Perhaps you’ve forgotten Sheriff Raymond Hamlin. An uneducated redneck with a gun.
But, as to your point, there was seriously a lot more going on back then with students and protests than there is now.
As recently as ten years ago, one of my friends in the booster admin told me that it was completely different now, than it was when we were students.
He said, "back when we were students, police would drive students home when they were drunk, break up a fight a send everyone home. Now they lay in wait for students to do something wrong."
I was starting FSU in 1969. The protests had ramped up in 1968. I was not allowed to participate, and was cautioned not to even go to the locations. (my dad's and brother's positions in govt.) But, I was well aware of what was going on and watched from afar.
So those of us that could not participate, foreign friends and exiles, watched and had our own meetings regarding the politics of the time. We had Cubans, Venezuelans, Colombians, Brazilians, Ecuadorians, Libyans and other ME's in our large group. (big issue among the Arabs at the time when the Jordanian came to Tallahassee for his honorary degree)
All I'm saying is that it's way more tame on the side of the protesters than it was back then, and does not need a heavy hand. There is no need for a no permit law with an abortion ban within the same week. That's asking for trouble. It's literally arm the people that disagree with the other side, and it's frickin dangerous on many, many levels. With the kind of bills sliding through the FL legislature, we're going to end up a police state.
Anyone who has studied history, even if all you do is a little bit of reading about the 1930's, would understand the dangers of this path. That is the true objection.