Could we eventually have an AI legal system?

FAUlty Gator

HR Legend
Oct 27, 2017
Someone talked about something like this in another thread.

This is for non-jury court events.

You get arrested and charged. The police paperwork is filed. You get a court appointed AI attorney who takes your deposition and combines it with the police file. Witnesses are also deposed by both sides AI attorneys. All of it is input into the system and you hit a "Start the trial" button. Inside of the computer a battle ensues between the two AI lawyers and fed to the AI judge who makes a ruling on it. You get a bar code printout and bring it to the bailiff who then scans it and tells you your sentence. You are either released not guilty, taken to a clerk for fine payment or taken to jail to serve your sentence.

I like. Eat Shit St. Louis!
Someone talked about something like this in another thread.

This is for non-jury court events.

You get arrested and charged. The police paperwork is filed. You get a court appointed AI attorney who takes your deposition and combines it with the police file. Witnesses are also deposed by both sides AI attorneys. All of it is input into the system and you hit a "Start the trial" button. Inside of the computer a battle ensues between the two AI lawyers and fed to the AI judge who makes a ruling on it. You get a bar code printout and bring it to the bailiff who then scans it and tells you your sentence. You are either released not guilty, taken to a clerk for fine payment or taken to jail to serve your sentence.

I like. Eat Shit St. Louis!

I'd appreciate it if you don't steal my ideas. If so...

Someone talked about something like this in another thread.

This is for non-jury court events.

You get arrested and charged. The police paperwork is filed. You get a court appointed AI attorney who takes your deposition and combines it with the police file. Witnesses are also deposed by both sides AI attorneys. All of it is input into the system and you hit a "Start the trial" button. Inside of the computer a battle ensues between the two AI lawyers and fed to the AI judge who makes a ruling on it. You get a bar code printout and bring it to the bailiff who then scans it and tells you your sentence. You are either released not guilty, taken to a clerk for fine payment or taken to jail to serve your sentence.

I like. Eat Shit St. Louis!
I don't think so. There is always going to be that important human element to life that AI won't be able to feel or replicate. 9/10 AI will be able to spit out a valid verdict, no doubt. But there's always going to be that 1 case where there is more to it than meets the eye.

I believe AI is only going to be able to paint a black or white picture. Humans can be extremely grey.
Someone talked about something like this in another thread.

This is for non-jury court events.

You get arrested and charged. The police paperwork is filed. You get a court appointed AI attorney who takes your deposition and combines it with the police file. Witnesses are also deposed by both sides AI attorneys. All of it is input into the system and you hit a "Start the trial" button. Inside of the computer a battle ensues between the two AI lawyers and fed to the AI judge who makes a ruling on it. You get a bar code printout and bring it to the bailiff who then scans it and tells you your sentence. You are either released not guilty, taken to a clerk for fine payment or taken to jail to serve your sentence.

I like. Eat Shit St. Louis!
I'll say this...

My soon to be ex SIL is showing every textbook sign of narcissistic personality disorder, including parental alienation (turned the 2 older kids against my BIL and his family). We've just been documenting all of her actions, quotes from the kids, etc. we have a total of over 70 pages of things she's done (including false accusations, filing for protective orders, having my BIL arrested for trespassing at his own house by lying (they fortunately figured it out quickly released him and threw it out), etc etc....

I plugged about 20 pages of our document into chat gpt and asked it to diagnose each of the individuals mentioned in the document with potential mental conditions.

It came up with NPD for her, that the children and my BIL were emotionally abused, and that parental alienation was in play.

It was spit on for what professionals we spoke with were saying, yet the legal system DRAGS and as a result she's got primary custody, works at the kids school, and has all of her co-workers believing their father is a monster. They shut him out from school communications, etc. it's a private school. CPS won't get involved because they don't think there's enough evidence to prove it in court, because they'll end up with 2 of his kids and his ex saying he's a horrible person. He's a retired army major, any kid would be lucky to have him as a father.

We're slowly proceeding to take all the steps to get a psychologist involved in the court case, but it's all painfully slow and the kids are abused every day they're with her.

Chatgpt had it nailed asap.
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Someone talked about something like this in another thread.

This is for non-jury court events.

You get arrested and charged. The police paperwork is filed. You get a court appointed AI attorney who takes your deposition and combines it with the police file. Witnesses are also deposed by both sides AI attorneys. All of it is input into the system and you hit a "Start the trial" button. Inside of the computer a battle ensues between the two AI lawyers and fed to the AI judge who makes a ruling on it. You get a bar code printout and bring it to the bailiff who then scans it and tells you your sentence. You are either released not guilty, taken to a clerk for fine payment or taken to jail to serve your sentence.

I like. Eat Shit St. Louis!
I'm not sure an AI would count as a "peer" so there will always be a jury involved although it sounds like you are talking about a Judge Judy type trial and I don't know how that would work. I feel like people will always want a human involved there, although it's likely a public attorney will just let AI do most of the legwork on a case and they would present it to the court.

