Same here, except I didn't become a D1 wrestler...probably because of my decision making skills in multiple areas.
I often see the false equivalency thing pop up when we talk about guys messing up....the "who am I to judge." I get it, and have been there before as well...fights, booze, women; the three food groups that can make any good young wrestler shit the bed.
However, some do it so much that it becomes a trend. They only get second, third and fourth chances because they are talented. Make no mistake, a guy like this would have been fired, kicked out of school or off the team if he were a "room guy."
The fact that he and his Dad come off as DBags only makes it worse. That's the difference between him and a Seth Gross. Gross messed up, got kicked off the team, was probably told that he could work his way back on but decided he needed a change of scenery and is doing very well for himself. Don't think we'll see issues from Gross again.