermines the "here for the good profession, the bad guys should be weeded out", they should really evaluate which cases are indefensible. Let the lawyers defend the rotten apples. It does pose the question, are they contractually required to defend every single case.? I'd agree, there should be some form of line.
How much are police unions responsible for keeping officers with incorrectly handled situations or worse on the job? I guess that question can be asked about all unions, but police officers is one that has a big impact on the community at large. Does a police union ever refuse to represent one of their officers or come out and say he or she should be fired? Can they even do that? If not, isn't that a problem?

If they cannot dispense themselves of the losers than they are not doing anything for the best of the best.
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You'd expect the good apples to be more vocal about this stuff, if there were actually that many of them.

Guarantee no one who worked with these officers were surprised by this. How many opportunities to get these psychos shitcanned weren't taken by people sworn to protect and serve?
You'd expect the good apples to be more vocal about this stuff, if there were actually that many of them.

Guarantee no one who worked with these officers were surprised by this. How many opportunities to get these psychos shitcanned weren't taken by people sworn to protect and serve?
Well it's fear. The fear of not conforming and the fear of retribution from their fellow officers.
No, they are not. If they were good people, they would either fight for changes to end these perpetually repeating atrocities or they would leave so as not to be a contributor.

You clearly don't know my handle or what I post. I'm pretty damn hard on LEO. I just don't want to paint a broad brush.
This is the biggest problem. The issue is not the 10% bad apples, those could be easily dealt with if that was all this was. The issue is a system and culture that excuses the bad apples. That is much harder to change.
Considering these cops are rarely held accountable unless someone records the whole thing and gets it to the media there are a lot more bad apples than they would admit to. Turning a blind eye or protecting these bad cops is just as bad. 2 of the 3 cops who helped kill elijah mcclain and then got caught in celebration pose pics where he died still work for Aurora Police Dept. Disgusting