Biden tells NAACP dinner: Trump is out 'for revenge,' not to lead country

What are you liberal on?
Gay marriage.

Abortion...but I have no problem with reasonable restrictions. (6 weeks isn't reasonable, 12-15 weeks like Europe seems reasonable to me)

I have no problem with the social safety net (Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid) just think both parties have to get serious about fixing them. (I think the fix is a mix between raising taxes and adjusting benefits) Doesn't seem like either party is on board with that approach or serious about fixing them.

I think legal immigration should be expanded and more targeted. (Maybe not current "liberal" but "traditional liberal".)

Religion, I'd say I'm "classic liberal" on that. I'm not on board with the far left view of religion. I'm also not on board with the Mike Johnson view on the subject.

Not a fan of Trumps position on NATO. I'm in line with the traditional conservative view on the subject...not the MAGA one.

In short, I find myself disagreeing with both parties on many things.
Gay marriage.

Abortion...but I have no problem with reasonable restrictions. (6 weeks isn't reasonable, 12-15 weeks like Europe seems reasonable to me)

I have no problem with the social safety net (Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid) just think both parties have to get serious about fixing them. (I think the fix is a mix between raising taxes and adjusting benefits) Doesn't seem like either party is on board with that approach or serious about fixing them.

I think legal immigration should be expanded and more targeted. (Maybe not current "liberal" but "traditional liberal".)

Religion, I'd say I'm "classic liberal" on that. I'm not on board with the far left view of religion. I'm also not on board with the Mike Johnson view on the subject.

Not a fan of Trumps position on NATO. I'm in line with the traditional conservative view on the subject...not the MAGA one.

In short, I find myself disagreeing with both parties on many things.
As Ed Koch once said. If you agree with me 6 out 10 times vote for me. If you agree with me on everything. See a psychiatrist.
Gay marriage.

Abortion...but I have no problem with reasonable restrictions. (6 weeks isn't reasonable, 12-15 weeks like Europe seems reasonable to me)

I have no problem with the social safety net (Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid) just think both parties have to get serious about fixing them. (I think the fix is a mix between raising taxes and adjusting benefits) Doesn't seem like either party is on board with that approach or serious about fixing them.

I think legal immigration should be expanded and more targeted. (Maybe not current "liberal" but "traditional liberal".)

Religion, I'd say I'm "classic liberal" on that. I'm not on board with the far left view of religion. I'm also not on board with the Mike Johnson view on the subject.

Not a fan of Trumps position on NATO. I'm in line with the traditional conservative view on the subject...not the MAGA one.

In short, I find myself disagreeing with both parties on many things.
You will be labeled a RINO and not worthy from the MAGA side. RINO is their go-to for people who think in nuance.
You will be labeled a RINO and not worthy from the MAGA side. RINO is their go-to for people who think in nuance.
I’m in alignment with Bins and the “RINO” name calling doesn’t bother me a bit.
You call it thinking in nuance and maybe there’s some merit there, but to me it’s making a decision on each issue and not buying a whole package without asking what’s in it.
If that doesn’t suit others then I see it as their problem.
It’s called decency, honor, and integrity.

If Jeffrey Dahmer runs for office, I don’t care what party he belongs to. He’s not getting my vote.

Some of us actually put country ahead of party. Wish you would try it.
Honestly believe if David Duke was a Republican nominee for higher office. He would be embraced by today’s RNC. Instead of ostracized like he was by the party when he had the Louisiana Governor Nomination.
Honestly believe if David Duke was a Republican nominee for higher office. He would be embraced by today’s RNC. Instead of ostracized like he was by the party when he had the Louisiana Governor Nomination.
Sadly, I think you’re probably correct.
It’s called decency, honor, and integrity.

If Jeffrey Dahmer runs for office, I don’t care what party he belongs to. He’s not getting my vote.

Some of us actually put country ahead of party. Wish you would try it.
If Gavin Newsom says he could shoot someone on 5th Ave. and his base wouldn't leave him, he would be calling me stupid, in which case he wouldn't get my vote, if he decides to run for POTUS.
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Can you and @thewop expand on how you think the Biden Admin is imposing revenge?
First off, I'm all for prosecuting crimes where they exist. I also think that when you're bringing charges against a former president, you better be damn sure you have enough to convict of something really serious, and I think most of what you see brought against Trump falls short of that.

I think it's fairly obvious the many charges against Trump are brought against him because of who he is, not because of what he did. While it isn't the Biden Admin directly doing it, it's those who are in alignment with the Biden Admin, and nobody in the Biden Admin is going to do anything to put a stop to it.

