Donald Trump's January 6 speech full video.

I pray this sociopath doesn't win again. He lies so much in this speech that it's hard to keep track. Truly evil.

And proceeds to golf more in 4 years than Obama did in 8. Honestly I prefer him on the golf course though I feel like he can do less damage there. Let him cheat his ass off there rather than with the American public.

I read he used to take calls from dictators like Erdogan while on the gold course.
Mfer was the laziest Prez too. Got in at 11. Out by 2. And went golfing every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. You can see why he likes the 25ers. They do all the fascist work.
It doesn't matter, people are voting for the president's cabinet anyway... or so I'm told.

And remember Trump said before he became President that he wouldn't golf while President.
Dude is the biggest liar on the planet. Lied about everything. Policy, rape, crimes, his weight, being faithful to his wife. Every facet of his life is centered around one lie after another.
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Oh look at us being all culty speaking the truth. Go away with your projection you stupid ****ing moron.
Mfer spent everyday getting late to work, watching TV in his office, rage tweeting on the shitter, and stuffing his gut with McDonalds and Diet Coke before knocking off in the afternoon to sit in an empty apartment because his own wife refused to live with him. If he wasn't rich and famous every last person on this board, even the hardcore MAGAts, would be calling him a burnout.
Isn’t it funny that he held that speech right next to where congress was certifying? Isn’t it funny that he never completely built the wall and Mexico didn’t pay for it? Isn’t it funny almost all of former employees failed to endorse him for second term? Dude is a grade-A psychopath!
That 25 thing you think you have isn’t much of a flex and it’s not going to effect the election. Whatever helps you cope today.
Rs promising to take away gay marriage isn't supposed to be a flex. It's supposed to be a massive worry that Rs like you are going to govern by bigotry and hate.