Nobody is or has been saying Dr Tom had epic success at Iowa. People including myself are just saying we’re still not to the level of success Dr Tom. I’m fine comparing the last 9 years but saying Fran is doing the same is stretching it. 5 tournaments with 6 wins is a lot better then 4 tournament and 2 wins. Dr Tom, was also a lot like Kirk. The sum was more the total of its pieces. His teams played hard and typically improved. Dr Tom getting a T was a rarity yet he still worked the refs.
Regardless Fran’s last 6 year pace is still not close to Dr Tom’s 9 year pace. Also people crying about Fran having nothing to start with only gets you so far. You only need a handful of good to great players to turn a basketball program around. This ain’t football where you need 80 plus kids. Despite this Kirk was able to go worse to first in 4 years.
College athletics is unique since you only get 5 years max with players. All coaches have rosters continually turning over so there are many opportunities to improve or fail. It’s not like one team can dominate years with the same roster. The fact is we’ve seen several of Fran’s classes now and they’ve all flopped down the stretch. Even worse, they appear to give up.
The men’s program could learn a lot from the lady’s. Chemistry, unselfish, hard working, and just fun to watch. That’s another thing. Dr Tom’s team were fun to watch and easy to cheer for. We don’t have much of this going on in the men’s program.
Anyway it’s Barta that needs to go not Fran. Another barta hire will likely struggle.