Do you do garage sales?

Feb 9, 2013
We had a community-wide garage sale this weekend. My neighbors do this every year and drag out a ton of stuff - nothing cool, mostly just knickknacks and used housewares she collects on her picking travels.

Day one ends they drag it inside and out again on day two. Later in the day everything is marked down and what doesn’t sell goes back into the garage for the next yard sale.

I guess this is entertainment for some folks?
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So I consider myself a "fast shopper". I like to go directly to what I want, grab it and leave.

For garage sales I rarely go but if I do I really really try to go into it with a good attitude but about 10 minutes in I get annoyed with having to search and dig for shit and then I'm fully ready to go home. Thankfully Mrs. Butters isn't big on them either.
We had a community-wide garage sale this weekend. My neighbors do this every year and drag out a ton of stuff - nothing cool, mostly just knickknacks and used housewares she collects on her picking travels.

Day one ends they drag it inside and out again on day two. Later in the day everything is marked down and what doesn’t sell goes back into the garage for the next yard sale.

I guess this is entertainment for some folks?
I've done it to clear out some things. Had one just few weeks ago to take advantage of the community wide sale to unload college stuff that was still in the UHaul. My wife and I picked up a small dining table when we first got married many years ago. That's the extent of our shopping.
My no pics wife loves them but I hate them. I don’t like garage sales, flea markets, Goodwill, or any of that stuff.

One year our neighborhood did a community-wide garage sale and the wife asked me to help her with it. I agreed to help her set up and tear down as long as she promised I wouldn’t have to work the sale.

Of course, 10 minutes after we opened she decided she wanted to check out all the other garage sales in the neighborhood and left me alone to run ours.

One old lady held up a trinket that was labeled for 10 cents and asked me if she could have it for a nickel and also could I put it in a bag for her. I said a nickel is fine but I don’t have any bags to put it in.

Then another person asked me a question and I talked them for a minute or two. When we finished our conversation I noticed that the old lady was still staring at me.

“I asked if you could put this in a bag for me.”

“And I told you I don’t have any bags. I’m giving it to you for a nickel. If I also give you a bag then I’m losing money. Just put it in your purse.”

Never again.
Wife starting to put stuff together for a neighborhood one. I like minimalism and it was time to purge some things. But the hassle of lugging stuff up from the basement (let alone people haggling over a quarter) just doesn’t feel worth it.

Just donate it and overestimate the deduction.
Our town does this as part of the highway 141 garage sale every August. I'll visit a few and occasionally find something interesting, but it's usually just junk that should go in a dumpster. Some people really get into it though. I refer it as garbage sailing.
My no pics wife loves them but I hate them. I don’t like garage sales, flea markets, Goodwill, or any of that stuff.

One year our neighborhood did a community-wide garage sale and the wife asked me to help her with it. I agreed to help her set up and tear down as long as she promised I wouldn’t have to work the sale.

Of course, 10 minutes after we opened she decided she wanted to check out all the other garage sales in the neighborhood and left me alone to run ours.

One old lady held up a trinket that was labeled for 10 cents and asked me if she could have it for a nickel and also could I put it in a bag for her. I said a nickel is fine but I don’t have any bags to put it in.

Then another person asked me a question and I talked them for a minute or two. When we finished our conversation I noticed that the old lady was still staring at me.

“I asked if you could put this in a bag for me.”

“And I told you I don’t have any bags. I’m giving it to you for a nickel. If I also give you a bag then I’m losing money. Just put it in your purse.”

Never again.

We redid our house a few years back and donated nearly everything. Tons of furniture in good shape but didn’t match the renovations. This neighbor was speechless when we said we were giving away. I also brought out an elliptical the last garage sale and marked it free. She couldn’t believe it. I just wanted it gone.

Funny what people value.
We had a community-wide garage sale this weekend. My neighbors do this every year and drag out a ton of stuff - nothing cool, mostly just knickknacks and used housewares she collects on her picking travels.

Day one ends they drag it inside and out again on day two. Later in the day everything is marked down and what doesn’t sell goes back into the garage for the next yard sale.

I guess this is entertainment for some folks?
We usually do our neighborhood sales every other year as more of a purge of stuff than anything else.

The one thing I do different is whatever doesn’t sell at the end of day two heads to Goodwill or Salvation Army never back into the house.
We usually do our neighborhood sales every other year as more of a purge of stuff than anything else.

