Did Trump give the worst acceptance speech in history?

Yet you all watched it. LOL

I didn't watch one second of the RNC.

If you hate the guy so much, why waste your time on him?

Y'all are turning into angry little Chis bots.
Hate sells. Nobody votes for people anymore, they vote against people, and it has been this way before Trump—he just took it all to a whole new level.
He could go up there, jerk off, shit into his hand and fling it into the crowd like an orangutan and the morons would still fall all
over themselves to vote for the raping felon.

It’s disgusting and a national embarrassment.
Doesn't the wife have a list of chores for you (the house boy) to complete before the weekend?
Watched about 3 minutes of it. He appeared to be somewhat sedated; wonder if it’s part of the strategy to make him appear mature. It was awkward at best, though maybe the crowd had more energy earlier in the night 🤷‍♂️
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Democratic radical/Libs are losing it. They’re getting their asses kicked badly. Feel sorry for the moderate Democrats, but that’s Biden to blame, he backpedaled on all the moderates. Trump was fantastic last night. The whole four nights was great and democratics know it. jealousy is a bitch.
I can't think of anybody else who did this poorly of a job. It's hard to fathom any other candidate screwing up their speech this badly.
The Dems got a new lease on life by Trump rambling about TOTAL CRAP FOR 75 MINUTES, Hannibal Lecter again , you got to be kidding me. Trump is sick in the head, he was in 2015 with his hate and fear mongering. That is the kind of person he is. a narcissistic hater.
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Democratic radical/Libs are losing it. They’re getting their asses kicked badly. Feel sorry for the moderate Democrats, but that’s Biden to blame, he backpedaled on all the moderates. Trump was fantastic last night. The whole four nights was great and democratics know it. jealousy is a bitch.
I don't think we've ever seen an rnc with this level of energy and enthusiasm
The most lies
the best lies
lies like no one in history has seen before
people are saying, his lies are the greatest lies that have ever been spoken
but most important:
the low intellect maga scum slurped them in record numbers
Oh yeah, his supporters slurp up that koolaid. Hillary was right and just said it out loud that a huge number of his followers are deplorable people who hate hate hate. They want the govt crashed but they love all the public water, roads, healthcare support etc etc. Yet they squeal about paying another 1% in taxes.

Just losers whether they are poor, middle class , or rich. They say they want freedom but it is only their type of freedom. Losers.
Democratic radical/Libs are losing it. They’re getting their asses kicked badly. Feel sorry for the moderate Democrats, but that’s Biden to blame, he backpedaled on all the moderates. Trump was fantastic last night. The whole four nights was great and democratics know it. jealousy is a bitch.
Yes, the party that didn’t nominate the rapist felon is radical.

Nailed it!
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Democratic radical/Libs are losing it. They’re getting their asses kicked badly. Feel sorry for the moderate Democrats, but that’s Biden to blame, he backpedaled on all the moderates. Trump was fantastic last night. The whole four nights was great and democratics know it. jealousy is a bitch.
Well WillieBoy, the Dems had a 10 million vote margin to play with. I was all for Biden that we had at the State of the Union speech, but whether it was the cold he had a few weeks ago and covid now Biden looks exhausted and weak.

The Dems will bring in a new candidate and whether Harris, Shapiro, etc etc they will talk rings around Trump.

And they will have the energy to pound Trump on being a liar, cheat, con man, scum, convicted felon, and in a debate after every Trump answer I would just hammer Trump on every lie and shit crap thing he is.

The Dems have a 2-3 hundred million dollars and more with the right candidate
Melania has indicated that she intends to avoid the game this time,.. No campaigning, no flag waving, no FLOTUS projects,.. If Don wants to play politics fine,.. not her schtick anymore.
She avoided it all last time, was overheard saying she didn't want to put up the ****ing Christmas tree.
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Or being stuck in a marriage more.

Don't know why anyone gives her sympathy. She's as much as a shit pile as the other Turd family members.

Authors have documented her greed and nasty disposition. She's not the sympatric character I've seen on this board. Preferring to live in misery to have the benefits of wealth and fame is not something I'm not willing to extend sympathy.
The Dems will bring in a new candidate and whether Harris, Shapiro, etc etc they will talk rings around Trump.

And they will have the energy to pound Trump on being a liar, cheat, con man, scum, convicted felon, and in a debate after every Trump answer I would just hammer Trump on every lie and shit crap thing he is.
I just hope they do hammer him on all that crap. But, unfortunately, they seem to soft on that. But that's just my opinion.
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Well WillieBoy, the Dems had a 10 million vote margin to play with. I was all for Biden that we had at the State of the Union speech, but whether it was the cold he had a few weeks ago and covid now Biden looks exhausted and weak.

The Dems will bring in a new candidate and whether Harris, Shapiro, etc etc they will talk rings around Trump.

And they will have the energy to pound Trump on being a liar, cheat, con man, scum, convicted felon, and in a debate after every Trump answer I would just hammer Trump on every lie and shit crap thing he is.

