What evidence is there that he targeted Christians for kill shots? I'm serious? Have you seen evidence that the dead are all Christian? Are their statements from those injured stating they didn't say they were Christian so they were shot in the leg? As I asked SEC, do you really think people defiantly still answered that they were Christian even after it became clear that he was targeting Christians?
The dead do not have to be all Christian for him to be targeting Christians. A while back a guy went on a mass shooting trying to target Jews. . . killed 3 people, not a single one jewish. But no one denies his intention to was target Jews.
As far as people saying they are Christian after it became clear who he was targeting.
Matt 10:32-33 "So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven."
There is no exception for being under threat of death. Jesus rebuked Peter for denying him 3 times while Peter was under threat of death if he told the truth.
Christians refusing to deny their faith and their savior even while under threat of death is nothing new nor surprising. Quite frankly it's commanded.
Here is one version that contradicts he was targeting Christians.
Rand McGowan, who was shot in the hand, told his mother it didn't seem the shooter was deliberately targeting Christians.
"It was more so saying, 'You're going to be meeting your maker,' " Stephanie Salas said.
Now 2nd hand witness accounts are valid, especially over the two 1st hand accounts that it just presented beforehand?
Again all evidence is that he targeted Christians. Sorry if that doesn't fit your political narrative as Christians are not on your approved victim's list.