that's just it. This is the first time we've experienced halloween in lexington. Halloween on my street was like the first thing every neighbor warned us about when we first met them. Most people said to expect like 500 (as kids come into the town from the county for a downtown parade), so we thought we'd prepared. Now of course, last night was warm and beautiful, so maybe it was a bit of an outlier, but I have a hard time imagining that.
BTW best costume was an entire family dressed as Addams family characters, and all of them perfectly acting their various parts and not breaking character. Also hat tip to two older boys who i guess were sort of some video game fighting characters who did a whole 'select player 1/select player 2' thing in our front yard and proceeded to go through a choreographed fight. i did give them each an extra piece for the effort, even if they were a little older than the demographic.