Direct tv out with snow

I specifically told him not to mount it on my roof or house. Then he dug a three foot hole and put in a pole when it was 10° outside. My dish is always clean. I helped him dig the hole, though.

Cool story bro.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
A friend in Cedar Rapids and my sister in Des Moines had trouble today with their Direct TV. My brother-in-law swept off the dish and treated it so the snow wouldn't stick and they still had problems. Another friend and I have Dish Network and didn't have any trouble at all.
Originally posted by hansenhawk:
They say to just pray some cooking oil on thrm so nothing sticks, or something actually meant for that.
Pray tell, how does that really work?
Originally posted by IamHawkeye:
Originally posted by hansenhawk:
They say to just pray some cooking oil on thrm so nothing sticks, or something actually meant for that.
Pray tell, how does that really work?
I applied Rain X on my Directv dish two years ago and yesterday morning was the first time since then that I had to go out and brush off the snow. I think it definitely helps.
Our dish is on the roof and inaccessible. We're in a wooded area, so I guess there wasn't much choice to put it lower. Still, we're totally stuck when we get a big snow like this. You'd think the DirecTV folks would discuss the location of the dish with the customer before installing it. We probably should have made sure it was put as low as possible.
My Directv went out during the super bowl but I was able to get the SD duplicates, just the HD channels were out for a little while. Weather is one of the issues with satellite for sure.
i did not apply anything to my Direct TV dish, and yesterday is the first time in over two years that i've had to clear it off.
Originally posted by IamHawkeye:
Originally posted by hansenhawk:
They say to just pray some cooking oil on thrm so nothing sticks, or something actually meant for that.
Pray tell, how does that really work?

BTW, my dish is on my roof, and i have never had a problem with snow/ice on it. Maybe it helps that in Iowa we face them south?
It is highly advised to NOT use cooking oil sprays. They actually attract dirt and then it is difficult to get rid of the gunky film. Use of silicone or RainX are ok. I used RainX and do well except for 2 ft + snows and a quick swipe clears all of the snow.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Just some interesting follow-up on this. . . . We have 4 receivers. Turned out we were able to watch the Super Bowl in non-HD on one of them, but two of the receivers are still nonfunctional -- no TV at all on those ones. And it doesn't warm up her for a few days, so it looks like we'll be without TV on two of our receivers for close to a week. Crazy.

This fall, going to climb up and spray a bunch of RainX on the dish and see what happens. Anyone know how long that stuff is effective?
I had brushed snow off on sat but still out on Sunday- called and they had me go to main dish box, open a little door on upper right. Press the reset button- reset and came on. Live and learn:)
Pretty sure DN dishes don't point as high as DTV does in Iowa. I want to say 36 degrees elevation versus 40.

Reason #1 why I mounted my DTV dish at arm's reach. Reason #2 why I installed a rooftop ATSC antenna.
Originally posted by hansenhawk:

Originally posted by myteamcanbeatupyourteam:
Super soaker filled with anti freeze?
Oddly enough also a good strategy with a neighbor's dog.
Seemed like a good opportunity for a Rickyism
Originally posted by bagdropper:

Pretty sure DN dishes don't point as high as DTV does in Iowa. I want to say 36 degrees elevation versus 40.

Reason #1 why I mounted my DTV dish at arm's reach. Reason #2 why I installed a rooftop ATSC antenna.
Just in case some don't realize this, but the dishes do not directly point at the satellites as far as the rim being perpendicular to the line of sight. It makes one think the satellites are much lower than they are.

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