Do people even care anymore

Not a single country in Europe or Asia, nor Australia has unrestricted birthright citizenship. The 14th amendment was meant to guarantee citizenship for blacks, former slaves. Birthright citizenship for the offspring of foreign nationals was an unintended consequence. It’s been abused Good to have the debate. I’m ambivalent. Chain migration is the bigger issue.
Not a single country in Europe or Asia, nor Australia has unrestricted birthright citizenship. The 14th amendment was meant to guarantee citizenship for blacks, former slaves. Birthright citizenship for the offspring of foreign nationals was an unintended consequence. It’s been abused Good to have the debate. I’m ambivalent. Chain migration is the bigger issue.

Wanna let the First Lady know?
Trump won't leave willingly. But he is such a massive screwup that he could very lead us into a huge recession, war, or God knows what else. He may not have a choice at the end of four years.
Trump won't leave willingly. But he is such a massive screwup that he could very lead us into a huge recession, war, or God knows what else. He may not have a choice at the end of four years.
I'm not worried about the Idiot not wanting to leave. So much more actual before that concerns me first.
You obviously lost the debate on Joe Biden lying, if you need to pivot to January 6th.
You obviously forgot this was a thread about the pathological liar and current occupant of the Oval Office. Now **** off and start another Biden conspiracy thread if you like.
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All of the quoted posts are true.

Which is why I implore you guys to stop engaging the MAGA Idiot Brigade. All you are accomplishing is validating obsequious stupidity.

We are not a serious country right now. Accept it and plan for life after Trump. Oh, and laugh a little.

Someday your grandkids and great grandkids will one day be proud you were on the right side of history.
Perhaps. History is written by the victors.
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When Trump blatantly lies about pretty much everything? When he signed the EO looking to end birthright citizenship he told everyone that the U.S. was the only country in the world that did this.

He's stating an easily proven lie and yet no one even questioned the piece of shit. I have birthright citizenship from Canada.
1) you cant keep up with the lies of a serial liar, 2) a ton of people are happy they have a cell phone, a TV and shows to watch, 3) and so many people really dont give a shit because of #s 1 and 2

Unfortunately, it is the liars on the conservative right that love to lie and they know it works, that people just are not listening or those that are will believe anything without checking to see if it is true
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No. Let it get it as bad as possible. I will be fine as a white educated male. Otherwise let the leopards eat the faces.

To quote Mike Leach: “fuk you, fuk me, and fuk everybody”
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CNN is a joke. They sane wash and excuse Trump endlessly. Trying to be Faux Light..
Yes, CNN is a joke, but not because they are easy on Trump, rather they continue to beat the drum for liberal policies.
All of the quoted posts are true.

Which is why I implore you guys to stop engaging the MAGA Idiot Brigade. All you are accomplishing is validating obsequious stupidity.

We are not a serious country right now. Accept it and plan for life after Trump. Oh, and laugh a little.

Someday your grandkids and great grandkids will one day be proud you were on the right side of history.
What color is the sky in your world? 🥴
Your stupid comments like this is why you lost the house, senate and White House and you still don’t get it. Enjoy the next four years, bubba! Be sure to pace yourself. I would hate to see you increase your daily political posts from 30 to 50.
If Biden did his job and didn’t lie to the American people he would still be president. America saw through the bullsh!t and now you get to live with it.
Props to Trump on solving climate change! 1st day in office and we have record lows across America!!
I agree with much of your above post, but there was no way Biden was mentally equipped to be the president for 4 more years.
I don't equate lying about your children to lying about everything and WTF does Hunter have to do with our elected officials again?
So, you actually believe that Trump lies about “everything”? I’ll acknowledge that he (and all politicians) lie sometimes, but not even Trump lies about “everything”. Just because you may not agree with Trump on some, or many, issues it doesn’t mean he is lying. 😉

The Orange Piece of shit had 4 years, inherited a strong economy from Obama.

He fcvked things royally, left the country in mess which took drastic, costly measures to right the ship

He inherited a strong economy again from Biden. His self-perception of a financial expert is as ridiculous and inappropriate as his cult's.

He, a POTUS, sells trinkets and novelties of likenesses of himself. You followers lap up this shit not considering the stain it puts on what once was a position and office of stature and integrity. This Orange turd has vilified the office of the Presidency of the United States.
The Orange Piece of shit had 4 years, inherited a strong economy from Obama.

He fcvked things royally, left the country in mess which took drastic, costly measures to right the ship

He inherited a strong economy again from Biden. His self-perception of a financial expert is as ridiculous and inappropriate as his cult's.

He, a POTUS, sells trinkets and novelties of likenesses of himself. You followers lap up this shit not considering the stain it puts on what once was a position and office of stature and integrity. This Orange turd has vilified the office of the Presidency of the United States.
What world do you live in when you say “strong” economy? Granted, some metrics are okay, yet prices on food, gas, electricity, etc are still way too high; interest rates & rents are high which exacerbates the poor housing market. Many, many of the jobs that Biden administration touted were either increased gov’t jobs, or jobs that simply returned after the pandemic. Lastly, the national debt continued to balloon during his presidency due to continued high spending, much of which was unnecessary.
When Trump blatantly lies about pretty much everything? When he signed the EO looking to end birthright citizenship he told everyone that the U.S. was the only country in the world that did this.

He's stating an easily proven lie and yet no one even questioned the piece of shit. I have birthright citizenship from Canada.
But are any of those countries anyone would travel to to have kids to get citizenship?

I see only Canada as a real Western country with any claim to that at all. Who the hell travels to Brazil to have a baby to get citizenship? No one.

Notice no Germany, England, Spain, France, Switzerland, Italy etc.
What world do you live in when you say “strong” economy? Granted, some metrics are okay, yet prices on food, gas, electricity, etc are still way too high; interest rates & rents are high which exacerbates the poor housing market. Many, many of the jobs that Biden administration touted were either increased gov’t jobs, or jobs that simply returned after the pandemic. Lastly, the national debt continued to balloon during his presidency due to continued high spending, much of which was unnecessary.
Wrong on so many points, gas,electricity,weak jobs market? Trump ballooned the debt yet you want him to double down.
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