Do the Democrats dare run the Blow Job Queen and King Together?

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And let’s not pretend that every hero of the right has been an absolute wreck in the morality department. Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, MTG, Boebert. Then you have the Gym Jordan’s and Dennis Hasterts. Sexual deviants one and all. It would be so much easier if they just owned it.

What's hilarious to me is that some of them are still after all that willing to right back to the sexual morality department after all that.

Honestly these arn't serious people who want what's best for the country, they only want to "own the libs" and figure out ways to hurt people they don't like. That's all this is about. Any reasonable person would probably not go the sexual morality route when their candidate is Donald Trump. But nope, Biden drops out and in less than 24 hours they are back to talking about how Harris once slept with Willie Brown.
Yes. And a jury of his peers did, too. And more than 30 other women have accused him of rape. And he was a frequent flier on Epstein’s airplane. And he’s on tape saying you can grab chicks’ pussies if you’re a celebrity.

You’d have to be so badly in denial to the point of delusion or the world’s biggest idiot NOT to think the guy’s a rapist.

You likely lead a very hard life.
Do you always lie? The jury specifically stated they didn't believe he raped her

He has never been convicted of anything related to sexual assault.
A prosecutor from San Francisco that deliberately hurt black people to further her own career.

You people are desperate and will believe anything of you think she is going to carry the day. The same kind of lie you were telling yourselves about Joe's Dementia.

Find a different candidate. She isn't it.
What rapist? I presume you have the court case in which Trump was convicted of rape? Hoe about sexual assault? Which case was he convicted of sexual assault? Link?
Doubling down on defending the Epstein frequent flier and guy who for some reason, has never been able to not be accused of rape by unrelated women. Who didn’t raise you right?
I for the record think it's hilarious that the R's are gonna go the sexual morality route now.

Trump has sex with a porn star while his wife is at home nursing their child. No big deal. Kamala dates and sleeps with a guy who was separated from his wife for years and suddenly Republicans are back to the moral majority days where they clutch their pearls at a presidential candidate engaging in any sex outside of marriage at any point in their life.

Rules for thee but not for me.
OP clutched his pearls so hard that they shattered about the word cracker, but has no problem spewing blatant misogyny or homophobia.
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Doubling down on defending the Epstein frequent flier and guy who for some reason, has never been able to not be accused of rape by unrelated women. Who didn’t raise you right?
Once the cases where he has been indicted or convicted of sexual assault or rape? You can't because there aren't any.

Perhaps the people that raised me believe on due process and the rule of law. I get Marxists like you would prefer to shoot people you don't like but that isn't a great idea in a free country.
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What rapist? I presume you have the court case in which Trump was convicted of rape? Hoe about sexual assault? Which case was he convicted of sexual assault? Link?
I love the "party of morals and family values" who deflect for the guy who paid off porn stars when cheating on his pregnant wife... and who has been found liable for sexual assault. You guys all bitched about Biden being too old... now you change your tune on that when your guy is the old guy. Keep deflecting. The funniest thing about all of this is it appears to me Republicans are nervous about their chances to beat the likely "unpopular" "cackling" "hard on crime" former prosecutor. If she's so bad why all of the whining? Seems like Trump will cruise to a win if all you say is true.
one small example. You really think she won't be brought to task on this stuff?

Something tells me you’re the type to demand to see the full body cam footage anytime a cop shoots an unarmed black guy. I bet you can list every run in George Floyd ever had with the law. You probably don’t share the same opinion on Rodney King as a typical LA rioter. Now we’re supposed to believe you’re sporting a Dashiki? Your disingenuousness is disingenuous.
She will shatter the single day fundraising record. I think you're underestimating the popularity she has right now
The delusional nature of political warriors is impressive. Only in this arena would someone say this about the person that holds the record for least favorite Vice President.
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