The Dems have a 2-3 hundred million dollars and more with the right candidate
They didn't have this in 2020 what makes you think they suddenly can find it now? Dems cheated in 2020
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Yes, the party that didn’t nominate the rapist felon is radical.

Nailed it!
Uhh joe biden has been accused of rape multiple times and also stole classified documents he had no authority to declassified but his own doj said he was too retarded to be held accountable. Dems denied this but then the debate happened and we all saw that hurricane was right, biden is a vegetable (but should still be charged)

Did you vote for this in 2020? If you did you lose the privilege of calling anyone else a moron ever again. Be honest in your answer.
I did, and I would again. You aren’t a moron for your political views, actually you probably are, but you’re a moron for using the word ‘retarded’. I work with special needs kids and I feel very confident they bring more quality to life than you ever will. You are a sick person.
I did, and I would again. You aren’t a moron for your political views, actually you probably are, but you’re a moron for using the word ‘retarded’. I work with special needs kids and I feel very confident they bring more quality to life than you ever will. You are a sick person.
Cool story. You voted for a man who showered with his daughter. You'll do it again too, you good person, you.
easy to have energy when you have racists cheering on racists, a pro wrestler from the 80s, and an Only Fans porn star. Quality excitement.
Joe Biden forgot the name of his secretary of defense and defaulted to calling him "you know, the black guy". Same guy who said if you didn't know if you were for him or trump then "you ain't black". His own Vice President called him a racist multiple times even. Face it, you voted for a racist. You good person, you.
All he had to do was read a few boring paragraphs about unity. Instead, be it laziness or hubris, he just cycled in his rally speeches. He double-faulted.
All he had to do was read a few boring paragraphs about unity. Instead, be it laziness or hubris, he just cycled in his rally speeches. He double-faulted.
Kind of like the first debate. If he did any debate prep whatsoever and not defaulted to his usual talking points, President Biden's performance would have looked even worse.
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Cool story. You voted for a man who showered with his daughter. You'll do it again too, you good person, you.
Cool deflection. I can live with how I vote. And here I thought Rico was the biggest monumental loser on the board, we have a new leader! Idiot.
Joe Biden forgot the name of his secretary of defense and defaulted to calling him "you know, the black guy". Same guy who said if you didn't know if you were for him or trump then "you ain't black". His own Vice President called him a racist multiple times even. Face it, you voted for a racist. You good person, you.
So we both voted for racists. Idiot.
Democratic radical/Libs are losing it. They’re getting their asses kicked badly. Feel sorry for the moderate Democrats, but that’s Biden to blame, he backpedaled on all the moderates. Trump was fantastic last night. The whole four nights was great and democratics know it. jealousy is a bitch.
For such a follower and fan of girls’ basketball, it’s a little disturbing that you are this giddy over an admitted sexual assaulter. One who hung out repeatedly with a pedo. How do you tell yourself it’s not a dealbreaker? Look in the mirror and say to yourself, I vote for a rapist of women. 🤮
It just doesn't matter. Trump could take a dump on the American flag and yell "All Hail our true leader, Vladimir Putin!" and those dumbasses would still vote for him.
Pelosi said it right to Trump’s face too. All roads lead to Putin. I don’t think he even denied it.
Democratic radical/Libs are losing it. They’re getting their asses kicked badly. Feel sorry for the moderate Democrats, but that’s Biden to blame, he backpedaled on all the moderates. Trump was fantastic last night. The whole four nights was great and democratics know it. jealousy is a bitch.
Delusion is an even bigger bitch.
Pelosi said it right to Trump’s face too. All roads lead to Putin. I don’t think he even denied it.
Putin only takes Ukraine when democrats are in the Whitehouse. Weird.... Trump called you frauds out on this point last night btw
Melania broke 30 years of tradition by not speaking. Barbara Bush started the tradition. Of course, it was probably a good move by her since she plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech in 2016. I was glad they mentioned that in the past they always used the "she's with Baron" excuse why she was so absent but now Baron is out campaigning and she still avoids anything to do with Donnie.
She opened her legs a few times and is just enjoying the perks until the real payday. No one was more devastated the shooter missed than her.
Well WillieBoy, the Dems had a 10 million vote margin to play with. I was all for Biden that we had at the State of the Union speech, but whether it was the cold he had a few weeks ago and covid now Biden looks exhausted and weak.

The Dems will bring in a new candidate and whether Harris, Shapiro, etc etc they will talk rings around Trump.

And they will have the energy to pound Trump on being a liar, cheat, con man, scum, convicted felon, and in a debate after every Trump answer I would just hammer Trump on every lie and shit crap thing he is.

The Dems have a 2-3 hundred million dollars and more with the right candidate
I made every pass Deacon Hill ever threw from the comfort of my couch.

Best of luck with the player that isn't even on the field jumping in and running past guys who are in the trenches. It's the old" everybody's best player is the back up.qb" idea. Wait until that person has to take game.reps and you might be reminded why they are not there now.