Dems: are you serious with this "Oprah 2020" stuff? or is it a pipe dream?

ottumwan in tx

HR King
Oct 26, 2002
I mean, I could see her being more popular than evil hills and socialist bern, I guess it could happen if trump happened.
I think a lot of celebrities could win in both parties.

Tom Selleck
George Clooney
John Voigt
Matt Damon
Bruce Willis
Leonardo Dicaprio
John Stewert
Jay Leno
Morgan Freeman
Denzel Washington
Oprah would like a say in who the Democrats will
nominate in 2020. However, she herself would
never seek the Presidency. Oprah likes her own
space and that would not happen in White House.
If this happens then we've doubled down on the Trump mistake. At that point, it's over. Pretty good run America...
No I think the celebrity Pres was a one time thing. Ineffectiveness is what is sinking him more than anything.
One of my favorite Oprah moments was when she was overseas somewhere talking about how great socialism is. Then, they go to this ladies apartment and Oprah was not impressed and changed her tune a bit.
she has more narcissism in her little pinky toe than him, and Obama does as well!!
The guy's business is literally putting his name on stuff. (And claiming bankruptcy.) He had a TV show where the whole theme was him firing people. This is weak, even by your standards.

So you think it's easy to have a successful tv show?
yeah, after you guys INVENTED the trump persona which is not true, oprah has had hers out there for 30 years and we can see it
Huh cuz? It's not an Obama situation where he was probably born in Kenya and no one knew who he was or where he was until he became POTUS. Trump has been out in the public eye for decades. WTF are you talking about?