DOD Stand down order?

Does this mean the really hot Russian woman I’ve been sexting (and sending thousands of dollars to) over the last year may be a bot?
No she's definitely real.

Reaction Eye Roll GIF by Rodney Dangerfield
They've been adversarial to us. They've also been thugs on the world scene, they're reprehensible that way too.

It's like... what do you think of China?
Oh we're going to like China now, too. Trump is all in on the authoritarian-dictator Imperialism train carving up the world.

Russia, China, NK. We're switching sides. Our new enemies are Europe, Canada, Australia, Taiwan, Japan. All that democracy, free market, self-determination shit is out.
What is this 1980's why is everyone so afraid of russia?

Why is the thought of peace with another super power so scary to you guys?

Some of us have the view that standing up to Russia and not turning a blind eye when they invade sovereign nations is better for long term peace than rewarding them for doing so. But you do you.
Russian backed hackers cause tens of billions of dollars in damage to US businesses every year.

Their military uses cyber warfare against our NATO allies and they’ve made a constant effort at cyber espionage.
And they have more than one government agency dedicated to it, but the Federal Security Service (FSB) and the Main Directorate of the General Staff (GRU) are the two primary orgs. The Kremlin's got another one IR-something as well.