Diana Taurasi


Team MVP
Jan 25, 2008
This woman comes across as a menopausal b@tch. I’ve listened to some interviews with her that model the pettiness, jealousy, and stupidity of the WNBA as a whole.

Example 1
After the final four game against UConn she goes on SportsCenter and demonstrates all three of the above characteristics. She’s clearly pissed about her beloved alma mater losing the game on a controversial call and I get that emotion, but she’s a “grown ass woman”. At that moment she needs to act like it. Her take about Caitlin playing in the league was so petty. Caitlin has struggled at times but the way Diana delivered that truth reeked of jealousy and stupidity.

Example 2
This one was when she was interviewed about Caitlin’s snub for USA basketball. The journalist mentioned that Diana was included on the team right out of college. Turasi responded by saying, “Yes after winning 3 straight national championships”. Wow just wow! What a stupid take! Diana was part of absolutely loaded college teams that basically hoarded the talent. Can we talk about Caitlin taking a team with no where near the talent of those UConn teams and carrying it to two straight championships games. I personally think that’s an equal accomplishment.

I mean I’ll give her credit she had no where near the level of individual talent Caitlin did coming out of college so she had to have a different take. It just showed the pettiness, jealousy, and stupidity again.

She went on to say how great it was to be a part of her first USA team because she was able to learn from the older players that took her under their wing. What a hypocrite! Instead of advocating for a young rookie to experience the same thing she sees herself as the veteran that will take the young players under her wing. As much as it sucks Caitlin didn’t make the team, thank God Caitlin doesn’t have to go under that wing!

Example 3
After a controversial call at one of her teams recent games, she gets asked about the call and the officials. She responded, “I’m glad we have charters”. Again, wow just wow. What a sad individual. It’s killing her she is past her prime and was not able to usher in the potential boon to the WNBA like Caitlin is doing.

Diana needs to hang it up. She’s a petty, jealous, stupid, hypocritical b&tch.

Sorry for not posting the clips of each incident, but there all out there if you want to see the Diana train wreck.
At this point it feels like many of the women in the WNBA want to make this a reality show more like The Housewives of Whatever rather than have a competition on the field. So many people are going out of their way to create extra drama. Just play the effing games, JFC.
The Peacock NBC is going to have an Altcast like the NBA finals for men and woman's Olympic basketball. Tons of sponsor dollars for ads. Bomani Jones and the other 3 just sitting back making comments during live play with interactions from viewers was awesome. Caitlin Clark has been offered 1 Million $ to join 3 other guys to cover the live Olympic bb games. WNBA hierarchy are going to freak out when the dudes go off on some of the old wnba players attitudes.
The Peacock NBC is going to have an Altcast like the NBA finals for men and woman's Olympic basketball. Tons of sponsor dollars for ads. Bomani Jones and the other 3 just sitting back making comments during live play with interactions from viewers was awesome. Caitlin Clark has been offered 1 Million $ to join 3 other guys to cover the live Olympic bb games. WNBA hierarchy are going to freak out when the dudes go off on some of the old wnba players attitudes.
I can't blame her if she takes it but I kind of hope she just decides to stay home and relax/train and keep a low profile. She needs her name out of the news cycle for a while.
Maybe it’s my black and gold glasses, but to me it wasn’t a controversial call at all. Agree with all the other points made here though.
Nothing to do with black and gold glasses. It WAS a moving screen and the correct call as we all know.
You can argue should it have been called in that situation, but the call was correct.
Maybe it’s my black and gold glasses, but to me it wasn’t a controversial call at all. Agree with all the other points made here though.
It was controversial because of the announcers and sportscasters ranting about it right after it happened and the game ended, only showing one replay angle that was a horrible view of the play.

If you watch the better replay angles, it isn't controversial at all and many sportscasters changed their tune.
Jodie Sweetin Hollywood Darlings GIF by Pop TV
Oh and CC dragging the Iowa team filled with 3-star talent to the Finals in back to back seasons is far more impressive than Diana winning three straight titles with a team stacked with five and four star talent.

The 2002 UConn team was almost definitely going to win the title, with or without Diana on the roster. The other two teams were at least elite eight and likely final four level without her.