The timing of it all is also carefully orchestrated to coincide with key election times.

In the NY case for example, the judge and prosecutor stated long ago they were going to convict trump... Now we're in a trial where it's unclear what exactly he's being charged with. It's embarrassing for him and all that, and experts are fairly certain that even if convicted he'll win on appeal, but by then the election will be over.

In the case where he was fined $400mm, they found that he hadn't done anything outside of what anyone else would do with real estate, and the loans he received as a result were paid off... Another case of being prosecuted because of who he is not what he did.

The charge of inciting an insurrection... If there were video of him saying "go defend me and take over the capital if you have to by any means necessary!" Then you'd say yeah that guy tried to incite an insurrection! That doesn't exist.

Throw in classified docs, where it appears many politicians including Joe Biden have fallen on the wrong side of this, yet only he is prosecuted.

For me, these are the types of things that make it appear the Biden Admin/dems are really just playing games here and doing whatever they can to win an election, but aren't really too concerned with rule of law or anything of that nature. Their actions in other areas when it comes to rule of law don't support the idea that they're tough on crime, etc. they are, however suddenly "tough on crime" when there's an opportunity to "get Trump."

Obviously there's a lot more detail to all of that, and each of those points can be debated. However the 10,000 ft. View is what matters here, and perception is that all of this is brought against Trump specifically because of who he is and not what he's done.

I think there is legit concern, to OPs point, that if elected trump may take this revenge model to a lower point than we are now, so whatever can be done to mitigate that would be good. That's where I say in that regard alone, it might be OK for the supreme court to declare presidential immunity to some things.
First off, I'm all for prosecuting crimes where they exist. I also think that when you're bringing charges against a former president, you better be damn sure you have enough to convict of something really serious, and I think most of what you see brought against Trump falls short of that.

I think it's fairly obvious the many charges against Trump are brought against him because of who he is, not because of what he did. While it isn't the Biden Admin directly doing it, it's those who are in alignment with the Biden Admin, and nobody in the Biden Admin is going to do anything to put a stop to it.

The timing of it all is also carefully orchestrated to coincide with key election times.

In the NY case for example, the judge and prosecutor stated long ago they were going to convict trump... Now we're in a trial where it's unclear what exactly he's being charged with. It's embarrassing for him and all that, and experts are fairly certain that even if convicted he'll win on appeal, but by then the election will be over.

In the case where he was fined $400mm, they found that he hadn't done anything outside of what anyone else would do with real estate, and the loans he received as a result were paid off... Another case of being prosecuted because of who he is not what he did.

The charge of inciting an insurrection... If there were video of him saying "go defend me and take over the capital if you have to by any means necessary!" Then you'd say yeah that guy tried to incite an insurrection! That doesn't exist.

Throw in classified docs, where it appears many politicians including Joe Biden have fallen on the wrong side of this, yet only he is prosecuted.

For me, these are the types of things that make it appear the Biden Admin/dems are really just playing games here and doing whatever they can to win an election, but aren't really too concerned with rule of law or anything of that nature. Their actions in other areas when it comes to rule of law don't support the idea that they're tough on crime, etc. they are, however suddenly "tough on crime" when there's an opportunity to "get Trump."

Obviously there's a lot more detail to all of that, and each of those points can be debated. However the 10,000 ft. View is what matters here, and perception is that all of this is brought against Trump specifically because of who he is and not what he's done.

I think there is legit concern, to OPs point, that if elected trump may take this revenge model to a lower point than we are now, so whatever can be done to mitigate that would be good. That's where I say in that regard alone, it might be OK for the supreme court to declare presidential immunity to some things.
It looks like you agree that the Biden Admin isn't revenging. If Trump would just stop breaking laws he wouldn't be in the courtroom so much.
First off, I'm all for prosecuting crimes where they exist. I also think that when you're bringing charges against a former president, you better be damn sure you have enough to convict of something really serious, and I think most of what you see brought against Trump falls short of that.

I think it's fairly obvious the many charges against Trump are brought against him because of who he is, not because of what he did. While it isn't the Biden Admin directly doing it, it's those who are in alignment with the Biden Admin, and nobody in the Biden Admin is going to do anything to put a stop to it.

The timing of it all is also carefully orchestrated to coincide with key election times.

