DeSantis suspends Hillsborough County State Attorney for failure to enforce state laws, will seek his dismissal....

The Tradition

HR King
Apr 23, 2002
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has suspended a George Soros-backed prosecutor for failing to enforce state laws and will seek his dismissal.

DeSantis said Hillsborough County State Attorney Andrew Warren — who oversees the Tampa Bay area — will be removed from his post immediately.

At a press conference Thursday, DeSantis said Warren had “publicly put himself above the law” while frustrating local deputies and citizens with a soft-on-crime approach.

DeSantis said Warren directed his office to let serious offenses slide and that he vowed not to enforce any current or future laws regarding abortion or gender-reassignment surgery on minors.

The governor ripped permissive prosecutors around the country Thursday and said cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles have deteriorated as a result.

“We are not going to allow the pathogen that’s been around the country of ignoring the law, we are not going to allow that to get a foothold here in the state of Florida,” he said. “We are going to make sure our laws are enforced and no individual prosecutor puts himself above the law.”

Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister lauded DeSantis’ action Thursday, asserting that his deputies and residents had tired of Warren’s soft-on-crime approach.

As an example, Chronister said Warren’s office declined to bring a case against an alleged gang member who shot a victim and then fired into a home where he fled.

That residence, Chronister said, was filled with women and children.

One of the occupants, he said, now lives in a motel because she fears returning to the house with the shooter still on the streets.

The woman feels “as though her status as a victim doesn’t matter and the state attorney simply does not care,” Chronister said.

He noted that Warren’s office said it wasn’t filing charges because the depositions would be too onerous.

Chronister said Warren acts as a “supreme authority” by “reducing charges, dropping cases and singlehandedly determining what crimes will be legal or illegal in our county.”

DeSantis argued that failing to enforce laws causes disproportionate damage to poorer communities.

He cited the recall of former San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin in making his point.

“The places that voted to keep him were affluent communities who are not bearing the brunt of the policies,” he said. “The places that voted to recall him were the working-class communities because they bear the burden of ignorance and refusal to enforce the law.”

Warren, a Democrat, was elected to office in 2016 and re-elected in 2020.

Susan Lopez will step in as the new state attorney of the 13th Judicial Circuit, DeSantis said.

Chronister said Warren acts as a “supreme authority” by “reducing charges, dropping cases and singlehandedly determining what crimes will be legal or illegal in our county.”

And then removes him from duly elected office

Governor Fascists doesn't want to accept the results of an election. SHOCKING!!!

Looks like he somehow offended the whiny prima-donna sheriff, who married into the San Francisco 49’ers billionaire owner family, and who was appointed to his position. Unlike the state attorney, he was not chosen by the voters.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has suspended a George Soros-backed prosecutor for failing to enforce state laws and will seek his dismissal.

DeSantis said Hillsborough County State Attorney Andrew Warren — who oversees the Tampa Bay area — will be removed from his post immediately.

At a press conference Thursday, DeSantis said Warren had “publicly put himself above the law” while frustrating local deputies and citizens with a soft-on-crime approach.

DeSantis said Warren directed his office to let serious offenses slide and that he vowed not to enforce any current or future laws regarding abortion or gender-reassignment surgery on minors.

The governor ripped permissive prosecutors around the country Thursday and said cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles have deteriorated as a result.

“We are not going to allow the pathogen that’s been around the country of ignoring the law, we are not going to allow that to get a foothold here in the state of Florida,” he said. “We are going to make sure our laws are enforced and no individual prosecutor puts himself above the law.”

Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister lauded DeSantis’ action Thursday, asserting that his deputies and residents had tired of Warren’s soft-on-crime approach.

As an example, Chronister said Warren’s office declined to bring a case against an alleged gang member who shot a victim and then fired into a home where he fled.

That residence, Chronister said, was filled with women and children.

One of the occupants, he said, now lives in a motel because she fears returning to the house with the shooter still on the streets.

The woman feels “as though her status as a victim doesn’t matter and the state attorney simply does not care,” Chronister said.