Iowa without CC these past two seasons doesn't even make the sweet sixteen. Kate Martin is currently a WNBA player, but probably only has a few years in her. Stuelke and Affolter have shots at the WNBA too. But that talent is nothing compared to what UConn was rolling out on the court.

I loved Jordan as a kid but anyone who watched the Jordan/Bulls documentary knows what kind of asshole he was/is, and how how he dismisses other players he played with or against because of his accomplishments. Diana thinks she's the Jordan of women's basketball in terms of accomplishments and tries to act the same way in dismissing other players. But her 1 MVP award says otherwise. The potential for 6 gold medals is not really an accomplishment in this sport right now. I guess she does have 3 WNBA titles with two finals MVPs though. Nothing compared to Cooper's 2 MVPs, 4 championships, and 4 finals MVPs.
The press is causing much of the controversy within the WNBA. They keep bringing up any kind of story to keep it in the news. From what someone wears before the games, to what everyone thinks about why CC is having issues in the league. It's really not about the games anymore, it truly is a soap opera atmosphere. The more her name is in the news, the less everyone likes her. It's an ugly league right now and only going to get worse. We'll see how the ticket sales go next year. If CC keeps having bad games, people may not want to fork out the money next year. Could be some college girls that gain popularity in the next year, too. I'm actually looking forward to watching the new look Hawkeyes next year and moving past the CC drama.
This woman comes across as a menopausal b@tch. I’ve listened to some interviews with her that model the pettiness, jealousy, and stupidity of the WNBA as a whole.

Example 1
After the final four game against UConn she goes on SportsCenter and demonstrates all three of the above characteristics. She’s clearly pissed about her beloved alma mater losing the game on a controversial call and I get that emotion, but she’s a “grown ass woman”. At that moment she needs to act like it. Her take about Caitlin playing in the league was so petty. Caitlin has struggled at times but the way Diana delivered that truth reeked of jealousy and stupidity.

Example 2
This one was when she was interviewed about Caitlin’s snub for USA basketball. The journalist mentioned that Diana was included on the team right out of college. Turasi responded by saying, “Yes after winning 3 straight national championships”. Wow just wow! What a stupid take! Diana was part of absolutely loaded college teams that basically hoarded the talent. Can we talk about Caitlin taking a team with no where near the talent of those UConn teams and carrying it to two straight championships games. I personally think that’s an equal accomplishment.

I mean I’ll give her credit she had no where near the level of individual talent Caitlin did coming out of college so she had to have a different take. It just showed the pettiness, jealousy, and stupidity again.

She went on to say how great it was to be a part of her first USA team because she was able to learn from the older players that took her under their wing. What a hypocrite! Instead of advocating for a young rookie to experience the same thing she sees herself as the veteran that will take the young players under her wing. As much as it sucks Caitlin didn’t make the team, thank God Caitlin doesn’t have to go under that wing!

Example 3
After a controversial call at one of her teams recent games, she gets asked about the call and the officials. She responded, “I’m glad we have charters”. Again, wow just wow. What a sad individual. It’s killing her she is past her prime and was not able to usher in the potential boon to the WNBA like Caitlin is doing.

Diana needs to hang it up. She’s a petty, jealous, stupid, hypocritical b&tch.

Sorry for not posting the clips of each incident, but there all out there if you want to see the Diana train wreck.
The sad thing is.....there is no one on the Olympic team (or the WNBA for that matter) who would take Clark "under their wing" to help her. I'm glad she's not on the team this time, as she would likely be shunned and ostracized by her teammates. Better to wait until the next Olympics when the hoopla surrounding her dies down and she becomes more accepted around the league (if that ever happens).
The press is causing much of the controversy within the WNBA. They keep bringing up any kind of story to keep it in the news. ...

Exactly this. ^^ This modern "model" of reporting infuriates me, but it is the default mode these days. Take something, anything, and squeeze every last drop of drama out of it and "bait" people with emotionally charged headlines into clicking your article. Boom...we are going viral. Woo hoo.

Gone is any semblance of fact based reporting, it's seemingly all emotional claptrap these days and CC 22 is just the latest touchstone to draw some eyeballs. So these jokers just keep fanning the flame.

