Does this seem normal to you?

Mar 11, 2020

Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) warned of the dangers of former President Trump winning a second term in office....

“Don’t even think of that,” said Pelosi, the former Speaker, when asked about the potential for another Trump administration term, in an interview with New York Magazine.

"Don’t think of the world being on fire. It cannot happen, or we will not be the United States of America,” Pelosi said.

"Pelosi also called the indictments against the former president “exquisite” and said, “They’re beautiful and intricate, and they probably have a better chance of conviction than anything that I would come up with.”
lol what? We all know you’re a fringe lunatic that believes this kind of nonsense, but I figured Pelosi would drop the democracy on the ballot act like everyone else did.
Good lord, the cult that refuses to accept the results if he lost, dozens of frivolous lawsuits destroyed in court then resorted to leading an insurrection on our Capitol, speaking of lunatic.
Her rhetoric sounds eerily similar to the Republican Party’s nominee for President of the United States. I wish that type of rhetoric were abnormal, but that sadly is no longer the case.
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Her rhetoric sounds eerily similar to the Republican Party’s nominee for President of the United States. I wish that type of rhetoric were abnormal, but that sadly is no longer the case.
Yeah, finishing off her comments on the indictments with “…they probably have a better chance of conviction than anything that I would come up with” makes it sound made up.

She needs to do her interviews in the early morning before she starts hitting the sauce.
Yeah, finishing off her comments on the indictments with “…they probably have a better chance of conviction than anything that I would come up with” makes it sound made up.

She needs to do her interviews in the early morning before she starts hitting the sauce.

Someone thinking the Nancy Pelosi's of politics is a problem doesn't make them a maga, it makes you a moron for the mindless rote response.

We’ve all seen your posts. I’ll let the readers decide if you’re a MAGA con.

And a MAGA con talking about rote responses - (he didn’t mean what he said, he didn’t do it, it’s not illegal, he did it but it’s not illegal, he did it but everyone is doing it …) is, again, some funny shit.
We’ve all seen your posts. I’ll let the readers decide if you’re a MAGA con.

And a MAGA con talking about rote responses - (he didn’t mean what he said, he didn’t do it, it’s not illegal, he did it but it’s not illegal, he did it but everyone is doing it …) is, again, some funny shit.
In a thread about Nancy you bring up maga and Trump... just like every other thread. You're completely programmed and don't even realize it. Or you do and get off on it. Either way it's sad.