The one thing I do different is whatever doesn’t sell at the end of day two heads to Goodwill or Salvation Army never back into the house.
They bring everything back in. Don’t donate anything.
They must be doing it to try and make a little extra cash instead of getting rid of unwanted shit.
They are retired. I think it’s just her hobby. She has a trailer and drives around the Midwest picking up crap at garage sales and estate sales and brings it home to sell. Also has a stall at a local junk market.

The husband puts up with it but he’s very negative when he mentions to me.
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Crazy thing is, they have so much stuff they can’t park a car in their three car garage. Their 2 month old $60k SUV got dented up in a recent hailstorm because it has to be outside. So factor in that hassle and expense to try to make a few bucks selling junk.
They are retired. I think it’s just her hobby. She has a trailer and drives around the Midwest picking up crap at garage sales and estate sales and brings it home to sell. Also has a stall at a local junk market.

The husband puts up with it but he’s very negative when he mentions to me.

Crazy thing is, they have so much stuff they can’t park a car in their three car garage. Their 2 month old $60k SUV got dented up in a recent hailstorm because it has to be outside. So factor in that hassle and expense to try to make a few bucks selling junk.

We had some old neighbors that passed recently. The family took out 6 or 7 full sized tow behind dumpsters, and still ended up having an estate sale. The place was still loaded with crap in every single room, out back, and the garage was packed. Which explained why the new Mercedes cars were parked in the driveway and not the garage.

We redid our house a few years back and donated nearly everything. Tons of furniture in good shape but didn’t match the renovations. This neighbor was speechless when we said we were giving away. I also brought out an elliptical the last garage sale and marked it free. She couldn’t believe it. I just wanted it gone.

Funny what people value.
Yep. No pic will take stuff to a consignment place that charges 50 percent commission. If it doesn’t sell after a period they either reduce the price, give it away to a thrift store or expect us to pick it up.
I a’int picking it up and bringing it home.
We had some old neighbors that passed recently. The family took out 6 or 7 full sized tow behind dumpsters, and still ended up having an estate sale. The place was still loaded with crap in every single room, out back, and the garage was packed. Which explained why the new Mercedes cars were parked in the driveway and not the garage.
I did a deep clean last Memorial Day weekend. Had a local company drop off a dumpster out back in the alley and filled it up.
It was an amazing feeling once that last thing was tossed in.
My no pics wife loves them but I hate them. I don’t like garage sales, flea markets, Goodwill, or any of that stuff.

One year our neighborhood did a community-wide garage sale and the wife asked me to help her with it. I agreed to help her set up and tear down as long as she promised I wouldn’t have to work the sale.

Of course, 10 minutes after we opened she decided she wanted to check out all the other garage sales in the neighborhood and left me alone to run ours.

One old lady held up a trinket that was labeled for 10 cents and asked me if she could have it for a nickel and also could I put it in a bag for her. I said a nickel is fine but I don’t have any bags to put it in.

Then another person asked me a question and I talked them for a minute or two. When we finished our conversation I noticed that the old lady was still staring at me.

“I asked if you could put this in a bag for me.”

“And I told you I don’t have any bags. I’m giving it to you for a nickel. If I also give you a bag then I’m losing money. Just put it in your purse.”

Never again.
I'm not about sifting through a ton of shit, but some of these places are good for the "they don't make them like they used to" old items.

We redid our house a few years back and donated nearly everything. Tons of furniture in good shape but didn’t match the renovations. This neighbor was speechless when we said we were giving away. I also brought out an elliptical the last garage sale and marked it free. She couldn’t believe it. I just wanted it gone.

Funny what people value.
Someone down the street put a full ass squat rack on their curb with a sign that said "$500, knock for assistance" and I guarantee that thing was stolen within like 2 hours.
I'm not about sifting through a ton of shit, but some of these places are good for the "they don't make them like they used to" old items.
I’ve given my wife a list of things to be watching for while she shops and she calls me when she sees one. I got a nice studio strobe and a #5 Griswold skillet, among other things. But the worthwhile finds aren’t frequent enough to justify my time.
I’ve given my wife a list of things to be watching for while she shops and she calls me when she sees one. I got a nice studio strobe and a #5 Griswold skillet, among other things. But the worthwhile finds aren’t frequent enough to justify my time.
Griswold for the win. I found an old school swivel fan for a few bucks last year. Works effortlessly and quietly. It has an oil basin and a two prong wrapped cord.
Prolly gonna get a new cord at some point, but this one is pristine.
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I feel like garage sales hit their peak popularity in the late 80’s and early 90’s. Used to be tons of them on the weekends but now not so much.

