DT to open a club in central PA

Royally screwed or not this is a classless response to what should be a great day for USA wrestling.

I didn't really think much of his behavior after USA trials as they were in the heat of the moment. Today's response is more indicative of troubling pattern IMO.
I'm not very troubled over a 26 year old making a dumb tweet.
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DT had a heck of a World Cup. But so did Frank before him. And Metcalf. Both DNP'd for their respective times on the World stage. These guys don't peak for the World Cup. They don't peak for Beat the Streets. They peak for Worlds/Olympics. Yazdani was gassed...shot himself out against Taylor going for the quick win (Taylor had two fleeing cautions against him). Yaz had two points scored against him yesterday and TF'd everybody except for one guy. If not for Snyder, he'd be the OW.

Anything can happen in a World Tourney. Guys can go on great runs or they can just flat run out of gas....especially when the times between goes starts getting a lot shorter. I think this happened to Cox. Nothing Taylor has done outside of the cup shows me he would have won gold.
Heck of a lot more chance than Gilman getting a silver or Gwiz a bronze based on what they had shown internationally.
Taylor had not lost internationally in almost a year. Also had three huge wins in that timeframe.
Im sure the Iranian coach didn't have Yaz prepared for the World Cup in Tehran where they took the team gold medal. :cool:
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I would argue that being a prior junior and or cadet medalist is as predictive at the senior level as random unicorn sightings. ;) I don't believe that Gilman had lost a freestyle match home or abroad in 2 years. All good information as long as it fits my narrative.

David Taylor did an outstanding job as Cox's back up while Cox finished college. The sarcasm is for fun, but Taylor has not been able to get over the US qualifier hump. Maybe the bad boy thing will help. It worked for Gilman.
In fairness to Taylor, he got royally screwed in the match with Cox. I'm sure he has sour grapes.
I also think he may have won gold had he been the rep at 86Kg.
These are still young guys at the highest competitive level in the world.
They sometimes say stupid things.
The champion yesterday from Iran is the same guy Taylor was leading and eventually pinned in his home country at the world cup 6 months ago.

lmao, settle down David.

screwed in the match with Cox? DT didn't get it done, plain and simple. Just like he didn't get it done against Bubba Jenkins or Kyle Dake in the NCAA finals (the only two quality guys he faced in the NCAA finals), and just like he didn't get it done against Dake (a guy who himself can't even get out of the US in freestyle) or Cox in the US in freestyle.

DT has some freaking nerve questioning the heart of a guy who gutted out two wins against DT in the WTT, and who is now a two-time world medalist.

If DT has so much heart, why hasn't he made a world team? Why didn't he win either NCAA finals match that was actually against a quality opponent?

He had a nice little run at the World Cup, but the sport is littered with guys who got it done at the World Cup and never won World-level medals. How long is he gonna trade on that World Cup performance? Are we gonna have to hear about it for like 5 years?

Maybe DT should spend more time trying to actually make a world team, and less time on Twitter.
Im gonna through my hat in the ring here and say I dont agree with the timing or the content of DT's rant and I think he should just put up or shut up but... am I the only one who thinks there is a little to much drama and acting surrounding Cox's wrestling
Im gonna through my hat in the ring here and say I dont agree with the timing or the content of DT's rant and I think he should just put up or shut up but... am I the only one who thinks there is a little to much drama and acting surrounding Cox's wrestling

Have watched a lot of Cox's matches, and I don't know what you are referring to. The 3d match with Taylor had drama, but I don't think any of it was acting. What else is there?
I have to say DT can say what he wants but it puts him in the situation of taking a lot of flack (like what's happening). I think most of us were taught you don't "talk crap" on a guy that beat us AND you don't talk crap on a guy that is your "teammate".

And lets not forget when it comes to getting "screwed" in the WTT trials against Cox. My coaches used to tell me to not let it come down to the officials....seems if DT was such a shoe in to be a world champ or medalist that he should have just went out and won the first two matches at the WTTs.
I have to say DT can say what he wants but it puts him in the situation of taking a lot of flack (like what's happening). I think most of us were taught you don't "talk crap" on a guy that beat us AND you don't talk crap on a guy that is your "teammate".