Think about many "headlines" include these magic words..."breaks their silence", "brutally honest", "responds", "massive", etc. All emotionally charged words or phrases designed to draw on your emotions.
Reporters also need to stop asking WNBA players to comment on CC. It's not helping CC in anyway or form. It just further creates animosity towards CC.
Yeah that's a major issue I have. The media keeps bombarding them with questions and all it does it further the resentment of these players/coaches.

But instead of focusing their attention on the media, they take out their frustrations on Caitlin, or blame her fans and then use that to throw her under the bus.

The media should be the focus of their ire, but it's directed at Clark.

The visual would be a bunch of WNBA players jumping Caitlin and kicking her while she's down all the while screaming at the cameras telling the media, "You made us do this!!!"

Yes, just like the invalid fair catch call in sucked when it happened, but it was the right call.
Jees... Guess again. EVERY single football analyst said that was NOT a fair catch signal. Not ONE player or coach on the Gophs thought it was a fair catch signal. On top of which they really bent the rules regarding replay. It was NEVER intended to reofficate on the field calls. They only replayed it to see if he stepped out of bounds, which he clearly did not. Coming up with another "rule" not called on the field was an over reach of the system. Good job though, your in the running for most ignorant post of the year....
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This woman comes across as a menopausal b@tch. I’ve listened to some interviews with her that model the pettiness, jealousy, and stupidity of the WNBA as a whole.

Example 1
After the final four game against UConn she goes on SportsCenter and demonstrates all three of the above characteristics. She’s clearly pissed about her beloved alma mater losing the game on a controversial call and I get that emotion, but she’s a “grown ass woman”. At that moment she needs to act like it. Her take about Caitlin playing in the league was so petty. Caitlin has struggled at times but the way Diana delivered that truth reeked of jealousy and stupidity.

Example 2
This one was when she was interviewed about Caitlin’s snub for USA basketball. The journalist mentioned that Diana was included on the team right out of college. Turasi responded by saying, “Yes after winning 3 straight national championships”. Wow just wow! What a stupid take! Diana was part of absolutely loaded college teams that basically hoarded the talent. Can we talk about Caitlin taking a team with no where near the talent of those UConn teams and carrying it to two straight championships games. I personally think that’s an equal accomplishment.

I mean I’ll give her credit she had no where near the level of individual talent Caitlin did coming out of college so she had to have a different take. It just showed the pettiness, jealousy, and stupidity again.

She went on to say how great it was to be a part of her first USA team because she was able to learn from the older players that took her under their wing. What a hypocrite! Instead of advocating for a young rookie to experience the same thing she sees herself as the veteran that will take the young players under her wing. As much as it sucks Caitlin didn’t make the team, thank God Caitlin doesn’t have to go under that wing!

Example 3
After a controversial call at one of her teams recent games, she gets asked about the call and the officials. She responded, “I’m glad we have charters”. Again, wow just wow. What a sad individual. It’s killing her she is past her prime and was not able to usher in the potential boon to the WNBA like Caitlin is doing.

Diana needs to hang it up. She’s a petty, jealous, stupid, hypocritical b&tch.

Sorry for not posting the clips of each incident, but there all out there if you want to see the Diana train wreck.
It's shocking that a player as awesome as DT only drew 9300 fans in their 18,400 seat arena, in a metro of nearly 5 million people. Do people not understand the greatness in their midst?
Jees... Guess again. EVERY single football analyst said that was NOT a fair catch signal. Not ONE player or coach on the Gophs thought it was a fair catch signal. On top of which they really bent the rules regarding replay. It was NEVER intended to reofficate on the field calls. They only replayed it to see if he stepped out of bounds, which he clearly did not. Coming up with another "rule" not called on the field was an over reach of the system. Good job though, your in the running for most ignorant post of the year....

Correct, it was not a fait catch signal, it was in incorrect fair catch signal and was adjudicated as such.
Correct, it was not a fait catch signal, it was in incorrect fair catch signal and was adjudicated as such.
Nah, it was like finding a legal loophole to get a murderer that everyone knows committed the murder off on the charges. That was what happened in the Iowa-Minnesota game...........

