Cyclone Gabe Moreno arrested

Keep in mind that MitchL is a Cyclone hater who essentially single-handedly killed off the IowaPreps wrestling site with his constant posts about ISU, Jackson and Meeks (both the son and dad).
FYI... the Iowa preps board died a very long time ago as everyone now posts on the Pred. As an aside, my personal issue with RRf was his personal attacks on TnT, Gable, and the Hawkeye wrestling program, but keep trying to divert the discussion from the OP.

Now back to subject... if you don't know the BAC level, and I'm not sure it matters, what difference does it make. He was OVER the legal limit and thus was arrested. Unless he has one hell of an attorney, he's facing criminal charges. This is serious stuff. I'm sorry, but that is fact.

BTW: I didn't start this thread, so take your anger issues somewhere else. Perhaps the ISU forum would be the correct venue.
I think punishment should depend on how high he blew and his past behavior. I see no reason for him to miss more than the first couple of meets if it was his first offense. Heck I would take my chances riding with an experienced drinker rather than with most women or teenagers.
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You know how some fans say they root for ISU when they don't face the Hawks? Not me, in any sport. Black and gold, thru and thru.
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According to the U.S. DOT there were 9,158 fatal crashes involving drunk driving in 2013 and 9,613 fatal crashes involving speeding. Should a kid be kicked off his team if he gets a speeding ticket?

At least an immediate suspension for one year once its adjudicated. When I was growing up, fol

Here are some stats from the CDC:

  • In 2013, 10,076 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (31%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States.1
  • Of the 1,149 traffic deaths among children ages 0 to 14 years in 2013, 200 (17%) involved an alcohol-impaired driver.1
  • Of the 200 child passengers ages 14 and younger who died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes in 2013, over half (121) were riding in the vehicle with the alcohol-impaired driver.1
  • In 2010, over 1.4 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.3 That's one percent of the 112 million self-reported episodes of alcohol-impaired driving among U.S. adults each year.4
  • Drugs other than alcohol (e.g., marijuana and cocaine) are involved in about 18% of motor vehicle driver deaths. These other drugs are often used in combination with alcohol.
Look, I'm no saint. When I was growing up, I rode with a lot of people who were drinking and driving. I really sucked at it or else I probably would have done it more. Glad I didn't. A good kid I know who was two years behind me in school died the night after he graduated from high school. He (and other wrestlers) were out partying when he was killed in an alcohol related accident. One of the nicest kids you'd ever want to know from a great family. It took the other kid who was injured nearly a year to get back on his feet.

I come from a culture (the military) where drinking is more the norm than even for college students. For us, not only do we get whatever civil law has to give us, but have to deal with the military side as well. Like I stated above, we are representing something bigger than ourselves. When we do something wrong, it's not our name in the news. It's "(Base) Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine kills a family of five while driving intoxicated." It's the same thing for the athletes. They work hard to get where they are at. By taking away something that they love, an automatic one year suspension for example once its adjudicated in court, you might be taking away whatever sense of entitlement they might have and teaching them a lesson that might help them in the long run.

I'm not preachy...would just rather pay the $25 cab fare.
According to the U.S. DOT there were 9,158 fatal crashes involving drunk driving in 2013 and 9,613 fatal crashes involving speeding. Should a kid be kicked off his team if he gets a speeding ticket?

But how many were drunk driving and speeding. That's something the report doesn't distinguish.
According to the U.S. DOT there were 9,158 fatal crashes involving drunk driving in 2013 and 9,613 fatal crashes involving speeding. Should a kid be kicked off his team if he gets a speeding ticket?

Yea...cause it's totally the same. Wonder what the population group for people who speed everyday vs those who drink and drive every day. For starters, add all the drivers in the state of California.
We all know who MitchL is I assure you
Who is he? If you know then tell us. You put yourself in a spot now. I don't think you really know but your just shooting off your mouth. Your going to lose alot of credibility by not telling us but then you really didn't have any to begin with.
Who is he? If you know then tell us. You put yourself in a spot now. I don't think you really know but your just shooting off your mouth. Your going to lose alot of credibility by not telling us but then you really didn't have any to begin with.
Let's not eat our own like they do on some other forums. I'll give you a very brief, but detailed bio. WT, I don't think, meant anything negative.
I am a avid wrestling fan who has attended Nationals for a few decades now. I aggressively, but objectively, dislike ISU. I am not the most knowledgeable fan here, but I love the Hawks. I don't mince words. I am not afraid to confront opponent fans. And lastly... I post on other forums and many times am not received well.

There... in a nutshell, is my life story. At least when it comes sports forums.

Whoa.. Mr McSorely! You need to chill out fella! No I don't know MitchL personally. I meant we know his posting style and his love of Iowa wrestling and his hate of other schools..

