Dementia Joe

I didn't get to finish my thoughts...darn roof inspector solicitor came to the door (I'll have a thread on that).

There's no need to make fun of the President, call him names, etc. Starting threads off like that, already puts people on the defense. Seriously, I wonder if the OP would call his father or other relative names if he were in the same state? My FIL is a disabled veteran living in a Veterans Home. He has dementia and gets around with a rollator. I haven't once called him Dementia Glenn or Slow Glenn or anything else.
Is he the President? I get what you’re trying to say but unless ole Glenn has his finger on that red button it ain’t even close.
Well here in America the people have the right to do what they want. Someone telling someone what to do is Communist. Ashli chose to be there on her own. She chose to go into the capital and something bad happened. You can't blame someone else for someone's free right to choose.
You can simultaneously blame Trump’s lies and her poor decision making for her death. There’s enough blame to be spread around.

Also you have a very poor understanding of communism, Sharky.
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Someone doesn't remember what happened to fuel prices when everything shut down during Covid....

You’re up past your bedtime.

And I recall what happened to fuel prices during Covid. I think it’s safe to say we all do.
You can simultaneously blame Trump’s lies and her poor decision making for her death. There’s enough blame to be spread around.

Also you have a very poor understanding of communism, Sharky.
No, I completely understand it. Problem is so few people understand that a democracy is a form of communism.
It amazing me how people can't look at Biden's declining mental (and physical) health objectively. Being concerned about the President's obvious deteriorating mental capacity does not equate to Trump support. It's the most bizarre take I've seen.

He can barely string two sentences together and he's not far off from needing a rollator to get around. The Presidency has become, "Mr. President, just sign here and look forward and say these words."

Again, this country needs to implement age limits on all three branches of our government. Joe defeated the maniacal twatwaffle, that is Donald Trump. Ride off into the sunset and enjoy retirement, Mr. President.
It is sad to see, he has really declined. Almost as bad as the R that stroked out in the middle of a speech last year.

75 would be the max age if I were choosing a limit for public office.
We've been hearing this same old garbage blah blah blah for years, and yesterday he gave a great speech. It sure has triggered the right wing cultists. Love it.
So your bar for our president is that he accomplished, in your eyes, a great speech. If you can’t admit he is mentally ill than nothing you say can carry any merit.
Someone doesn't remember what happened to fuel prices when everything shut down during Covid....

It's called supply and demand. Covid was a temporary event. States were primarily responsible for the shutdowns, and killing the supply during the temporary event didn't help much when the event was over.
There were capital police who died as a result of the insurrection and he prob attended their services. Did he say they they were killed in the actual melee? "As a result" can mean many causes. with consequences showing up later. Besides Sicknick 's death I remember suicides.
My dog died recently,.. does he count among the casualties?
I didn't get to finish my thoughts...darn roof inspector solicitor came to the door (I'll have a thread on that).

There's no need to make fun of the President, call him names, etc. Starting threads off like that, already puts people on the defense. Seriously, I wonder if the OP would call his father or other relative names if he were in the same state? My FIL is a disabled veteran living in a Veterans Home. He has dementia and gets around with a rollator. I haven't once called him Dementia Glenn or Slow Glenn or anything else.
You are wasting your time on this. I've made the same argument about the disrespectful name calling. I sometimes refer to Biden as Old Joe, but never the other monikers like Slow Joe, etc.

Many posters have a love affair with feeling superior and calling other posters stupid, etc., This extends to the names they call politicians. Even if we despise the actions of people, or even the people themselves, IMO the Office deserves some respect. That was one of the biggest things I hated about Trump from the very beginning - he disrespected the office he held and never acted Presidential.
Not a good look here.


Not his views, not his words. Context matters.

It took less than a minute to disprove the intent behind these statements, but of course, neither the person posting this nor you repeating it bothered to check first.

Republicans are gullible simpletons.


Having your dishonest "research" (a meme hardly constitutes research, but it's probably the best you can do) pointed out to you in another thread wasn't enough?

Comparing to a time when the country was stagnant due to a pandemic is nonsense, and anyone educated beyond high school knows that.

Poor, simple little Rico.

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Y'all killed him you ignorant piece of right wing shit
Why spread misinformation? He died of natural causes. The only person killed on j6 was ashli Babbitt. George Floyd killed more people than all j6 rioters combined lol

I must have missed your outrage when democrats assaulted cops and sent trump to the presidential bunker. The leftist dc riots were far worse than j6.

Having your dishonest "research" (a meme hardly constitutes research, but it's probably the best you can do) pointed out to you in another thread wasn't enough?

Comparing to a time when the country was stagnant due to a pandemic is nonsense, and anyone educated beyond high school knows that.

Poor, simple little Rico.

The only thing stagnant is Bidens deteriorating brain cells.