Wills, house closings, trusts, etc. will certainly be AI at some point in the future though, imo.
I'm not sure an AI would count as a "peer" so there will always be a jury involved although it sounds like you are talking about a Judge Judy type trial and I don't know how that would work. I feel like people will always want a human involved there, although it's likely a public attorney will just let AI do most of the legwork on a case and they would present it to the court.

Wills, house closings, trusts, etc. will certainly be AI at some point in the future though, imo.
Think Night Court
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I'm not sure an AI would count as a "peer" so there will always be a jury involved although it sounds like you are talking about a Judge Judy type trial and I don't know how that would work. I feel like people will always want a human involved there, although it's likely a public attorney will just let AI do most of the legwork on a case and they would present it to the court.

Wills, house closings, trusts, etc. will certainly be AI at some point in the future though, imo.
you know, i think you might have actually come up with the solution to 'break' ai. Since it really just tells you what it thinks you want to hear, based on crowdsourced perceptions, you have half a country that wants to string everybody up and the other half that wants to let everybody go
I'll say this...

My soon to be ex SIL is showing every textbook sign of narcissistic personality disorder, including parental alienation (turned the 2 older kids against my BIL and his family). We've just been documenting all of her actions, quotes from the kids, etc. we have a total of over 70 pages of things she's done (including false accusations, filing for protective orders, having my BIL arrested for trespassing at his own house by lying (they fortunately figured it out quickly released him and threw it out), etc etc....

I plugged about 20 pages of our document into chat gpt and asked it to diagnose each of the individuals mentioned in the document with potential mental conditions.

It came up with NPD for her, that the children and my BIL were emotionally abused, and that parental alienation was in play.

It was spit on for what professionals we spoke with were saying, yet the legal system DRAGS and as a result she's got primary custody, works at the kids school, and has all of her co-workers believing their father is a monster. They shut him out from school communications, etc. it's a private school. CPS won't get involved because they don't think there's enough evidence to prove it in court, because they'll end up with 2 of his kids and his ex saying he's a horrible person. He's a retired army major, any kid would be lucky to have him as a father.

We're slowly proceeding to take all the steps to get a psychologist involved in the court case, but it's all painfully slow and the kids are abused every day they're with her.

Chatgpt had it nailed asap.
AI is only as good as the information you feed it. The info you fed AI was bias in some way, and likelyvery one sided. Without knowing anything about their family situation, I would guess the SIL is not as bad as you claim, and the bil is not as innocent as you claim. This is usually how the real world works.

There is more nuance to real life than what AI will ever understand.

We need to all be careful what we wish for in the future. We are heading toward a society like in the movie demolition man. That is not how I want to live.

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AI is only as good as the information you feed it. The info you fed AI was bias in some way, and likelyvery one sided. Without knowing anything about their family situation, I would guess the SIL is not as bad as you claim, and the bil is not as innocent as you claim. This is usually how the real world works.

There is more nuance to real life than what AI will ever understand.

We need to all be careful what we wish for in the future. We are heading toward a society like in the movie demolition man. That is not how I want to live.

I never understood this type of mental illness either until I had to quickly learn. I can tell you don't either, and that's not a bad thing.

You're correct, he's not perfect, but he's a victim in this scenario. And she's far worse than what I've led you to believe. It would take hours to describe, and it's horrific.

The info fed was a fact list, not a narrative. It was a doc we put together for lawyers/psychologists to look at and they're very careful to only take in facts, because they're only interested in what can be presented to a judge. Sure, it's biased in that we're choosing what to put in and leave out, but we didn't put in diagnoses, or suggestions of what we thought was happening, etc.

The AI was impressive.
AI is only as good as the information you feed it. The info you fed AI was bias in some way, and likelyvery one sided. Without knowing anything about their family situation, I would guess the SIL is not as bad as you claim, and the bil is not as innocent as you claim. This is usually how the real world works.

There is more nuance to real life than what AI will ever understand.

We need to all be careful what we wish for in the future. We are heading toward a society like in the movie demolition man. That is not how I want to live.

AI can run millions of simulations and calculations and experimentations and find results to these questions in seconds that might take years for humans to do these things. That to me seems like the greatest potential it has to offer.

This was interesting last night.

AI can run millions of simulations and calculations and experimentations and find results to these questions in seconds that might take years for humans to do these things. That to me seems like the greatest potential it has to offer.

This was interesting last night.

I definitely appreciate the power of AI, I see accuracy as a major barrier in the future.

A computer program will perform the same way every time, whereas AI may give truth, lies, or a combo of the two.
I definitely appreciate the power of AI, I see accuracy as a major barrier in the future.

A computer program will perform the same way every time, whereas AI may give truth, lies, or a combo of the two.
I don’t give a shit about its language accuracy. It will definitely be compromised there as we’ve already seen.

It’s the problem solving and ability to diagnose problems that will serve humanity most.
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