And lets not forget when it comes to getting "screwed" in the WTT trials against Cox. My coaches used to tell me to not let it come down to the officials....seems if DT was such a shoe in to be a world champ or medalist that he should have just went out and won the first two matches at the WTTs.

How much f** would that be?
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Let's face it, DT is getting a lot of shit because of PSU's success and the subsequent PR campaign designed to make them look like f** loving Wally Cleavers designed to make them the anti-Iowa. Truth is, they are just as competitive as the next guy and care about one thing...winning.
And the guy has always kinda came off as a d-bag. The #1s after beating early round guys at world team trials. The raising the roof after dismantling clearly outmatch opponents in ho hum duals. The embracing of the stupid nickname The Magic Man. The calling out Brands and Jeff Jordan on their coaching chops, while never even having coached a rec league team. I could be wrong but he certainly comes off as an unselfaware entitled tool.

I forgot, having his forum shill post about his club on his biggest rivals forum hours after he made a total arse out of himself on social media. He needs to spend little time reflecting in his gratitude journal.
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And the guy has always kinda came off as a d-bag. The #1s after beating early round guys at world team trials. The raising the roof after dismantling clearly outmatch opponents in ho hum duals. The embracing of the stupid nickname The Magic Man. The calling out Brands and Jeff Jordan on their coaching chops, while never even having coached a rec league team. I could be wrong but he certainly comes off as an unselfaware entitled tool.

I forgot, having his forum shill post about his club on his biggest rivals forum hours after he made a total arse out of himself on social media. He needs to spend little time reflecting in his gratitude journal.

He called out Jeff Jordan? Thats his high school coach.
Yes, he knocked both of Iowa and St Paris for how they coach wrestling in the Askren/Rowland's podcast.

This comes from a guy who has never coached a program of any level in regards to 2 of the most successful programs at their age level.

I'd like to hear that. You remember the time frame?
Not really. Just go back and listen to it while keeping in mind that he has never had to lead a whole group of guys and get them to buy into a program. He has never had to keep and recruit guys into a team from the the halls of a high school or against a college coach using every back door tactic to land the top talent in the country.
Just heard Flo's take on it in FRL...SMH. Quite the spin in defense of Taylor. Even said that his tweet made J'Den wrestle harder and that J'Den even said thanks to DT LMAO.
Have watched a lot of Cox's matches, and I don't know what you are referring to. The 3d match with Taylor had drama, but I don't think any of it was acting. What else is there?
I dont know I guess I just dont like all the talk in general Im more old school I guess. Some guys enjoy the limelight more than others. I for one like the way guys like Clarke,Snyder handle themselves off the mat as well as ON
I used to be a HUGE fan of Taylor but not after that tweet. Totally uncalled for and a cheap shot to a GREAT wrestler representing our country.

I seriously wonder if he is using PEDs. He doesn't seem the same. Like his reaction in that video posted above. He was never like that before.
I used to be a HUGE fan of Taylor but not after that tweet. Totally uncalled for and a cheap shot to a GREAT wrestler representing our country.

I seriously wonder if he is using PEDs. He doesn't seem the same. Like his reaction in that video posted above. He was never like that before.

You mean when he wasn't losing?

I get it, and I don't even really hold it against him, or Ramos, or anyone else. They only get so many shots at this, yet they train for it year-round. All eggs are in just a few small baskets, and that is even if everything goes their way. This isn't striking out at one plate appearance in baseball with hundreds more to go.
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You mean when he wasn't losing?

I get it, and I don't even really hold it against him, or Ramos, or anyone else. They only get so many shots at this, yet they train for it year-round. All eggs are in just a few small baskets, and that is even if everything goes their way. This isn't striking out at one plate appearance in baseball with hundreds more to go.

