Does a celebrities opinion mean more to you than any other stranger?

If they are entitled to their opinion, which I agree they are. Isn't this guy also entitled to his opinion that he thinks they should STFU? Not saying I agree with him that they should, but telling someone to not have an opinion about others having an opinion seems a little strange.
Weird interpretation. Not sure where in my post I said he wasn’t entitled to his opinion. I never told him to keep it to himself. I disagreed with the opinion. That’s different than telling him to STFU.
lol at the butthurt. Art, literature and music, etc have always been a way to garner eyes and ears in order to sneak in an agenda. Handel, Schubert, Rachmaninov and Bach, etc should have stuck to secular music I suppose too, right?
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I'm not talking about qualified people from the specific field of study I'm talking about "Jim Carey" or "Oprah" as an example.

Like why do I care what they think over some asshat at a bar?

Do you put more value on a celebrities endorsement or opinion?
No, but their right to express their opinion to try to persuade others is the same as you or me. Why do people complain about American citizens announcing their support of a certain candidate? It's no different from regular people making social media posts, wearing campaign gear, having yard signs, attending events, etc. They don't lose their first amendment rights just because they're famous. All of us are free to agree or disagree with their choice.
Trump was a D list celebrity and here we are.
Who didn’t see this response coming. We could be talking about favorite vacation spots and chisdick1425 will turn it into Trump. Trump sure lives rent free in your head. It’s worse than the jealousy and animosity Angel Reese has towards Caitlyn Clark.
Secretly, I’m starting to think you have a crush on the orange man because you bring him up every day and sneak him into every conversation.
Who didn’t see this response coming. We could be talking about favorite vacation spots and chisdick1425 will turn it into Trump. Trump sure lives rent free in your head. It’s worse than the jealousy and animosity Angel Reese has towards Caitlyn Clark.
Secretly, I’m starting to think you have a crush on the orange man because you bring him up every day and sneak him into every conversation.
Refute what I said besides personal attacks, dunce.
No not one bit. Ricky Gervais Golden Globes bit where he went scorched earth on Hollywood is pretty much why I could care less.
A celebrities opinion means less than one from a person on the street. Most of them are to detached from reality to understand all the nuances of complicated issues that face the average American. How else can you explain them arriving at an awards show in a stretch limousine, scolding the public on global warming, then flying off on their private jet to their 200 ft yacht. They each have the carbon footprint of a medium sized town and blindly cannot see the hypocrisy.
I agree for the most part that celebrities that feel the need to blurt their opinion about everything behind a mic as a means to getting themselves in the media can't be taken seriously and their opinion matters little, for all the reasons mentioned above and more.

However, what celebrities do have that very few do is a platform. Because of this, they have the power to bring attention to an issue that maybe is not getting enough of it. That can certainly be a positive, and is actually almost always positive when it's not a political/divisive issue.

Let's be honest - when someone famous says something we agree with, we think it's great, and when they say something we don't agree with, we take the "STFU/stay in your lane" approach. It will always be that way.
You realize Muhammad married a six year old girl and raped her at 9 right? You are by far the stupidest poster on this board.
Of course I knew that. You just took your stupidity to a whole new level.

And I do think the word pedophile is to nice. Kind of like calling you a jack ass when you are a mean spirited pompous ass. I doubt you know ss much about Islam that I do mr pompous as who is unaware of himself.

Have a nice day! Hope you enjoy your frosted flakes.
A celebrities opinion means less than one from a person on the street. Most of them are to detached from reality to understand all the nuances of complicated issues that face the average American. How else can you explain them arriving at an awards show in a stretch limousine, scolding the public on global warming, then flying off on their private jet to their 200 ft yacht. They each have the carbon footprint of a medium sized town and blindly cannot see the hypocrisy.

Tom Morello speaks often about the benefits of socialism. And the evil of capitalism. All the while being worth tens-of-millions of dollars. Eddie Vedder is huge on environmental causes…meanwhile Pearl Jam has toured the world dozens of times.
I'm not talking about qualified people from the specific field of study I'm talking about "Jim Carey" or "Oprah" as an example.

Like why do I care what they think over some asshat at a bar?

Do you put more value on a celebrities endorsement or opinion?
No. They live in an unrealistic fantasy world. Ave family income in Iowa is under $70,000. Many celebs make $70,000 every month. They can’t relate to rising grocery prices, home prices, etc.

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