In the NY case for example, the judge and prosecutor stated long ago they were going to convict trump... Now we're in a trial where it's unclear what exactly he's being charged with. It's embarrassing for him and all that, and experts are fairly certain that even if convicted he'll win on appeal, but by then the election will be over.

In the case where he was fined $400mm, they found that he hadn't done anything outside of what anyone else would do with real estate, and the loans he received as a result were paid off... Another case of being prosecuted because of who he is not what he did.

The charge of inciting an insurrection... If there were video of him saying "go defend me and take over the capital if you have to by any means necessary!" Then you'd say yeah that guy tried to incite an insurrection! That doesn't exist.

Throw in classified docs, where it appears many politicians including Joe Biden have fallen on the wrong side of this, yet only he is prosecuted.

For me, these are the types of things that make it appear the Biden Admin/dems are really just playing games here and doing whatever they can to win an election, but aren't really too concerned with rule of law or anything of that nature. Their actions in other areas when it comes to rule of law don't support the idea that they're tough on crime, etc. they are, however suddenly "tough on crime" when there's an opportunity to "get Trump."

Obviously there's a lot more detail to all of that, and each of those points can be debated. However the 10,000 ft. View is what matters here, and perception is that all of this is brought against Trump specifically because of who he is and not what he's done.

I think there is legit concern, to OPs point, that if elected trump may take this revenge model to a lower point than we are now, so whatever can be done to mitigate that would be good. That's where I say in that regard alone, it might be OK for the supreme court to declare presidential immunity to some things.
you're saying judge merchan has issued some kind of statement saying he's going to "convict trump"?
Personally I think this is a very effective line of attack for "undecided" voters. I know that's a very small cadre of voters but this election looks to be close.

First time I've seen Joe bring it up so that's why I posted.

The "threat to democracy" line is baked into the cake as it's been used relentlessly.

One of the main reasons I'm not voting for Don is I don't want a "revenge tour" president and I'm confident that's what we'd see. Nothing good will come from that. Joe should make this a staple of his stump speeches.

Detroit — Democratic President Joe Biden told a crowd in Detroit Sunday night that Republican Donald Trump is out for "revenge" and would pose a bigger threat to the country in his second term than he did in his first.

Biden made the remarks during a speech at the NAACP Detroit Branch's 69th annual Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner inside Huntington Place, where he pivoted between touting his own policies and blasting his GOP opponent five months before the November election.

"Folks, Trump isn't running to lead America," Biden said at one point. "He is running for revenge. Revenge is no way to lead the country. You can't build a future on revenge."

How about doing the job/s that exist as the chief executive? Haven't had anybody doing that in four years
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I agree with OP it's an effective line of attack in terms of "freshness."

It would be a lot more effective if the Biden admin/Dems hadn't tried to turn the last 4-7 years into a revenge tour of their own.

It only takes persuading about 2-3% of voters in key states to make all the difference in an otherwise pretty equal race.
Tell me how passing an infrastructure bill is “revenge?”

Biden’s administration actually attempts to govern. Trump’s never did and is less inclined now than ever.
I get that Trump might want revenge. He's that kind of guy. But revenge for what? What does Biden think Trump will be getting revenge for? What has Biden done that would merit Trump getting revenge? It seems odd that Biden would be getting down in the gutter with Trump. How exactly would Trump get revenge on Biden?

I'm not being obtuse. I get that Trump thinks he's being unfairly prosecuted at state and federal levels. That said, if Biden has done nothing illegal, Biden has nothing to worry about, right? And even if Biden has acted illegally while in office, Trump has actually argued that's fine, so that's out the window, right?

I guess I prefer leaders like JFK or Reagan, who focus on what they want to accomplish more than they care about getting down in the mud. If Biden is truly confident in his accomplishments and direction for the country, he doesn't need to worry about Trump trying to get revenge.
First off, I'm all for prosecuting crimes where they exist. I also think that when you're bringing charges against a former president, you better be damn sure you have enough to convict of something really serious, and I think most of what you see brought against Trump falls short of that.

I think it's fairly obvious the many charges against Trump are brought against him because of who he is, not because of what he did. While it isn't the Biden Admin directly doing it, it's those who are in alignment with the Biden Admin, and nobody in the Biden Admin is going to do anything to put a stop to it.

The timing of it all is also carefully orchestrated to coincide with key election times.

In the NY case for example, the judge and prosecutor stated long ago they were going to convict trump... Now we're in a trial where it's unclear what exactly he's being charged with. It's embarrassing for him and all that, and experts are fairly certain that even if convicted he'll win on appeal, but by then the election will be over.

