
Tallahassee Mussolini at it again today with the culture wars. In this video you can hear his traveling applause troupe known as “The Rontourage.”

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Not even close to full MAGA,.. and he'll snap back to the center like an olympic gymnast.
You are freaking nuts!!! Woke.... Woke.... Woke.... Attack on education.... Six-week abortion ban.... Using the power of the government to go after his political foes....

He's never been close to the center so there's no way he can "snap back".
You are freaking nuts!!! Woke.... Woke.... Woke.... Attack on education.... Six-week abortion ban.... Using the power of the government to go after his political foes....

He's never been close to the center so there's no way he can "snap back".
And tell me this. Is he going to repeal his abortion bill, the book bannings, refusal to provide medical services, show his financials on his travel, his attacks on school administrators and teachers?????
Hahaha. You can’t handle RINOs calling it like it is. The GOP was hijacked by the tea party 20 years ago. We didn’t suddenly become “libs”. We were chased out of our own party for believing in the right to choose, protecting the environment, and believing in equality for all. We were chased out for believing in separation of church and state. Jeffersonian beliefs, and Lincoln beliefs. And firmly written in the constitution.
Not even close to full MAGA,.. and he'll snap back to the center like an olympic gymnast.

This is just my opinion, but, as a Georgia resident (Metro Atlanta) who voted Republican for the Governor's race last year, I don't think center/right people can "unsee" what DeSantis has done over the last year. He may try to show he's snapped back, but very few are going to buy his crap. He may very well win the Primary, but he'll get even less votes than Trump in the general election.

It's like his campaign is being led by the captains of the Titanic and the Hindenburg.
It Begins Here We Go GIF by hero0fwar

It's no longer "Independents" they need to worry about.

It's motivated Millennials and Gen Zers. Gen Z is getting totally turned off by the GOP theatrics. was the 1990s until we had a majority of people in this country in favor of inter-racial marriages. The people who still oppose those are dying off (and Covid did a lot of them in).
Really? He’s gone full Nazi here in FL. And half the sheeple are just nodding and saying he’s great.

If there is anything we have learned over the past 2-3 years it is that EVERYONE is a nazi. Republicans are nazis, democrats are nazis, trans people are nazis, straight people are Nazis, white folks are Nazis, Hispanics who shoot up a mall in Texas you guessed it…Nazis!
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More backwardsness in Trumpy DeSantisland

@SolarHawk any thoughts on this?

Insurance companies dropping homeowners with solar panels in Florida

Becoming pretty well established that panels protect your roof from hail damage.

NREL in Boulder had an array of 3000+ panels that survived one 2" hailstorm (and many others) with only a couple panels lost due to hail. Something like 0.1 to 0.2% incur damage and only due to very large hail.
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If there is anything we have learned over the past 2-3 years it is that EVERYONE is a nazi. Republicans are nazis, democrats are nazis, trans people are nazis, straight people are Nazis, white folks are Nazis, Hispanics who shoot up a mall in Texas you guessed it…Nazis!
Wut? I’m going with the people who the Nazis adore and vote for are the Nazis. DeSantis welcomes them.
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Much like the governor, they seem to forget they represent the people who didn't vote for them too.

Proves states are the least capable entities to do anything. Nothing but collections of amateurs fcvking up everything everywhere.

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