Cowardice of Late Night Hosts Becomes Painfully Clear:

This Pedo is a coward!

This is not much different than the Wayans Brothers, Eddie Murphy, maybe Martin Lawrence but I could be wrong on that, Dave Chappelle and I’m sure I’m missing some painting their face white.
It’s comedy. It’s acting. It’s role playing.
It’s not meant to be taken seriously.
I myself was not offended when people painted their face white because I have a sense of humor.
When people do it out of spite, taunting or hate it is a different story.
This is not much different than the Wayans Brothers, Eddie Murphy, maybe Martin Lawrence but I could be wrong on that, Dave Chappelle and I’m sure I’m missing some painting their face white.
It’s comedy. It’s acting. It’s role playing.
It’s not meant to be taken seriously.
I myself was not offended when people painted their face white because I have a sense of humor.
When people do it out of spite, taunting or hate it is a different story.
The Excuse Train is running full steam ahead.

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