Did your parents ever talk to you about sex? Have you had the talk with your kids?


HB Legend
Mar 22, 2005
Long story short. I have found some empty condom boxes in my son’s room. Wife says I need to have the sex talk with him. I don’t remember my parents ever having that conversation with me so I am not real sure what it is. Apparently he is using condoms. I will definitely make sure to mention to always practice safe sex which I already have. I don’t need to be a grandparent anytime soon. But what else. How was it? Don’t forget about foreplay? Make sure to lick it before you stick it? Need some help here boys and girls.
Real Sex on HBO taught me everything I needed to know. And no my parents did not have the talk with me.
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My 14 year old saw my dick in his mom's mouth yesterday.

Not kidding.

He was supposed to be in the shower and came up sooner than we thought.

I tried playing it off like I was having her look at a rash I had on my body. Which I truly did a few days earlier. Swimmer's itch, look it up. Yucky. Doubt he believed it.
He obviously already knows some stuff but it's still important to talk about it, if nothing else it will give him an opportunity to ask you questions.

With my kids we really stressed the importance of safe sex and getting on birth control if possible. Plus not doing something or being pressured into doing something they aren't comfortable with - it's ok to say no (yes even for boys).
Long story short. I have found some empty condom boxes in my son’s room. Wife says I need to have the sex talk with him. I don’t remember my parents ever having that conversation with me so I am not real sure what it is. Apparently he is using condoms. I will definitely make sure to mention to always practice safe sex which I already have. I don’t need to be a grandparent anytime soon. But what else. How was it? Don’t forget about foreplay? Make sure to lick it before you stick it? Need some help here boys and girls.
12-13 or maybe even younger for the basic birds and the bees. At least they are mature enough to buy rubbers, so that's a perfect sign.
Yeah, I definitely missed out on this one. I will still be having a talk with him. Likely tonight. But 12-13?? Really? God damn. Guess I am having 3 conversations this week.
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I think you reinforce the safe sex angle. You might also think about reinforcing how important it is to respect women and that no always means no and be careful when alcohol or drugs are involved. Teens and young women can go from partying to incapacitated quickly and even a kid with good intentions should stay far away from that line for a number of reasons.

Good luck. These are the worst years for worrying, I tell you.
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Yeah, I definitely missed out on this one. I will still be having a talk with him. Likely tonight. But 12-13?? Really? God damn. Guess I am having 3 conversations this week.

I had the talk going into middle school with mine (12).

Not particularly fun but it’s not as weird as you’d think.
I was raised on a farm with livestock and my kids were raised on a farm with livestock.

We discussed the pertinent bits when they were 10 or so. I have reinforced the importance of safe sex and their mother being to young to be a grandmother since then. We discussed the emotional side of sex and the entanglements it creates.

We have also had extensive conversations about:
1. the importance of graduating college before getting married
2. getting married before having kids
3. choosing a spouse

The 2 older boys are in fairly long term relationships right now. My wife and I have also discussed those same points with their current girlfriends. I have too many examples of bad choices on points 1-3 derailing relatives to not be proactive in this area.
Yeah, I definitely missed out on this one. I will still be having a talk with him. Likely tonight. But 12-13?? Really? God damn. Guess I am having 3 conversations this week.
I might have been 14, but kids today are definitely having sex earlier than we did back in the day. My wifes friend is a GC at a school here in Iowa ans says it's wild how many 14 and 15 year olds are secually active. Gotta have the talk before they could start ideally.

My nephew is 17 now, but their whole class was sexting at 13. Cops had to go visit all the kids and the parents.
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Hmmm..did my parents have the talk with me? Well, when my mom told me that a girl had called my dad turned around and said "She's not pregnant is she?!"
Does that count?

My kids? Not really. I offered to buy my son condoms but he told me he was covered. I did tell them to not try to emulate porn with their partners. Porn is to sex as Pro Wrassling is to fighting.
Pretty sure my dad gave me "the talk" when I was around 13-14 years old and it was because he found some stuff on our family computer that young McLovin32 may or may not have gotten in to
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Pretty sure my dad gave me "the talk" when I was around 13-14 years old and it was because he found some stuff on our family computer that young McLovin32 may or may not have gotten in to
Kids today will never ever know how frustrating this was.
I might have been 14, but kids today are definitely having sex earlier than we did back in the day. My wifes friend is a GC at a school here in Iowa ans says it's wild how many 14 and 15 year olds are secually active. Gotta have the talk before they could start ideally.

My nephew is 17 now, but their whole class was sexting at 13. Cops had to go visit all the kids and the parents.

Not sure about kids having sex earlier, Back when I was in school 3 girls became pregnant in 9th grade, The earliest I recall hearing about kids being sexually active was when they were in 7th grade.
If my parents did I don't recall it. I didn't with my kids.

My first time was 13 years old. Fond memories.
Long story short. I have found some empty condom boxes in my son’s room. Wife says I need to have the sex talk with him. I don’t remember my parents ever having that conversation with me so I am not real sure what it is. Apparently he is using condoms. I will definitely make sure to mention to always practice safe sex which I already have. I don’t need to be a grandparent anytime soon. But what else. How was it? Don’t forget about foreplay? Make sure to lick it before you stick it? Need some help here boys and girls.
Sounds like your son has things under control but an "atta boy" for using condoms might not be a bad idea. Just make sure he knows that no means no or he may get seriously f**ked (in the bad way) 20 years from now.
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Not sure about kids having sex earlier, Back when I was in school 3 girls became pregnant in 9th grade, The earliest I recall hearing about kids being sexually active was when they were in 7th grade.
We had several girls get pregnant in high school in the early 90's.
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Hmmm..did my parents have the talk with me? Well, when my mom told me that a girl had called my dad turned around and said "She's not pregnant is she?!"
Does that count?

