Call the internet customer service line and let them know you have a change of address. They will want to know if it is permanent or temporary.
Man, there are a lot of steps between "call the internet customer service line" and "let them know" anything. First, you have to unlock the mystery of the "automated telephone call direction system" before you can actually speak to a human and tell him or her anything. Second, after all that, the human you get to talk to is in India and misspells your new email address as it's inputted into the system. Ah, fun times.
Call the internet customer service line and let them know you have a change of address. They will want to know if it is permanent or temporary.
What kind of fresh hell does this unleash?If you have Windows 10, you can just connect your phone to your computer and send a text to yourself with your new email address. You have to put #5318008 followed by your new address.
You guys are all assholes.
You guys are all assholes. Just help the poor guy out
OP just do the following
Type CMD and Press Enter
Type format C and press enter
Wait while that command does its thing
It will prompt you for your new email address.
Type it in and press enter. The good thing about the above command is it will also update all of your contacts that your email has changed.
Bill Gates's secretary emailed those steps directly to me.
If you have Windows 7 or up you will need to type CMD in "Search," but the rest is correct.