Does Elon Musk just not give a shit?

Both impressed and disappointed. This is major chum for a couple of board/Elon simps, and has failed to deliver even a nibble.
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Musk is jealous of Russian oligarchs.
Anyone that thinks the most pressing problem we face is human population decline is a serious narcissist, that’s not as smart as he thinks he is.
I think he will be fine …

1) The White House just used his platform to announce Joe is stepping aside
2) He makes the best EVs in the world … and perhaps the only EVs that are profitable.
3) He has the best charging station network in the world
4) He has the best rocket and space program in the world
5) He has a lot of FU money

Coming down​

The day after using ketamine, you may experience:

  • memory loss
  • impaired judgement, disorientation
  • irritability and restlessness
  • clumsiness
  • aches and pains
  • anxiety

Long-term effects​

Regular use of ketamine may eventually cause:

  • flashbacks
  • poor sense of smell (from snorting)
  • mood and personality changes, depression
  • poor memory, thinking and concentration
  • abnormal liver or kidney function
  • ketamine bladder syndrome (see below)
  • abdominal pain
  • needing to use more to get the same effect
  • dependence on ketamine
  • financial, work and social problems

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