They could be on the verge of a comeback though with Boomers needing to unload stuff they got from their parents and that their Millenial kids absolutely don’t want. I mean what am I going to do with my silver, China and crystal plus my Mom’s? No one wants that stuff anymore.
I took a bunch of clothes to Goodwill yesterday.
Our HOA had a community sale last year. I put out a bunch of stuff and made a whopping $15.

If I was a younger single furnishing my first place or if I had some little fishing or hunting cottage that needed to be supplied garage sales would be perfect. I guess people don’t do that anymore?
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I feel like garage sales hit their peak popularity in the late 80’s and early 90’s. Used to be tons of them on the weekends but now not so much.

They could be on the verge of a comeback though with Boomers needing to unload stuff they got from their parents and that their Millenial kids absolutely don’t want. I mean what am I going to do with my silver, China and crystal plus my Mom’s? No one wants that stuff anymore.
I took a bunch of clothes to Goodwill yesterday.
Our HOA had a community sale last year. I put out a bunch of stuff and made a whopping $15.

If I was a younger single furnishing my first place or if I had some little fishing or hunting cottage that needed to be supplied garage sales would be perfect. I guess people don’t do that anymore?
Sterling silver or plate? Meissen or Flora Danica china? Baccarat or Hawkes crystal?
There can be $ there.

I do have a CSB. There was a lady who frequented yard sales and had a few “hits” taking her buys to an auction house… several thousands of $.
She found a Chinese vase that later she was sure that she paid well south of a hundo for.
It hammered for $1.2 million.
It can happen.
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Usually once school ends I'll go out looking for steals. Hell, a LOT of what I own nowadays I've gotten at garage sales - especially vintage stereo equipment, tools and outdoor power equipment.

This summer I'm looking for a bench grinder, a decent floor jack and maybe a self propelled mower too. Hopefully I can find a steal or two along the way.
I love having and going to garage sales and Goodwill. I’m working on organizing one now. I’ve made over $1000 the last several sales I’ve had and this one should be close.
Are shoes a big part of your sales?
Sometimes you can find some useful things. Kids crap, tools, sometimes stuff i can use outside.

I don't do clothes though.

Also, if you live on a busy street with no parking, I'm not stopping. I should be able to park almost directly in front of your house.
I bought all my nephews poop at a garage sale
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Hate them. People walk down the middle of the road like no one else has anywhere to go. Anything of value you can get more money other places. Garage sale people expect really really really great deals.

In my small town we only have 2 garage sale days a year. It used to be 1. So those days I avoid the town like crazy. I live on the edge of town. It also doesn't help my parents drug me and my sister(no pic) to these growing up. Ironically it's why she likes them.
Donate it, put a value on it that you would sell it for ideally, and the be edit you get from it in tax savings will be similar to what you could get through a yard sale...without the hassle.

It has to be a labor of love to make sense...because financially, it probably doesn't.
No, I don’t do garage sales. I don’t want to buy anyone else’s stuff. I have enough of my own crap. I’ve also found having garage sales in the past might net you a couple hundred bucks. Not worth the effort. Bigger or more valuable items we will sell on fb swap. Everything else goes to the landfill or is donated to Goodwill.
A elderly lady down the street died recently. Every room in her home (about 3,000 t0 4,000 sq feet) was packed with stuff she had ordered on QVC. Her family filled 4 big dumpsters and never even opened the boxes to see what was inside.
Wife and I hit up garage sales and GDub's (Goodwill) all the time. She sells stuff on Poshmark to pay for our boat and car insurance every month. Pretty good deal.

We also have garage sales every other year or so. Crazy how much crap accumulates with 3 boys in the house. We have the boys work at it and it helps build their social skills. We then distribute the earnings with them.

Anything left gets taken to GDub.
My other half loves to go to estate sales- and buy shit we do not need. Randomly she'll lug something home I find a use for- mostly yard stuff. I've gone once or twice with her, its weird walking around someone's house who just died and picking through their stuff.

Garage sales she avoids. Snob.

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