Deep thoughts by Kamala

Maybe I’m just an idiot. But when I hear community bank I think Veridian, the credit union I used and loved 10 years ago when I lived in Iowa. Affinity, now, is also doing a great job.

Wells Fargo, BoA. Have sorely disappointed me.

Also. She can speak in complete sentences. I don’t know why people don’t appreciate that.
Maybe I’m just an idiot. But when I hear community bank I think Veridian, the credit union I used and loved 10 years ago when I lived in Iowa. Affinity, now, is also doing a great job.

Wells Fargo, BoA. Have sorely disappointed me.

Also. She can speak in complete sentences. I don’t know why people don’t appreciate that.

She's speaking woke code saying "community banks" are led by women and/or people of color... just like you!

F*ck any white men who might have been sitting there watching this sh!tshow.
Also. She can speak in complete sentences. I don’t know why people don’t appreciate that.
She is woefully boring and not very likable. She fits Joe Biden like a glove. God help us when she is the President; just when we think it couldn’t possibly get worse between Biden and Donnie, she will deliver an epic run of lolz after Biden dies next year.
She’s been the most disappointing part of this administration, in my opinion. She had an opportunity to be a rockstar and instead she’s a word salad punchline.
I feel the same, but then realize I (we?) probably drastically overestimated her. It’s amazing she has achieved the success she has, and the thought of her failing upward into the presidency makes me sad.
The resume of Kamala Harris:
6 years as Attorney General of California
4 years as U.S. Senator of California
4 years as Vice President of United States

She will celebrate her 60th birthday in Oct. 2024.
Her communication skills have made her a complete
disaster in the White House. The fact that she is a
heartbeat away from the Presidency should cause
everyone to have nightmares.
She’s been the most disappointing part of this administration, in my opinion. She had an opportunity to be a rockstar and instead she’s a word salad punchline.
That's because she couldn't sleep with everyone in America, which seems to be her most valuable job. skill.
This is why someone should hired and selected for a position based on merit. The second most valuable job title in the world shouldn't just be handed out to someone just because they are a woman or a minority.

There are only two plausible reasons as to why she is VP.
1. She is a woman of color

2. Biden and his campaign are super smart. We've all seen this trope at every bar in America. Biden is that decent looking and fit 7 or 8 girl at the bar that always brings the 4/5 friend with to make her look even better.
She is a einsteinian figure compared to Trump when it comes to discussing policy.
Would love to see a debate vs noem or Kim...kamala would wipe the floor like she did vs pence.
This is why someone should hired and selected for a position based on merit. The second most valuable job title in the world shouldn't just be handed out to someone just because they are a woman or a minority.

There are only two plausible reasons as to why she is VP.
1. She is a woman of color

2. Biden and his campaign are super smart. We've all seen this trope at every bar in America. Biden is that decent looking and fit 7 or 8 girl at the bar that always brings the 4/5 friend with to make her look even better.
Her gender and skin color are why she's VP. No one wanted her on the ticket. She dropped out of the Presidential race before the first primary. But then Biden opened his dumb mouth and promised to nominate a woman of color as his VP. Hillary had already smeared Tulsi so she was off the table, and Elizabeth Warren was no longer a person of color, which left Biden with few choices. So now we have an intellectual lightweight one heartbeat away from the most powerful office on Earth.
If the Democrats have any hope to retain the White House, the best thing they can do is remove her from the ticket. Put someone in there that people actually like or at least respect. But they can't do that because they are beholden to identity politics. They'd have to replace her with someone who ticks more suppression boxes. Unless there's a trans, dwarf, hispanic out there somewhere, we're stuck with Kamala.
She’s been the most disappointing part of this administration, in my opinion. She had an opportunity to be a rockstar and instead she’s a word salad punchline.
She is becoming Dan Quayle...under wraps. But also like Quayle I find her humannes and speaking jer thoughts seemingly honestly a bit refreshing but not Presidential. Political policy though I have little in common.
She is woefully boring and not very likable. She fits Joe Biden like a glove. God help us when she is the President; just when we think it couldn’t possibly get worse between Biden and Donnie, she will deliver an epic run of lolz after Biden dies next year.
I am pretty sure we can survive a Kamala presidency. I am also definitely sure we won't survive a second term of biff.
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Her gender and skin color are why she's VP. No one wanted her on the ticket. She dropped out of the Presidential race before the first primary. But then Biden opened his dumb mouth and promised to nominate a woman of color as his VP. Hillary had already smeared Tulsi so she was off the table, and Elizabeth Warren was no longer a person of color, which left Biden with few choices. So now we have an intellectual lightweight one heartbeat away from the most powerful office on Earth.
If the Democrats have any hope to retain the White House, the best thing they can do is remove her from the ticket. Put someone in there that people actually like or at least respect. But they can't do that because they are beholden to identity politics. They'd have to replace her with someone who ticks more suppression boxes. Unless there's a trans, dwarf, hispanic out there somewhere, we're stuck with Kamala.
Now do trump
Maybe I’m just an idiot. But when I hear community bank I think Veridian, the credit union I used and loved 10 years ago when I lived in Iowa. Affinity, now, is also doing a great job.

Wells Fargo, BoA. Have sorely disappointed me.

Also. She can speak in complete sentences. I don’t know why people don’t appreciate that.

Credit unions aren’t banks. They’re credit unions. There are a ton of differences but the main differences are they’re regulated by different entities and credit unions don’t pay income tax.

Wells, BOA, etc aren’t community banks. They’re considered “money center banks”.
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Maybe I’m just an idiot. But when I hear community bank I think Veridian, the credit union I used and loved 10 years ago when I lived in Iowa. Affinity, now, is also doing a great job.

Wells Fargo, BoA. Have sorely disappointed me.

Also. She can speak in complete sentences. I don’t know why people don’t appreciate that.
Apparently that isn’t a prerequisite….
But then Biden opened his dumb mouth and promised to nominate a woman of color as his VP.
Well, since he never said that I guess you might have the "dumb mouth". He only said it would be a woman.

“And I commit that I will, in fact, appoint a — I’ll pick a woman to be vice president. There are a number of women who are qualified to be president tomorrow. I would pick a woman to be my vice president.”

In fact, when MSNBC’s Joy Reid asked Biden on July 20 if he would commit to picking a Black woman, he didn’t.

“I am not committed to naming any but the people I’ve named, and among them there are four Black women,” Biden said.

Could you, perhaps, point out the problem with what was said? Are community banks not part of their communities as the name implies?
That's the point, not that she's wrong but that she says nothing. It's always just vapid, vacuous, stupid nothingness. And, yes, Trump and Biden are terrible too. None of them possess anything near the bare minimum of competence required for the jobs they are in or are seeking.
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That's the point, not that she's wrong but that she says nothing. It's always just vapid, vacuous, stupid nothingness. And, yes, Trump and Biden are terrible too. None of them possess anything near the bare minimum of competence required for the jobs they are in or are seeking. mean she talks like every other politician?!?!?!? HOLY HELL!!! ALERT THE MEDIA!!!

smh at the manufactured poutrage
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