DeSantis, Trying to Reboot Campaign, Will Appear in Rare CNN Interview

Seriously though...if you step back and watch the interview from a neutral perspective. He navigated it much better than I expected. Don't have to agree with what he was saying but I thought he did a pretty good job of steering his anwsers in the direction he wanted to go...

I was expecting a disaster going in so the bar was low...
It’s cute that you think you have the ability to do this.
Watched the interview,.. He indicated that the State of Florida likely would not bring suit, but suggested that the retirement account's management firm might.
Why? Because HE disparaged a company his state invested in? Does that make sense to you? How does that work? Florida invests in a company. DeSantis then attacks the company as "woke" and tells people to not buy its products, thus damaging Florida's investment. Sounds like the retirement account needs to sue DeSantis!
Seriously though...if you step back and watch the interview from a neutral perspective. He navigated it much better than I expected. Don't have to agree with what he was saying but I thought he did a pretty good job of steering his anwsers in the direction he wanted to go...

I was expecting a disaster going in so the bar was low...
Well every R candidate is better at basic politics than Trump so of course DeSantis looks better at it. My 5 year old would do better than Trump.
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Actually, it turns out the retirement didn't lose money on Bud - its stock price is up - rather, it lost money on investments in Russia! You can't make this up. How many Republicans are being paid by Putin, anyway?

Why? Because HE disparaged a company his state invested in? Does that make sense to you? How does that work? Florida invests in a company. DeSantis then attacks the company as "woke" and tells people to not buy its products, thus damaging Florida's investment. Sounds like the retirement account needs to sue DeSantis!

DeSantis isn't impacting the value of Inbev stock, Budweiser did that on their own,.. Your sequence of events should read more like Florida retirement plan invests in company, Company makes stupid woke marketing decision, Not surprisingly company stock tanks, Florida retirement plan considers suing company for financial malfeasance...
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DeSantis isn't impacting the value of Inbev stock, Budweiser did that on their own,.. Your sequence of events should read more like Florida retirement plan invests in company, Company makes stupid woke marketing decision, Not surprisingly company stock tanks, Florida retirement plan considers suing company for financial malfeasance...
I saw Desantics is going after Budweiser. That will teach them for being "woke".
DeSantis isn't impacting the value of Inbev stock, Budweiser did that on their own,.. Your sequence of events should read more like Florida retirement plan invests in company, Company makes stupid woke marketing decision, Not surprisingly company stock tanks, Florida retirement plan considers suing company for financial malfeasance...
I’d be shocked if anything comes of this.

Yet another pointless crusade by Meatball.
He indicated that the state pension managers are looking at it,.. nobody knows where this leads.
No. He “suggested” they look into it. Which they will because that’s the way it goes. It wasn’t a suggestion.

He also suggested they consider legal action against InBev, which I don’t think they’ll do. Because it’s a stupid idea.

This is not the pension manager’s idea. This is just Ron being Ron.

Here’s a link to the letter
I made some assumptions about this guy just based on his last governor election. I thought he might run away with the nomination like he did the governorship

When a pretty staunch Republican wins Miami Dade you take notice and assume he's doing something right to get moderates on board, but now I'm afraid it's just going to be that fükkin Trump again.
Here is the Jake Tapper CNN Pudding Fingers interview

So . . .

He wants Europe to handle Ukraine and handle Europe's problems, with the exception that we want to sell oil to Europe.

He dodged whether he would defend Taiwan.

He dodged climate change.

He thinks it wrong to hold people in high office to the highest standard.

Tapper asked decent questions, but let DeSantis get away with blatant evasiveness.
DeSantis isn't impacting the value of Inbev stock, Budweiser did that on their own,.. Your sequence of events should read more like Florida retirement plan invests in company, Company makes stupid woke marketing decision, Not surprisingly company stock tanks, Florida retirement plan considers suing company for financial malfeasance...
So, woke cancel culture?
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Ron's biggest problem is he's trying to be the Trumpiest candidate in the race when Fat Elvis is still running. The cult has no incentive to shift to Ron when Trump is in the race. It's like being offered the chance to see The Rolling Stones or a tribute band of The Rolling Stones. If you are a passionate follower you are going to see the original knock out the classics. Ron keeps trying to go farther and farther than Trump does, and it's massively turning off non cult members.
"I don't understand what happened to the beach that used to be here, and why that building is condemned because they say it's not safe. They say the water rose a foot, but I don't see it. There was a beach here, though, about 10 years ago." (The governor said there's no climate change."

This is such a repetitive thing with the many republicans whom I know. They religiously vote GQP/MAGA and then complain incessantly about the predictable outcomes of republican policies as they occur. When I explain why, without mentioning that it was their guys who created the problem, I am met with silence or they change the subject. FoxBrain is a real thing and the vast majority of these people are gone forever.

I have one relative who is having a s-fit about how long the mail takes. When I point out that there has been a multiple decade effort to break the post office so it can be privatized and the price to mail a letter to go up by multiples, this person suddenly starts talking about the laptop or how Biden is an a-hole.

I should write down these complaints as I hear them and then start a thread here. I doubt I'm the only one who has to listen to this sort of thing from the cultists.
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This is such a repetitive thing with the many republicans whom I know. They religiously vote GQP/MAGA and then complain incessantly about the predictable outcomes of republican policies as they occur. When I explain why, without mentioning that it was their guys who created the problem, I am met with silence or they change the subject. FoxBrain is a real thing and the vast majority of these people are gone forever.

I have one relative who is having a s-fit about how long the mail takes. When I point out that there has been a multiple decade effort to break the post office so it can be privatized and the price to mail a letter to go up by multiples, this person suddenly starts talking about the laptop or how Biden is an a-hole.

I should write down these complaints as I hear them and then start a thread here. I doubt I'm the only one who has to listen to this sort of thing from the cultists.
I hear you. I had to unfriend an in law on FB because I said mail in voting was not a problem. She called me stupid, then posted personal stuff about my late husband. Some of my friends went ballistic, but they were cool, and just said, "that's not cool".

Meanwhile, I have only one sibling. He works for Naval Intelligence. He's totally paranoid, will not address issues, and brings up Antifa to me. But then again, he is controlled by his Maga wife whose reading material consists of People magazine.
How could DeSantis “reboot” his campaign at this point?

Is he going to try to shift back to the Center?

Is he going to “un-ban” abortion after six weeks?

Will he be the Grand Marshall at the next Gay Day parade in Orlando and take pictures with Mickey Mouse?

I doubt the educated moderates who recently abandoned him will be fooled. It’s hard to un-ring the bell.

At this point, his best bet is to just tread water and pray that Trump’s campaign is overtaken by his legal problems or has a stroke or something.