Why does the Biden Administration oppose upholding the law?
Actions, not words.
Actions, not words.
The Supreme Court is just letting the process play out.
The Supreme Court is just letting the process play out.
You’re asking why the federal government opposes individual states setting immigration policy?That doesn’t answer my question.
What is the motivation for the Biden Administration to oppose upholding immigration law?
Do you have any idea how dumb you look when you serve up Twitter posts from accounts like "unusual_whales"?
Do you have any idea how dumb you look when you serve up Twitter posts from accounts like "unusual_whales"?
Better source or?Do you have any idea how dumb you look when you serve up Twitter posts from accounts like "unusual_whales"?
Are you educated? If so, are you familiar with the Supremacy Clause in the US Constitution.That doesn’t answer my question.
What is the motivation for the Biden Administration to oppose upholding immigration law?
Why are they doing this?
You’re asking why the federal government opposes individual states setting immigration policy?
Thank goodness the unusual whales have now informed me about possible nuclear war.No I don’t, but I do excuse your ignorance. They are one of the best investigative accounts bringing US politician self dealing and insider trading to light. Follow them, you would learn a lot.
Fine, has nothing to do with my statement that the Supreme Court is letting the process play out. Could very well get back to them at some point for a substantive ruling.No. This Administration is systematically derelict in upholding their duty. It should not fall on Texas to do the job of the Federal government but here we are.
Apparently you never saw his big, beautiful wall. Some say the biggest wall ever built. Much better than that average wall in China. You can't see China from space, did you know that? You can see Mar-a-Lago from space, it's so beautiful. Hamburder.If Boarder security was important to Trump and republicans, why didn't he do something about it when he had majorities in both the senate and the house?
Bc msnbc told you so? Or bc he happens to have some opinions you differ with?So far from what I have seen, yes. He spreads misinformation and knows how stupid the maga base is. He lies much of the time on X.
So it's the timing of the border policies you're wound up about, not the results or specifically the unprecedented spikes since Biden admins changes? Does that make sense to you?No. I'm talking about the first two years of his administration when he had majorities in place. Could have done something then. But didn't.
Thank goodness the unusual whales have now informed me about possible nuclear war.
If I was going to share a Reuters story, I'd share Reuters. I wouldn't use the unusual whales to share Reuters, especially when the unusual whales don't include a link to the actual reporting.Do you hold the same distain for Reuters?
Which points are false?
I hate political videos like this, but take away the puke inducing theatrics and what in it demonstrably false?
No. It's the fact that he had majorities in the house and senate. He ran his 2016 campaign on Boarder security (build the wall, make Mexico pay for it), yet when he had the opportunity, he did absolutely nothing.So it's the timing of the border policies you're wound up about, not the results or specifically the unprecedented spikes since Biden admins changes? Does that make sense to you?
The facts remain, the spikes we've seen since Biden took office is 100% on his administration and 100% intended. The why they did it is certainly debatable.
Perhaps look into what you are posting. It took me 3 seconds to disprove your commentary.
No because he's a racist PoS liar.
Perhaps look into what you are posting. It took me 3 seconds to disprove your commentary.
Most wanted fugitive out of Colombia arrested in New Braunfels
A multi-department operation last week ended with the arrest of one of Colombia’s most wanted fugitives in New Braunfels.www.ksat.com
You said he entered with refugee status. that's BS. He crossed the border illegally and was promptly arrested.Wait, where was he arrested? Texas
How did he enter the US? Illegally
What exactly did you disprove? I would prefer international drug lord murderers not simply walk into our country unchecked. Maybe you don’t care?
because they need to keep this as a campaign issueNo. It's the fact that he had majorities in the house and senate. He ran his 2016 campaign on Boarder security (build the wall, make Mexico pay for it), yet when he had the opportunity, he did absolutely nothing.
You're sooooo gullible. You actually believe this time will be different. LOL
If the Trump admin did nothing regarding the border, what exactly did Biden reverse immediately after taking office? The entire list please, not just those you may want to hand pick.No. It's the fact that he had majorities in the house and senate. He ran his 2016 campaign on Boarder security (build the wall, make Mexico pay for it), yet when he had the opportunity, he did absolutely nothing.
You're sooooo gullible. You actually believe this time will be different. LOL
You're showing your gullibility again. Executive orders can only do so much. To affect real change requires legislation. Trump has you believing that POTUS holds all the power as it relates to security and immigration. POTUS doesn't, at least not under the constitution. But you're a sucker for a dictator, so you buy into it. LOL.If the Trump admin did nothing regarding the border, what exactly did Biden reverse immediately after taking office? The entire list please, not just those you may want to hand pick.
Oh yeah, the guy who has been avoiding trial for securities fraud for years is the guy I'd trust! You should have him do some investing for you!