Day 2 Jr. Worlds


HB Heisman
Dec 20, 2012
Valencia and Pico with the tech.

Micic loses to India...dude was dead on his feet at the end. After being taken down, he did a stand up and did a standing granby if I'm not mistaken giving the other guy two. Hope he's ok cause he didn't look too hot.
Micic led 8-2 and gave up the last 10 points of the match. Looked like he got worn out by spending too much time underneath after not being able to quickly finish his shots.
Micic got brought back in, beat the Canadian and is wrestling for Bronze. Glad he got a second chance.
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FYI - United States Junior World Freestyle champions in the last 30 years (number of NCAA titles in parenthesis):

Spencer Lee – 2015
Kyle Synder – 2013
Dom Bradley – 2009
Bubba Jenkins – 2007 (1)
Tommy Rowlands – 2000 (2)
TJ Hill – 1999
Stephen Abas – 1998 (3)
Donny Pritzlaff -1998 (2)
Sean Hage – 1994
Kerry McCoy – 1992 (2)
Jeff McGinness – 1992 (2)
A junior world title is a pretty good indication of future success, but not necessarily dominance. [I should mention that John Smith and Logan Striebler both finished second]