I see you only have 7 posts on Hawkeyereport. Let's not go down the credibility road here. You won't last long of you fly off the handle on such little meaningless posts here. Move along now
Whoa.. Mr McSorely! You need to chill out fella! No I don't know MitchL personally. I meant we know his posting style and his love of Iowa wrestling and his hate of other schools..

I see you only have 7 posts on Hawkeyereport. Let's not go down the credibility road here. You won't last long of you fly off the handle on such little meaningless posts here. Move along now
You said, "we all know who he is". Now your saying, "I don't know him "personally". When someone gets called on the first thing that gets bought up is, the number of posts. I'll be here awhile but you keep on lying and you won't. I never really have cared much for your, 90% meaning less posts anyway Now, move along and try not to make a butt of yourself in regards to, not knowing what your talking about.
Whoa.. Mr McSorely! You need to chill out fella! No I don't know MitchL personally. I meant we know his posting style and his love of Iowa wrestling and his hate of other schools..

I see you only have 7 posts on Hawkeyereport. Let's not go down the credibility road here. You won't last long of you fly off the handle on such little meaningless posts here. Move along now
One little correction. I don't HATE any schools, I just strongly dislike ISU and their fanbase
Man, I sincerely hope that you guys that are making excuses are not given the task of raising children. Drunk driving is a very terrible problem and to try and justify it is just gross. I see that a poster put a story of a person drinking for the first time and getting behind the wheel but I am going to guess that 99.9% of the time the drunk driver is not driving impaired for the first time. There is no excuse to get behind the wheel in this age of taxis, Ubers, night ride programs and other public transportation. Shame on all of you that are trying to rationalize it. I hope that you are never struck by a drunk driver, I know two people that have been and one has permanent disfigurement from it.
I haven't posted for about four months because Im having a good time on the ranch I inherited but I glance over at the HR forum now and then. I don't like taking sides but, I see nothing wrong with mcsorleys post. If your going to post something then don't come back and say something like, well, that's not what I meant and then get pissed off because another poster calls you out. I could care if you have 5 post or 5,000. It's the credibility I look at and wildturk your not in that category. So, you and lenoxhawks get together and come up with something negative to say and I'll be thinking of you both when my horse decides to take a crap. And for all you other posters who know what your talking about which would be 98% of the forum, see you when wrestling season starts.;)
I haven't posted for about four months because Im having a good time on the ranch I inherited but I glance over at the HR forum now and then. I don't like taking sides but, I see nothing wrong with mcsorleys post. If your going to post something then don't come back and say something like, well, that's not what I meant and then get pissed off because another poster calls you out. I could care if you have 5 post or 5,000. It's the credibility I look at and wildturk your not in that category. So, you and lenoxhawks get together and come up with something negative to say and I'll be thinking of you both when my horse decides to take a crap. And for all you other posters who know what your talking about which would be 98% of the forum, see you when wrestling season starts.;)
You and McSquirrely have to be McRelated or McFriends.
McCulloughd & McSorely Sounds like a bad lawfirm. I'm not sure what you two McDoubles have been doing on Brokeback Mountain lately but you have forsure been filling each other with horseshat.

Last time im going to clarify this. I said "we all know who MitchL is I assure you". What I meant by that is the posters here on Hawkeyereport that frequent the wrestling forum are all familiar with what and how MitchL goes about posting. Some people on 34 & counting and BWI know the same things. If you honestly thought that I meant every person on Hawkeyereport wrestling forums knows Mitch personally than you are mistaken and foolish.
Now if you two McPoyle's (Alway's Sunny reference) would get to cleaning up your horseshat, drink some milk and quit trolling it would be appreciated. McThank you McMuch
McCulloughd & McSorely Sounds like a bad lawfirm. I'm not sure what you two McDoubles have been doing on Brokeback Mountain lately but you have forsure been filling each other with horseshat.

Last time im going to clarify this. I said "we all know who MitchL is I assure you". What I meant by that is the posters here on Hawkeyereport that frequent the wrestling forum are all familiar with what and how MitchL goes about posting. Some people on 34 & counting and BWI know the same things. If you honestly thought that I meant every person on Hawkeyereport wrestling forums knows Mitch personally than you are mistaken and foolish.
Now if you two McPoyle's (Alway's Sunny reference) would get to cleaning up your horseshat, drink some milk and quit trolling it would be appreciated. McThank you McMuch

But you didn't use McMaynerberry.
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Driving drunk is a serious offense, but I can honestly say my view on drunk driving changed as I've matured. As a college student I drove to many times after consuming alcohol. I didn't understand fully the foolishness of driving impaired. My hope is that Moreno learns from his mistake and someone reaches out to him to discuss how alcohol can adversely impact his life. I'm not saying he is an alcoholic and he needs to stop drinking completely, he needs to make sure it doesn't become a problem.

As far as a suspension I could care less.