Early Morning “Executive Decisions”…

Ours clicked on this morning too as it was 33 degrees outside. I believe there may be worse coming.
The worst is when you accidentally leave a window cracked open from the night before.
This morning at 0600 hrs. my bride made one…

The furnace is now running.

Friday the temperature here was 85F…this morning right now it’s about 40F. (BTW… the weatherman has removed any chance of rain from the 5 day forecast for central Iowa, too.)
Zero rain here in KC in probably a month, looks like it will be at least another week or two before any notable chance. Crazy.
I have a thermostat that makes an executive decision to tell my furnace to come on when the house gets too cold.
Hell, I've been off and on alternating AC and heat for a couple weeks now.

Beginning to think it may stay heat only from now on.
Mr. Birch said we should turn ours on this morning. It's 42 outside but still 68 inside. Put on some layers and STFU. I hate running the air and the heat in the same week. That said, I'm sure it will be on when I get home this afternoon.