Don't make excuses for him. There are plenty of wrestlers that lose with grace.
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Don't make excuses for him. There are plenty of wrestlers that lose with grace.

Of course there are, but I don't think that requires everyone to handle it the same way.

One of the highest pressure sports there is involving some of the highest levels of aggression, it won't always look pretty. Iowa's coaches and many of its wrestlers are direct examples of that, including recent greats - Metcalf, Ramos and Gilman. It is always preferred to do it with grace, or if not with grace to do it out of the public eye and off of twitter.

Understanding isn't always excusing. People aren't simply good or simply bad, people are people. If you love the good fire (flexing, waving to crowd at home, throwing a coach) than you should be prepared to accept some bad fire.
Don't make excuses for him. There are plenty of wrestlers that lose with grace.

This. I gave him a pass on the kicking the brick and throwing a little fit after the third match of the trials as it was in the heat of the battle - but get over it Hillary, you lost. Accept it and move on. No need to try to continue to play the victim and call out the guy that beat you. David Hillary Taylor (DHT??) is not a good look.
Don't make excuses for him. There are plenty of wrestlers that lose with grace.

I have no excuses for DT. It was a bonehead tweet. I just find it curious the amount of outrage being shown when compared to a certain other wrestler who shall not be named...
I have no excuses for DT. It was a bonehead tweet. I just find it curious the amount of outrage being shown when compared to a certain other wrestler who shall not be named...

If you are talking about PD3, spare me. Multiple threads on why Iowa shouldn't take him. Pat is who he is...doesn't try to hide it much to our disdain. Most of us already accept that he acts like a Dbag. For the past few years, PSU fans have told us how bad for the sport guys like Gilman, Evans, Ramos are. This has even extended to TnT. All the while exuding how classy their coach and wrestlers were and how PSU was on some type of higher moral and ethical plane than everybody else. DT played in to that in his interviews.

Watched the third match between Cox and DT yesterday. When Cox went down yelling and screaming, DT was looking at the ref: "But did I get my two tho...." while the ref was tending to Cox. Most everybody else was cringing because of how it looked and Cox's reaction.
I have no excuses for DT. It was a bonehead tweet. I just find it curious the amount of outrage being shown when compared to a certain other wrestler who shall not be named...

Maybe because Taylor used to be a class act and was a role model to a ton of young wrestlers.

Nobody cares or looks up to the "other wrestler who shall not be named..."

PS Not that you want to waste your time but if you went back at long ago posts I've said multiple times that Taylor was one of my favorite wrestlers. It has NOTHING to do with him being from PSU, NOTHING.
If you are talking about PD3, spare me. Multiple threads on why Iowa shouldn't take him. Pat is who he is...doesn't try to hide it much to our disdain. Most of us already accept that he acts like a Dbag. For the past few years, PSU fans have told us how bad for the sport guys like Gilman, Evans, Ramos are. This has even extended to TnT. All the while exuding how classy their coach and wrestlers were and how PSU was on some type of higher moral and ethical plane than everybody else. DT played in to that in his interviews.

Watched the third match between Cox and DT yesterday. When Cox went down yelling and screaming, DT was looking at the ref: "But did I get my two tho...." while the ref was tending to Cox. Most everybody else was cringing because of how it looked and Cox's reaction.

That's fair about PD3 Chief.
Maybe because Taylor used to be a class act and was a role model to a ton of young wrestlers.

Nobody cares or looks up to the "other wrestler who shall not be named..."

PS Not that you want to waste your time but if you went back at long ago posts I've said multiple times that Taylor was one of my favorite wrestlers. It has NOTHING to do with him being from PSU, NOTHING.