Yes, I used murder instead of "crime" for the effect...... ;)
Correct, it was not a fait catch signal, it was in incorrect fair catch signal and was adjudicated as such.
The two plays are apples and oranges. The closest basketball comparison would be an offensive player brushing the hoop area as a shot that was unaffected by the brush went in. Then the refs counting it, but getting a call from the press box telling them they need to review it, then they overturn it
Correct, it was not a fait catch signal, it was in incorrect fair catch signal and was adjudicated as such.
Kind of the point. It should not have been "adjudicated" at all unless it was done on the field. Replay is to determine IF the correct call was made on the field. They called TD, and it was replayed to see if he stepped out of bounds. Thats all they should have been looking at. Spending another five minutes looking at it, and then getting out the rule book to find something else entirely is not the job of the replay officials. Pretty much all the analysts all the next week said exactly that, AND numerous people posted videos from this season with exactly the same type of hand wave that CDJ made and that had NEVER been called before. Someone, either in the booth, or in New York went to a lot of trouble to pull this "rule" out of moth balls....I mean think this through. If they can do that, they can literally take an extra 5-10 minutes on any replay they want until they find something that the refs didn't see and call it from the booth. Totally ridiculous. Either get rid of the replay officials, limit their scope, or just get rid of the on field officials since they evidently have no use whatsoever...
I get it, it’s got to be hard answering questions about a 22 year old hot shot who everyone is fawning over. The fact that you’ve been toiling in obscurity for decades. BUT like Diana said these are grown woman. They are “pros” that play ball to put food on their families tables.

I just read a Brittany Griner interview where she very diplomatically stated that she herself struggled and that Caitlin probably will too.

I personally think Diana feels threatened by CC. If you think about it CC is entering the league with a bag of skills Diana just could never match.
The press is causing much of the controversy within the WNBA. They keep bringing up any kind of story to keep it in the news.

How about forums that can’t stop bringing up stuff? Literally this thread rehashing bad take after bad take.

Careful, some folks around here are gonna have an issue with y’all trying to make DT a villain.

What I do not understand is the need to start a thread about her and constantly talk about her comments about Caitlin.

She is living rent free in so many of your heads it is pretty damn funny.

She has been pretty much spot on with everything she has said..and was right, you all to sensitive. Hell Kelsey Plum basically said the same thing.

We as a fan base are getting a much earned reputation as being a bunch of whining little bitches.
How about forums that can’t stop bringing up stuff? Literally this thread rehashing bad take after bad take.

What I do not understand is the need to start a thread about her and constantly talk about her comments about Caitlin.

She is living rent free in so many of your heads it is pretty damn funny.

She has been pretty much spot on with everything she has said..and was right, you all to sensitive. Hell Kelsey Plum basically said the same thing.

We as a fan base are getting a much earned reputation as being a bunch of whining little bitches.
You do realize message board and Twitter comments aren't the real world right?
You do realize message board and Twitter comments aren't the real world right?

That has to be the dumbest thing I have ever read.

So if it is written on a Newspaper site and read by a million people…it’s real.

If a style of comment is written on forums and twitter and read by tens of millions of people…it’s not real?
How about forums that can’t stop bringing up stuff? Literally this thread rehashing bad take after bad take.

What I do not understand is the need to start a thread about her and constantly talk about her comments about Caitlin.

She is living rent free in so many of your heads it is pretty damn funny.

She has been pretty much spot on with everything she has said..and was right, you all to sensitive. Hell Kelsey Plum basically said the same thing.

We as a fan base are getting a much earned reputation as being a bunch of whining little bitches.
Fine we'll leave your friend Diana alone..........

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“The night wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t talk about Megan. She just always stays ready, and that is an amazing trait to have. She’s the ultimate professional [who] didn’t play much last year [and] went overseas, worked on her game. And when I see that and people around me that even those little stories can give me inspiration and Megan is a great player. She’s a great professional, great teammate, and I’m really happy for her to be able to show it on the biggest stage, because she works her butt off. She’s in the gym every single day before [and] after practice. And that is something in a teammate that you can look to, and they can help you to motivate you.”

That has to be the dumbest thing I have ever read.

So if it is written on a Newspaper site and read by a million people…it’s real.

If a style of comment is written on forums and twitter and read by tens of millions of people…it’s not real?
Let me guess, you think we lose recruits because of Hawkeye report too? 🤣🤣
No, recruits aren't reading mesaage boards because they're not 40

Ok. But if they were..I bet that actually might know the name of the site they are on.

You want to be taken seriously…but you don’t even know where you are.