He noted that Warren’s office said it wasn’t filing charges because the depositions would be too onerous.

Chronister said Warren acts as a “supreme authority” by “reducing charges, dropping cases and singlehandedly determining what crimes will be legal or illegal in our county.”

DeSantis argued that failing to enforce laws causes disproportionate damage to poorer communities.

He cited the recall of former San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin in making his point.

“The places that voted to keep him were affluent communities who are not bearing the brunt of the policies,” he said. “The places that voted to recall him were the working-class communities because they bear the burden of ignorance and refusal to enforce the law.”

Warren, a Democrat, was elected to office in 2016 and re-elected in 2020.

Susan Lopez will step in as the new state attorney of the 13th Judicial Circuit, DeSantis said.

Link to George Soros?
Link to George Soros?

Warren likely received a donation from a democrat PAC that receives some funding from Soros. Warren ran a very energetic campaign in 2016 and unseated a lazy Republican incumbent who acted as if his re-election was a given. That DeFascist leads off by calling him "George Soros funded" tells you all you need to know that this is completely political and, again, baseless.
This is straight bull shit and entirely baseless. He was re-elected and I voted for him in both of his elections. He is far from “soft on crime.” He has implemented some mild reforms and has made strides to check the corrupt excesses of Tampa PD.
So I guess ignoring gang bangers shooting into occupied houses with Women and Children in them is considered "tough on crime"? LOL!

Get this loser and everyone like him on the streets with the career criminals they let roam freely, and let the natural progression of their decisions take its course.
Genuine question - how is this possible under Florida law? In most states and Governor can't just remove another elected official. Usually the only way to do that is through a recall election. I know we have a lot of Florida posters on here... can anyone explain?
Genuine question - how is this possible under Florida law? In most states and Governor can't just remove another elected official. Usually the only way to do that is through a recall election. I know we have a lot of Florida posters on here... can anyone explain?
My thoughts as well.

If this is within his power as governor, then the folks ITT calling him a fascist are way off base. If not, how does he expect to get away with it?
My thoughts as well.

If this is within his power as governor, then the folks ITT calling him a fascist are way off base. If not, how does he expect to get away with it?
If something is legal to do, it can still be considered fascist.
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Soooo much scared liberal butt hurt in this thread… RDS is coming and you can’t stop him you can only hope to contain him. This is delicious!!!! He’s your worst nightmare come true… he’s better than trump at trump policies and he’s never grabbed any of you by the pussy… yet. But he will.
Just like I keep saying. But people are going to vote for authoritarians. Like many of us tell you. Men who will gladly strip away rights and freedoms. Basically dictator behavior. Our grandfathers fought this shit in WW2…yet here we are applauding it. Begging for it.
Yeah, but he’s only taking away the rights of other people. Our’s are good, right?
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Can anyone find anything about the “gang shooting” that the perpetual plastic surgery customer, sheriff Chad Chronister, breathlessly whined about today? Usually more details are provided but I haven’t been able to find anything. Also if this was so egregious, why didn’t chin lift Chad take the case to federal prosecutors? Could it be that like Tallahassee Mussolini, he too is full of shit?
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Red Meat Ron didn't like what he saw in California so he told his staff to see if he could find someone in Florida to make an example of, in order of course to impress rural Iowa caucus participants.

"DeSantis said Thursday that the decision to remove Warren began when he noticed prosecutors in Los Angeles and San Francisco selectively enforcing crimes. He said he asked his staff to look around Florida “to make sure that that was not going to happen here.”

After his staff spoke with police and prosecutors, Warren’s name repeatedly came up, DeSantis said.

“It all came back to this area here, in the 13th Judicial Circuit in Hillsborough County,” DeSantis said. “And the response that we got was a lot of frustration on the part of law enforcement for criminals being let go and crimes not being prosecuted.”

DeSantis’ order does not cite examples of Warren not prosecuting individual cases. The state has no laws on gender-affirming care that Warren could refuse to prosecute. Instead, DeSantis’ order points to Warren’s public comments on abortion, transgender issues and office policies Warren has adopted."

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