Covid again: There was NEVER any scientific consensus for lockdowns

Remember when biden and Harris tried to illegally mandate the clot shots on any business with over 100 employees? Scum bags
How about better safe than sorry? It could have got ugly if it was just the Spanish Flu.
“Better safe than sorry” wouldn’t entail the so called medical pros deciding that COVID was super contagious and deadly, except when it comes to gathering in large groups to protest for George Floyd. Then, it’s not contagious or dangerous at all…because racism.

Of course, if you went to Spring Break on a beach or a biker event in the Dakotas. Then you were of course super spreaders. Also, for some reason everything in Cali needed to be shut down…but it’s totally fine to keep making movies…because Tom Cruise.

So Goddamned sciency.

I’m adding all those ass holes to your “Piece of shit” list. The ones who cost an entire generation of children a decent education and upped their depression diagnoses by about 8000%.
“Better safe than sorry” wouldn’t entail the so called medical pros deciding that COVID was super contagious and deadly, except when it comes to gathering in large groups to protest for George Floyd. Then, it’s not contagious or dangerous at all…because racism.

Of course, if you went to Spring Break on a beach or a biker event in the Dakotas. Then you were of course super spreaders. Also, for some reason everything in Cali needed to be shut down…but it’s totally fine to keep making movies…because Tom Cruise.

So Goddamned sciency.

I’m adding all those ass holes to your “Piece of shit” list. The ones who cost an entire generation of children a decent education and upped their depression diagnoses by about 8000%.



Yeah. Which means it’s pretty safe to say that the fvcking lockdowns, school closings, washing groceries, fake 6 ft social distancing and everything else completely made up at the time, were the dumbest shit to ever happen.

Unless you agree that only those protests had some magical power that made them immune to all of the horse shit we were being fed. I mean, you do remember those same ass holes losing their shit about Spring Break and Stirgis and claiming all of the New York outbreaks could be traced back to those places right? Piece of shit.
Yeah. Which means it’s pretty safe to say that the fvcking lockdowns, school closings, washing groceries, fake 6 ft social distancing and everything else completely made up at the time, were the dumbest shit to ever happen.

Unless you agree that only those protests had some magical power that made them immune to all of the horse shit we were being fed. I mean, you do remember those same ass holes losing their shit about Spring Break and Stirgis and claiming all of the New York outbreaks could be traced back to those places right? Piece of shit.

Didn't you say something about the sciency shit? It was a novel virus...we got VERY FVCKING lucky...if it was as just a little worse it could have got ugly, like very fvcking ugly. But now we have idiots thinking it was the average pandemic, not the outlier. Next time those same measures might just keep our society from collapsing.

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