Either VP Harris was the border czar or she wasn’t

Even a Moron like me could read the bill and where the money went comrade.

Try again after a couple PMS pills as you a smarty smart right? Get beyond the title of the book and read the inner pages.

You probably thought BBB wasn’t the NGD because they changed the name as well. Dip
Nice dodge of my question. Again I ask why do you listen to Don on everything else but when he says the bill didn't pass blame him why do you not listen?
The left knows its border policy is a disaster. That’s why they are attempting to distance the hawk tuah girl from her failures on the border. Strangely, if she wins the border will stay the same or get worse.
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This is going to be the number one issue of the campaign for people who were already voting for Trump.
The border is. But the continued gaslighting by the Dems is what will end up chasing away others. So stupid to just blatantly lie about what everyone knows is true. Just suck it up and move on with it.
She is/was the "Border Czar". The border under this administration has been a joke.
They are simply doing the walking back through media because they know it's a big issue for her.
If I'm her I just own it and say as President I will do it differently and better, then just bring up felonies and abortion as much as possible.

From the article

"Harris is tasked with overseeing diplomatic efforts to deal with issues spurring migration in the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, as well as pressing them to strengthen enforcement on their own borders, administration officials said. She’s also tasked with developing and implementing a long-term strategy that gets at the root causes of migration from those countries."
The major takeaway here is that it wasn't just Fox calling her the "border czar." It was just a catchy little title all tv stations jumped on. Still waiting for her report though.
You dumb ass. She was never named "border czar" or put in charge of handling the border. That's a MAGA myth.
Well the video is on Facebook putting "the VP" in charge by Biden. Probably get removed by the communists running Facebook. Biden's words "stemming the flow" but he did stutter it out. She failed with this assignment. But hey she's never been to Europe either.

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