Democrats Shut Down Campaign Office in Must-Win State After Shootings

The days leading up to and following a Trump loss🤞are going to be fateful.

And in a story linked from this one:

Aurora Mayor Rips Donald Trump's 'Grossly Exaggerated' Claims After Rally

The mayor of Aurora is a Republican so I'm struggling to understand the rhetoric about ""cities run by Democrats" if Aurora is such a hellhole.
I have a bad feeling no matter who wins November is going to be ugly. MAGA will up their game and so will the liberal mob—whether ANTIFA or college kids.

It’s going to be bad regardless of the winner.
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You must not remember the whole country being boarded up in November 2020 just in case Trump won.
I have my doubts that you do either. I suspect a hallucination. But go ahead and spew your nonsense, even if it's based on fake news reports from fascist propaganda reports. The 1st amendment gives you the right to do so.
You must not remember the whole country being boarded up in November 2020 just in case Trump won.
And? Selling fear is what the GOP does and Trump is a master. Here's a few questions you need to answer:

1) Did they "board up" in fear of a Trump win...or a Trump loss?
  • Roger Stone called on Trump to declare martial law or invoke the Insurrection act in the event of a loss.
  • Michael Caputo, Trump's assistant secretary of public affairs at DHS, claimed that "left-wing hit squads" were being trained and Trump loyalists should stock up on ammunition.
  • And, of course, there's Trump himself advocating for violence against those who oppose him and promising to pay the legal fees of those who assault them.
All of that was prior to the 2020 election. So who was "the whole country" protecting themselves against?

2) What happened? Where was the violence? Who committed it?
It means you're full of shit!

Also means you're just repeating GOP talking points you watched on Newsmax.
Never watched Newsmax in my life. Guess you're the one that's full of shit. By the way, how is the fact that the country was all boarded up for the last election a talking point? We all saw it happen with our own eyes.
I have a bad feeling no matter who wins November is going to be ugly. MAGA will up their game and so will the liberal mob—whether ANTIFA or college kids.

It’s going to be bad regardless of the winner.
Luckily the GOP has worked hard in making us the most incarcerated citizenry in the developed world. Plenty of holes to throw their sorry asses into if they go full moron.
And? Selling fear is what the GOP does and Trump is a master. Here's a few questions you need to answer:

1) Did they "board up" in fear of a Trump win...or a Trump loss?
  • Roger Stone called on Trump to declare martial law or invoke the Insurrection act in the event of a loss.
  • Michael Caputo, Trump's assistant secretary of public affairs at DHS, claimed that "left-wing hit squads" were being trained and Trump loyalists should stock up on ammunition.
  • And, of course, there's Trump himself advocating for violence against those who oppose him and promising to pay the legal fees of those who assault them.
All of that was prior to the 2020 election. So who was "the whole country" protecting themselves against?

2) What happened? Where was the violence? Who committed it?
Lol a Trump win. They weren't worried about protests if Trump lost. Although maybe they should have on Jan 6th. Doesn't change it though and you know it. Be honest.
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I certainly will.

In the meantime, I will pass along your sentiments to all the mayors and LEOs who will be tasked with containing mass destruction and chaos in their cities.

They always plan for extreme events....just because NORAD has planned for nuclear war doesn't mean we should be worrying about radiation sickness as a problem to deal with this next election
They always plan for extreme events....just because NORAD has planned for nuclear war doesn't mean we should be worrying about radiation sickness as a problem to deal with this next election
Well, yeah, no shit.

Not exactly on the same level of plausibility, though.
Never watched Newsmax in my life. Guess you're the one that's full of shit. By the way, how is the fact that the country was all boarded up for the last election a talking point? We all saw it happen with our own eyes.

We did not "saw it happen with our own eyes".

You've been gaslit by rightwing media sources. Probably a big "X" fan here.

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