In the case where he was fined $400mm, they found that he hadn't done anything outside of what anyone else would do with real estate, and the loans he received as a result were paid off... Another case of being prosecuted because of who he is not what he did.

The charge of inciting an insurrection... If there were video of him saying "go defend me and take over the capital if you have to by any means necessary!" Then you'd say yeah that guy tried to incite an insurrection! That doesn't exist.

Throw in classified docs, where it appears many politicians including Joe Biden have fallen on the wrong side of this, yet only he is prosecuted.

For me, these are the types of things that make it appear the Biden Admin/dems are really just playing games here and doing whatever they can to win an election, but aren't really too concerned with rule of law or anything of that nature. Their actions in other areas when it comes to rule of law don't support the idea that they're tough on crime, etc. they are, however suddenly "tough on crime" when there's an opportunity to "get Trump."

Obviously there's a lot more detail to all of that, and each of those points can be debated. However the 10,000 ft. View is what matters here, and perception is that all of this is brought against Trump specifically because of who he is and not what he's done.

I think there is legit concern, to OPs point, that if elected trump may take this revenge model to a lower point than we are now, so whatever can be done to mitigate that would be good. That's where I say in that regard alone, it might be OK for the supreme court to declare presidential immunity to some things.

A couple of things, First you should read Geoffrey Bermans book, He explains in great detail the resistance he got from the DOJ (Bill Barr), In regard to investigating the case against Trump that is basically the case currently being litigated in court, Trump eventually fired Berman.
As far as timing, I believe it is worth noting that the Trump legal team has delayed each case against him to every extent possible hence cases finally coming up right before the election. Also I believe the case currently being litigated was brought before Trump announced he was running and there was much discussion about Trump announcing as early as he did because of pending legal cases being brought against him.

biden doesn't even rage tweet about his own media coverage at 3 am! barely has any "executive time" on his schedule

This is the thinking the rest of us are dealing with. Everything said about Trump, by anyone, negative, is dismissed. All of the people who have ripped him, who worked in his administration, for being utterly incompetent, are all lying. Only Trump is honest with them. Well done Rush and Fox News for getting a huge segment of society brainwashed against the Democrats. Masterfully done, and Trump (and his party followers/enablers) are taking full advantage of it.
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I get that Trump might want revenge. He's that kind of guy. But revenge for what? What does Biden think Trump will be getting revenge for? What has Biden done that would merit Trump getting revenge? It seems odd that Biden would be getting down in the gutter with Trump. How exactly would Trump get revenge on Biden?

I'm not being obtuse. I get that Trump thinks he's being unfairly prosecuted at state and federal levels. That said, if Biden has done nothing illegal, Biden has nothing to worry about, right? And even if Biden has acted illegally while in office, Trump has actually argued that's fine, so that's out the window, right?

I guess I prefer leaders like JFK or Reagan, who focus on what they want to accomplish more than they care about getting down in the mud. If Biden is truly confident in his accomplishments and direction for the country, he doesn't need to worry about Trump trying to get revenge.
It's America. Our legal system is such that if you want to look hard enough, you can find charges. If Trump wants to force Biden to spend his remaining time on earth in and out of court, he can do it. After all, that's what seems to be happening to Trump now.

While one investigation claims Biden isn't cognizant enough to be found guilty of having classified docs, millions of Americans claim he's sharp as ever and trump is in fact the one who isn't cognizant enough for anything...(But still believe he should stand trial/be convicted for classified docs).

Never underestimate America's ability to litigate...
Personally I think this is a very effective line of attack for "undecided" voters. I know that's a very small cadre of voters but this election looks to be close.

First time I've seen Joe bring it up so that's why I posted.

The "threat to democracy" line is baked into the cake as it's been used relentlessly.

One of the main reasons I'm not voting for Don is I don't want a "revenge tour" president and I'm confident that's what we'd see. Nothing good will come from that. Joe should make this a staple of his stump speeches.

Detroit — Democratic President Joe Biden told a crowd in Detroit Sunday night that Republican Donald Trump is out for "revenge" and would pose a bigger threat to the country in his second term than he did in his first.

Biden made the remarks during a speech at the NAACP Detroit Branch's 69th annual Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner inside Huntington Place, where he pivoted between touting his own policies and blasting his GOP opponent five months before the November election.

"Folks, Trump isn't running to lead America," Biden said at one point. "He is running for revenge. Revenge is no way to lead the country. You can't build a future on revenge."

