Did Ted Cruz Really Use a Picture of a Russian Statue on His New Book Cover?

Is this an intentional dog whistle to Putin and the extreme right fascists in America?
Probably not. Just more rank incompetence from a grifter who knows his stupid marks won't know the difference.
I've seen many, many nipples in my day (all from pron and Google, never real life) and when I look closely it does appear to be one.
I can’t remember which book, but PJ O’Rourke commented on this statue, and that you couldn’t admire Soviet art and craftsmanship until you’d seen a three foot wide, concrete nipple.
I can’t remember which book, but PJ O’Rourke commented on this statue, and that you couldn’t admire Soviet art and craftsmanship until you’d seen a three foot wide, concrete nipple.
I've been in this one. Zero nipple game.