My kids? Not really. I offered to buy my son condoms but he told me he was covered. I did tell them to not try to emulate porn with their partners. Porn is to sex as Pro Wrassling is to fighting.
Similarly - "the talk" my dad gave me happened one day when I was out warming up the car to go meet a girl I was seeing. My dad came out, sat down in the car. He said "Don't get yourself in trouble. You know what I mean." In fact I did know what he meant, so mission accomplished.

With the daughter, it was a little different. With the internet there really wasn't much purpose for a "birds and bees" level talk - she'd already been exposed to so much online without ever trying. My talk with her was more focused on:
1) NEVER, EVER share naked/sexual photos or videos of yourself online. No matter how much he says he loves you, or how strongly he promises that no one else will ever see them. a) he's lying and b) they never go away - they're out there forever.
2) Don't get pregnant until you're well out of college - it will screw up the rest of your life, and limit your future success. You'll be poor and miserable, and probably resent the kid because of it.
She seemed pretty receptive to the discussion and went on birth control before she went off to college.
Not sure about kids having sex earlier, Back when I was in school 3 girls became pregnant in 9th grade, The earliest I recall hearing about kids being sexually active was when they were in 7th grade.
In 10th grade my first *real* girlfriend broke up with me because I wouldn't get her pregnant. She promptly found a fella who was willing to give her what she wanted. Better him than me. Couldn't tell you what happened to her after high school. Probably a long string of low-wage jobs, and a revolving door of come-and-go guys.
My parents never did. They left that to the public school sex Ed teachers. I had seen full fledged porn long before they broached the topic in 5th-6th grade.

My kids go to catholic school so I’ll just let them fall in line with the belief that you can only PIITB before marriage.
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In 10th grade my first *real* girlfriend broke up with me because I wouldn't get her pregnant. She promptly found a fella who was willing to give her what she wanted. Better him than me. Couldn't tell you what happened to her after high school. Probably a long string of low-wage jobs, and a revolving door of come-and-go guys.
And probably has enough kids to fill out a whole basketball roster by now.
In 10th grade my first *real* girlfriend broke up with me because I wouldn't get her pregnant. She promptly found a fella who was willing to give her what she wanted. Better him than me. Couldn't tell you what happened to her after high school. Probably a long string of low-wage jobs, and a revolving door of come-and-go guys.
Oh man. That’s insane. Goes without saying you made the right call, but that would have been absolute fire playtime for a HS lad to experience. There is no sex like a woman who wants to get pregnant.
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In 10th grade my first *real* girlfriend broke up with me because I wouldn't get her pregnant. She promptly found a fella who was willing to give her what she wanted. Better him than me. Couldn't tell you what happened to her after high school. Probably a long string of low-wage jobs, and a revolving door of come-and-go guys.
why so greedy with your seedy?
why so greedy with your seedy?
I was an idiot back then (no, not still!) but I knew one thing: that having kids early was the fastest way to ruin the rest of your life. It meant you were dropping out of school, getting a low-wage - probably manual labor - job, and trashing any goals and dreams you might've had. I wasn't going to let that happen at all.
Oh man. That’s insane. Goes without saying you made the right call, but that would have been absolute fire playtime for a HS lad to experience. There is no sex like a woman who wants to get pregnant.
It was a lot of fun - for a first time, inexperienced youth. Right up until she let me know what her end goal was. After that it got way more serious than I needed!
I was an idiot back then (no, not still!) but I knew one thing: that having kids early was the fastest way to ruin the rest of your life. It meant you were dropping out of school, getting a low-wage - probably manual labor - job, and trashing any goals and dreams you might've had. I wasn't going to let that happen at all.
For sure. In my tiny class of 30, we had 3 girls have babies by graduation. 1 also in 10th grade.

They're prob doing fine now, but they really buried themselves.
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For sure. In my tiny class of 30, we had 3 girls have babies by graduation. 1 also in 10th grade.

They're prob doing fine now, but they really buried themselves.
There's no way I could have, or would have, dug myself out of that hole at that point in my life.

We had the daughter when I was 30yo. I think that this was about the right point at which I was prepared to be that level of responsible. Even then, it wasn't always easy.
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For sure. In my tiny class of 30, we had 3 girls have babies by graduation. 1 also in 10th grade.

They're prob doing fine now, but they really buried themselves.
It's funny, the most religious people now from my small HS were the party girls. After the scare, or the baby they suddenly found Jesus....he forgives after all.
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For sure. In my tiny class of 30, we had 3 girls have babies by graduation. 1 also in 10th grade.

They're prob doing fine now, but they really buried themselves.
As I was getting close to 40, it was weird to see people I graduated high school with posting on FB about being grandparents.

I had to check the math - which made sense and wasn't even that trashy (20yo + 20yo) - I couldn't have imagined already being a grandparent. Still, a lot of those people from HS never went to college, and the majority of their kids also didn't go to college - not that it's an absolute necessity, but it's also not like they were in their garages creating IBM or Microsoft.
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