Do the American people deserve to know why a Parkinson’s doctor has visited the White House 8 times?

In the immortal words of Chief Clancy Wiggums, "Dig up, stupid".
Go Team Blue Lucas.

Look you can keep denying that Biden is not with it both physically and mentally and keep attacking those who keep bringing it up because of your political loyalty but all that’s going to do is lead to another four years of Trump. You and I don’t agree on much but we can both agree that the country doesn’t need that.

Go Team Blue Lucas.

Look you can keep denying that Biden is not with it both physically and mentally and keep attacking those who keep bringing it up because of your political loyalty but all that’s going to do is lead to another four years of Trump. You and I don’t agree on much but we can both agree that the country doesn’t need that.

You ran here with false information and now you're lashing out because you apparently can't handle the idea that you were duped with false info that you SOOOOO wanted to be correct.
Ed Okeefe from CBS is a Republican? The New York Times isn’t considered credible anymore?
Welcome to the anything you post stage is not credible because I don’t think it’s true or agree with it. As we are watching Biden go through the ringer, we are watching @GOHOX69 go through what most of us have gone through once we become non partisan.
If I didn't know any better I'd have thought Dr. Cannard was a nickname for Dr. Fauci. Well played Bidens...well played.
The White House said that Biden hasn't been examined for neurological issues since his annual exam in February.
Welcome to the anything you post stage is not credible because I don’t think it’s true or agree with it. As we are watching Biden go through the wringer, we are watching @GOHOX69 go through what most of us have gone through once we become non partisan.
Very Maga like behavior by the Biden loyalists.
Nice to know that you have some common sense.
As I’ve stated many times on here, I have never voted for Trump and will not in November. That doesn’t take away your party is setting us up for another four years because of the allegiance to one man who clearly is in mental and physical decline that is not going to improve. The two party’s are not that different from each other no matter what you lefties want to think.
Go Team Blue Lucas.

Look you can keep denying that Biden is not with it both physically and mentally and keep attacking those who keep bringing it up because of your political loyalty but all that’s going to do is lead to another four years of Trump. You and I don’t agree on much but we can both agree that the country doesn’t need that.

You posted misinformation. Pretty rich given the number of times you've wagged a finger here at posters over content, then admonished with a snarky comment about rushing to post something that is unproven.
Joe Biden is currently the president and competently leading this country. There is a discussion being held in my party about the future, and that's healthy. I'll leave you to warm up your tired act for a potential candidacy of Kamala Harris.
Nobody believes you when you come here with your both sides act, Coff.
As I’ve stated many times on here, I have never voted for Trump and will not in November. That doesn’t take away your party is setting us up for another four years because of the allegiance to one man who clearly is in mental and physical decline that is not going to improve. The two party’s are not that different from each other no matter what you lefties want to think.
I’ve gone on record I think Biden is too old. Trump is too… plus all of his other baggage. Therefore I’ll still vote for Biden due to the lack of real baggage and the negative direction the Republican Party has gone in the last decade or so.