Dorian Johnson Arrested


HR Legend
Nov 23, 2008
I find it rich that he is sueing anyone over the incident where he produced his famous lie.

ST. LOUIS (AP) — A man who was with Michael Brown when Brown was fatally shot by a Ferguson police officer last summer was charged Thursday with misdemeanor resisting arrest during a new confrontation with police.

St. Louis city prosecutors charged Dorian Johnson, 23, with resisting arrest or interfering with a lawful stop or detention, one day after St. Louis police arrested him with two other people, including his younger brother, Demonte Johnson. The criminal complaint alleges Johnson tried to hinder his brother's arrest "by using or threatening the use of violence, physical force or physical interference."

Each brother's bond was set Thursday at $1,000 cash-only. It was not immediately clear whether they had posted bond.

Dorian Johnson's arrest came exactly a week after he sued Ferguson, Wilson and the city's former police chief.

One of Johnson's attorneys, James Williams, declined to comment on Thursday's charge, saying he didn't yet have any details.

In a probable-cause statement attached to Thursday's criminal complaint, a law enforcer, identified only as "E.B.," wrote police encountered Johnson while fielding a report of a possible disturbance involving a group possibly armed with guns or knives.

E.B. wrote that he noticed a person identified only as "O.M." with a bulging waistband that he suspected might be a concealed gun and moved in to investigate. The officer wrote that Demonte Johnson then grabbed him by an arm and told him to release the man, saying that the officer "was not going to take O.M. to jail."

As another officer grabbed Demonte Johnson to pull him away, Dorian Johnson "ran toward" that officer and demanded that his brother be released, the probable-cause statement read.

"Dorian Johnson further stated that the police could not arrest any of them," the affidavit continued, adding that Dorian Johnson "then struggled with me and tried to pry himself away from me."

"I had to physically struggle with Dorian Johnson until I was able take him to the ground and get handcuffs on him," the affidavit read.

Demonte Johnson, 21, was charged Thursday with resisting arrest and with a misdemeanor account of assault on a law enforcement officer, according to online court records. The records did not say whether he had an attorney who could comment on the charges.
I think the real story here is that 3 individuals who were unarmed and even "ran toward" an officer were able to escape with their lives. I applaud these officers for ensuring proper backup was in place, not automatically pulling or shooting their gun on unarmed individuals when they felt "threatened" and did their jobs as intended. Good news for all parties.
I think the real story here is that 3 individuals who were unarmed and even "ran toward" an officer were able to escape with their lives. I applaud these officers for ensuring proper backup was in place, not automatically pulling or shooting their gun on unarmed individuals when they felt "threatened" and did their jobs as intended. Good news for all parties.

I think it helps that Dorian didn't grab the officers gun and try to murder him with it.

That is very responsible, common sense thinking by the young man.
I think it helps that Dorian didn't grab the officers gun and try to murder him with it.

That is very responsible, common sense thinking by the young man.

As we've seen with recent stories the people who find themselves dead at the hands of cops don't need to give the cops much of a reason. We can all argue until we're blue in the face about Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, etc but we've done that already. I'm just glad these officers followed their training and protocol perfectly and nobody had to lose their life.
As we've seen with recent stories the people who find themselves dead at the hands of cops don't need to give the cops much of a reason. We can all argue until we're blue in the face about Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, etc but we've done that already. I'm just glad these officers followed their training and protocol perfectly and nobody had to lose their life.

Fred, will you please go try to shoot a cop. Thanks!
As we've seen with recent stories the people who find themselves dead at the hands of cops don't need to give the cops much of a reason. We can all argue until we're blue in the face about Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, etc but we've done that already. I'm just glad these officers followed their training and protocol perfectly and nobody had to lose their life.

Don't lump them all together. You will not find me arguing with you about Eric Garner, or Freddie Grey.

Michael Brown took himself off of this Earth through his own stupidity.

It all was fueled by Dorian Johnson's "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" false narrative.

People like you refuse to hold either Michael, or Dorian responsible for their actions.
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Don't lump them all together. You will not find me arguing with you about Eric Garner, or Freddie Grey.

Michael Brown took himself off of this Earth through his own stupidity.

It all was fueled by Dorian Johnson's "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" false narrative.

People like you refuse to hold either Michael, or Dorian responsible for their actions.

Like I said no real point in arguing over this because we'll never change each other's minds. I've said it before and I'll state it again. I believe Darren Wilson used excessive force in the killing of Michael Brown. I don't think he did it out of racism but I do think shooting an unarmed man 6 times is excessive. The AG didn't see it that way and Wilson walked. Doesn't change my opinion on the matter though. Michael Brown and Dorian Johnson obviously deserve some of the blame for their actions but the problem becomes Darren Wilson never gets any of the blame for what he did.
I think the real story here is that 3 individuals who were unarmed and even "ran toward" an officer were able to escape with their lives. I applaud these officers for ensuring proper backup was in place, not automatically pulling or shooting their gun on unarmed individuals when they felt "threatened" and did their jobs as intended. Good news for all parties.

I guess it's a good thing they didn't try to grab the officers gun..... Otherwise there was a good chance they would have been.
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"In a probable-cause statement attached to Thursday's criminal complaint, a law enforcer, identified only as "E.B.," wrote police encountered Johnson while fielding a report of a possible disturbance involving a group possibly armed with guns or knives."

But, no charges for 'guns' or 'knives'...
But, they initiated contact because of a 'bulging waistband'...

Yep, sounds about right.
"In a probable-cause statement attached to Thursday's criminal complaint, a law enforcer, identified only as "E.B.," wrote police encountered Johnson while fielding a report of a possible disturbance involving a group possibly armed with guns or knives."

But, no charges for 'guns' or 'knives'...
But, they initiated contact because of a 'bulging waistband'...

Yep, sounds about right.
First thing I notice, pretty typical of police these days unfortunately.
I think the real story here is that 3 individuals who were unarmed and even "ran toward" an officer were able to escape with their lives. I applaud these officers for ensuring proper backup was in place, not automatically pulling or shooting their gun on unarmed individuals when they felt "threatened" and did their jobs as intended. Good news for all parties.
You think you're being funny but really just making yourself look stupid. Unless there really are somewhat educated people that think this way in which case it's more sad than anything.
The fact is thousands of cops deal with this and far worse daily and no one ends up dead. But that doesn't help your side's narrative now does it?
Correct, cops don't usually kill people in the inner cities. They usually just target, harass, arrest, rough up and jail them, helping to ensure they don't have a good chance to improve their lot in life. It's good for their business.

Not to hijack but the article mentions Dorian Johnson is suing Officer Wilson, City of Ferguson, and the police chief. What possible lawsuit does he have? He was violating a law walking down the street and was an accomplice to a strong armed robbery. What in the world can he sue for?
Correct, cops don't usually kill people in the inner cities. They usually just target, harass, arrest, rough up and jail them, helping to ensure they don't have a good chance to improve their lot in life. It's good for their business.

Good grief, so now it's the cops fault we have inner cities filled with crime and poverty? Do you ever sit back and think, "is this hatred I have for cops making me think and say things that are completely illogical and stupid"?