Cuccinelli edits Statue of Liberty poem to masses 'who can stand on their own two feet

I understand this guy is a tool that has zero comprehension of the history of our country especially when it comes to immigration.

We need to make it easier not harder to come to this country. Ellis island screened people to make sure they didn't have disease or weren't raving lunatics. It wasn't by the way the only Port of entry to the US. People back then simply walked across the border as well

Make it easier for the current immigrants to come and be productive members of society. Then hammer the hell out of business that employ people here illegally...because there would be zero reason for a person to be here illegally that wants to be here legally. If needed make a work visa that participates in things like taxes but allows for a contract on wages to do things like harvest at lower than minimum wage. If that is actually needed.
I agree with everything you said up to "Then hammer the hell out of business that employ people here illegally." I strongly disagree with that.

It should never be illegal to hire someone to do legal work. It should only be illegal to exploit and abuse them, or if they are being hired as part of unscrupulous efforts to break up legal labor activity (such as hiring scabs to break up strikes or disrupt organizing).
Same reason we give it to people born here.

Because they need it.

For decent, civilized folks that's a sufficient answer.
It’s a major USA policy decision that needs to be discussed. I’m sure it doesn’t poll well either. We are not the world police and we shouldn’t be the worlds care taker either.

I would also debate if they “need” it vs they do it because they can get it.
I know you don’t, that’s why I thought it was important to inform you.
The administration just said that public assistance was something that they would consider in a persons application for citizenship. The AG of NY went bonkers about it. That would assume that the non citizens are receiving assistance
The administration just said that public assistance was something that they would consider in a persons application for citizenship. The AG of NY went bonkers about it. That would assume that the non citizens are receiving assistance
A person can be an immigrant under various other classifications then those i listed and yet not a citizen. You have made an error.
What never fails to astound me is all the idiots today that object to any benefits given to immigrants. How many homesteaders who were immigrants received essentially free land from the Federal government. Shit, I bet nearly a majority of the midwest land went to immigrant homesteaders who were poor as shit when they came to this country. Only the clothes on their back.
So if the house did pass something, would it have taken only 51 votes or 60?
Uh...that's the Senate...are you talking about after the House passed it? Then I believe it's 51 under the rules set when the Democrats controlled the Senate...
Same reason we give it to people born here.

Because they need it.

For decent, civilized folks that's a sufficient answer.
They could have stayed in their home countries and enjoyed the millions in foreign aid we were likely sending. So, we were already being decent and civilized, per your standard.
Uh...that's the Senate...are you talking about after the House passed it? Then I believe it's 51 under the rules set when the Democrats controlled the Senate...
After the house passed it and the bill was presented to the senate floor for their turn. The nuclear option of 51 only applies to judges at this point.

It would take 60 votes to end debate.
After the house passed it and the bill was presented to the senate floor for their turn. The nuclear option of 51 only applies to judges at this point.

It would take 60 votes to end debate.
If my memory is correct...the Senate “ had the votes” to pass the legislation...bipartisan. The bill was scuttled by the cons in the House. It never made it to the Senate. But it was about 12-15 years ago, too.
The irony is that most Americans are too fat, lazy or soft to stand in their own two feet to do the jobs immigrants are doing.

Many Americans would happily take these jobs if they paid a better wage,.. and many of these jobs would pay a better wage if they couldn't be so easily filled by exploited illegals...
Many Americans would happily take these jobs if they paid a better wage,.. and many of these jobs would pay a better wage if they couldn't be so easily filled by exploited illegals...
You would be amazed at how much the construction guys are making. Many in the $20 range
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You would be amazed at how much the construction guys are making. Many in the $20 range

And those jobs would pay twice that if not for the wage depression caused by illegals willing to work for less....
And those jobs would pay twice that if not for the wage depression caused by illegals willing to work for less....
Yes, I see your point, but if builders had to pay $30-40 an hour, houses would cost so much no one could afford them. See California...
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Yes, I see your point, but if builders had to pay $30-40 an hour, houses would cost so much no one could afford them. See California...
Very true. Like it or not illegal ... er ... undocumented workers help keep costs of goods and services down.

Raise the wages x amount, and with it the benefits that go with being a legal ... er ... documented worker, you'll see the prices for goods and services rise at a proportion > x amount.
Very true. Like it or not illegal ... er ... undocumented workers help keep costs of goods and services down.

Raise the wages x amount, and with it the benefits that go with being a legal ... er ... documented worker, you'll see the prices for goods and services rise at a proportion > x amount.
I don't necessarily disagree. I've been in a business where we employed vendors who hired lots of Central American workers - they have a great work ethic and to them, it's fantastic that they have a steady job making more money than they ever could in their home country. They send it back home to their families and it's a win-win.
Yes, I see your point, but if builders had to pay $30-40 an hour, houses would cost so much no one could afford them. See California...

And therein lies the big question,.... Would you be willing to pay more for basically everything you use so that the majority of Americans could hold their head high and earn an honest living?,... Or would you prefer to continue giving that same money to the government so that they can inefficiently distribute it to downtrodden welfare recipients?,... Personally, I'd prefer the former....
And therein lies the big question,.... Would you be willing to pay more for basically everything you use so that the majority of Americans could hold their head high and earn an honest living?,... Or would you prefer to continue giving that same money to the government so that they can inefficiently distribute it to downtrodden welfare recipients?,... Personally, I'd prefer the former....
Hell no...most Americans are cheapskates looking to have something for nothing. Cut my taxes...but I need better roads! Cut my taxes but dammit, we need a stronger military! Cut my taxes but dammit, gimme a better rate on crop insurance. The list goes on and on...and the more money you have the more you demand from the government.
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Hell no...most Americans are cheapskates looking to have something for nothing.

Of course we are,... and the politicians are more than happy to provide just that in the form of an ever growing budget deficit,... and they have no problem signing our name to the bank note...
I agree with everything you said up to "Then hammer the hell out of business that employ people here illegally." I strongly disagree with that.

It should never be illegal to hire someone to do legal work. It should only be illegal to exploit and abuse them, or if they are being hired as part of unscrupulous efforts to break up legal labor activity (such as hiring scabs to break up strikes or disrupt organizing).

I disagree. Labor laws exist for a reason.