Did Trump give the worst acceptance speech in history?

Biden is being forced to drop out. When will the Rs have this conversation about their own doddering old fool?

Joe doesn't appear to have received the message,.. R's seem to have completed their conversations.
I can't think of anybody else who did this poorly of a job. It's hard to fathom any other candidate screwing up their speech this badly.
Your soy tears entertain me. More please. More. Your lunancy will be a never ending source of joy ALL fall long. 👍
Any speech Trump gives is bad, but last night was stunningly bad. Low energy, rambling, probably filled his Depends a couple of times, lost focus, probably couldn’t have told you what state he was in, just comically bad.
Jealous of what? He is miserable human being, that’s indisputable, why anyone would be jealous of that is crazy, but I understand you’re just a troll, so I know you can’t be serious.
You thought joe Biden wasn't retarded the last 3.5 years. I get it. This is a highly embarrassing time for you people.
I can't think of anybody else who did this poorly of a job. It's hard to fathom any other candidate screwing up their speech this badly.
I am surprised you didn't think it was good. You usually have good things to say about Republicans and are open minded
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Biden is being forced to drop out. When will the Rs have this conversation about their own doddering old fool?

Ya, I remember forcing my in-laws to sell their home and move into assisted living, followed by forcing my FIL into a VA nursing home, then last week we forced my MIL to hand over her keys. Sometimes we have to force elderly people to do things they don't want to do.

As for the "other side", look up cult.
The most lies
the best lies
lies like no one in history has seen before
people are saying, his lies are the greatest lies that have ever been spoken
but most important:
the low intellect maga scum slurped them in record numbers
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Melania broke 30 years of tradition by not speaking. Barbara Bush started the tradition. Of course, it was probably a good move by her since she plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech in 2016. I was glad they mentioned that in the past they always used the "she's with Baron" excuse why she was so absent but now Baron is out campaigning and she still avoids anything to do with Donnie.
Melania broke 30 years of tradition by not speaking. Barbara Bush started the tradition. Of course, it was probably a good move by her since she plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech in 2016. I was glad they mentioned that in the past they always used the "she's with Baron" excuse why she was so absent but now Baron is out campaigning and she still avoids anything to do with Donnie.

Melania has indicated that she intends to avoid the game this time,.. No campaigning, no flag waving, no FLOTUS projects,.. If Don wants to play politics fine,.. not her schtick anymore.
It’s crazy how obsessed one has to be to despise someone so much yet waste a nice summer evening watching his speech. Just… ****ing weird.