I agree it has nothing to do with Penn State (never said it did). I've always been a Gilman fan and don't mind at all wrestlers who have an edge. It's a competitive sport and a little color makes it more entertaining. I'll draw the line at assaults, on-line hummers, etc.
There is a difference in being the bad boy on the mat after a tough loss/win in the public eye, I will put that on the emotion at the moment it happened which is why I gave DT the benefit of the doubt at the WTT or Bo when he pinned Brooks at CHA. To do it on a keyboard calling out another American in the middle of competition is a d!ck move period and shows no class.
DT wont be the last athlete to fail the morality test on twitter/facebook/IG/social media of the future and Im ok with that. I want to know peoples thoughts, interests, etc. this information allows me to make informed decisions. the more information the better in my mind.

to that morning....Hes watching that match, probably cursing the screen and tossing fluffy teddy bears at the walls. Whats left to voice your frustration...twitter. So be it. Did it need to be tweeted out, NO. Absolutely not, not ever. But suck it up butter cup it was. Deal with it. Too many thin skinned people who love/crave/need faux outrage, so they can project momentary superiority about a situation or about themselves. endorphins for the digital or social media age.

back to his win....Could it be said that it gave Cox the fire to push through the adversity, that otherwise might not have been there. Thats where flo took it in their interviews and again on FRL. right, wrong, incensitive, devicive. Who knows. Its all entertainment at its basic level. Count me as one who is entertained and craving more information.

DT didnt loose me with the tweet. Where I take my stand is in the response to the Cox bronze win. The hill I die on is DTs response to the Cox interviews. What has DT done.......public silence so far that I am aware of. that there is not a good look, but who knows maybe DT called him or is waiting to call him upon returning to the US. time will tell. chapter remains.

Stepping down off the soap box and making mental note of not falling asleep watching the unabomber miniseries.
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DT wont be the last athlete to fail the morality test on twitter/facebook/IG/social media of the future and Im ok with that. I want to know peoples thoughts, interests, etc. this information allows me to make informed decisions. the more information the better in my mind.

to that morning....Hes watching that match, probably cursing the screen and tossing fluffy teddy bears at the walls. Whats left to voice your frustration...twitter. So be it. Did it need to be tweeted out, NO. Absolutely not, not ever. But suck it up butter cup it was. Deal with it. Too many thin skinned people who love/crave/need faux outrage, so they can project momentary superiority about a situation or about themselves. endorphins for the digital or social media age.

back to his win....Could it be said that it gave Cox the fire to push through the adversity, that otherwise might not have been there. Thats where flo took it in their interviews and again on FRL. right, wrong, incensitive, devicive. Who knows. Its all entertainment at its basic level. Count me as one who is entertained and craving more information.

DT didnt loose me with the tweet. Where I take my stand is in the response to the Cox bronze win. The hill I die on is DTs response to the Cox interviews. What has DT done.......public silence so far that I am aware of. that there is not a good look, but who knows maybe DT called him or is waiting to call him upon returning to the US. time will tell. chapter remains.

Stepping down off the soap box and making mental note of not falling asleep watching the unabomber miniseries.

Me thinks that the soapbox was entirely too high for you. Pomposity and bombastic noise at its finest.
I am the farthest thing possible from thin skinned nor do I love/need/crave faux outrage. I could go political with all the pu$$ies around this country wanting to protest every F'N thing they can but I won't because I am neither left or right because I think they each have their problems.

I simply stated my opinion whether you agree with it or not, I'm not asking for DT to be banned from the wrestling community or protesting that he needs to apologize in front of the NLWC. I simply said it was a D!CK move and shows he is still a child instead of being a man about the whole situation or as you put it DT "project(ed) momentary superiority about a situation or about themselves. endorphins for the digital or social media age."

I am the farthest thing possible from thin skinned nor do I love/need/crave faux outrage. I could go political with all the pu$$ies around this country wanting to protest every F'N thing they can but I won't because I am neither left or right because I think they each have their problems.

I simply stated my opinion whether you agree with it or not, I'm not asking for DT to be banned from the wrestling community or protesting that he needs to apologize in front of the NLWC. I simply said it was a D!CK move and shows he is still a child instead of being a man about the whole situation or as you put it DT "project(ed) momentary superiority about a situation or about themselves. endorphins for the digital or social media age."

It was a Dick move but his contributions and accomplishments far outweigh this slip up. Now you GFY.