Do you believe Trump truly wants to lead the country, the entire country, or is he out for revenge?
First off, I'm all for prosecuting crimes where they exist. I also think that when you're bringing charges against a former president, you better be damn sure you have enough to convict of something really serious, and I think most of what you see brought against Trump falls short of that.

I think it's fairly obvious the many charges against Trump are brought against him because of who he is, not because of what he did. While it isn't the Biden Admin directly doing it, it's those who are in alignment with the Biden Admin, and nobody in the Biden Admin is going to do anything to put a stop to it.

The timing of it all is also carefully orchestrated to coincide with key election times.

In the NY case for example, the judge and prosecutor stated long ago they were going to convict trump... Now we're in a trial where it's unclear what exactly he's being charged with. It's embarrassing for him and all that, and experts are fairly certain that even if convicted he'll win on appeal, but by then the election will be over.

In the case where he was fined $400mm, they found that he hadn't done anything outside of what anyone else would do with real estate, and the loans he received as a result were paid off... Another case of being prosecuted because of who he is not what he did.

The charge of inciting an insurrection... If there were video of him saying "go defend me and take over the capital if you have to by any means necessary!" Then you'd say yeah that guy tried to incite an insurrection! That doesn't exist.

Throw in classified docs, where it appears many politicians including Joe Biden have fallen on the wrong side of this, yet only he is prosecuted.

For me, these are the types of things that make it appear the Biden Admin/dems are really just playing games here and doing whatever they can to win an election, but aren't really too concerned with rule of law or anything of that nature. Their actions in other areas when it comes to rule of law don't support the idea that they're tough on crime, etc. they are, however suddenly "tough on crime" when there's an opportunity to "get Trump."

Obviously there's a lot more detail to all of that, and each of those points can be debated. However the 10,000 ft. View is what matters here, and perception is that all of this is brought against Trump specifically because of who he is and not what he's done.

I think there is legit concern, to OPs point, that if elected trump may take this revenge model to a lower point than we are now, so whatever can be done to mitigate that would be good. That's where I say in that regard alone, it might be OK for the supreme court to declare presidential immunity to some things.
I appreciate the response but, man is it off base imo. This reads a talking head opinion from a Fox News talk show.

The cases being this late in the game actually helps Trump. Most won't even make it to a court date before the election. Trump has pushed for this through his standard delay tactics.

In the case where he was fined hundreds of millions. He committed fraud. Not all real estate people commit fraud. That's a BS Fox News talking point. The amount was the exact amount he prospered from his fraud. It wasn't a made up number. Many Trump supporters think it was just a made up number to punish Trump. It wasn't. It was the amount he gained by committing fraud.

I can't believe you believe he didn't instigate the insurrection. That's some serious mental gymnastics to think he's innocent of the January national embarrassment.

For the classified docs, yes many presidents have brought documents to their homes/offices but when they were requested to return, them they willfully did. Trump fought it. That's a big difference and you have to question why he fought it.

Like you said, it isn't Biden or his administration that have brought these cases to Trump's doorstep, it was Trump. You maybe right that if he wasn't who he was, there wouldn't be as many cases, but here's the thing, when you break the law, you put yourself in a position to get in trouble and pay the consequences. It's really as simple as that.
I get that Trump might want revenge. He's that kind of guy. But revenge for what? What does Biden think Trump will be getting revenge for? What has Biden done that would merit Trump getting revenge? It seems odd that Biden would be getting down in the gutter with Trump. How exactly would Trump get revenge on Biden?

I'm not being obtuse. I get that Trump thinks he's being unfairly prosecuted at state and federal levels. That said, if Biden has done nothing illegal, Biden has nothing to worry about, right? And even if Biden has acted illegally while in office, Trump has actually argued that's fine, so that's out the window, right?

I guess I prefer leaders like JFK or Reagan, who focus on what they want to accomplish more than they care about getting down in the mud. If Biden is truly confident in his accomplishments and direction for the country, he doesn't need to worry about Trump trying to get revenge.

It's not revenge against Biden, it's revenge against everybody who Trump thinks has wronged him. That's why he goes against anybody in his own party that doesn't bend their knee to him.
Mexico pay for wall
Greatest health insurance plan ever
Greatest infrastructure plan ever

Seems legit!
He’s the ex from the bad relationship you get together again with for the 5 time. But we all know how it ends. Exciting, plenty of drama. But we have to change the locks on our house and all pass codes for security reasons.
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